
The Universal Villain[Old]

(This Fan-Fic has been rewritten. While still enjoyable to some this one has a lot of plot holes and other bullshit. So if you want a more complete version check out the rewrite.) Shen had obtained a strange system that gave him the chance to get abilities ranging across multiple fictional universes. The system only requires him to make it a better version of its former self by defeating or killing anyone or thing that is more powerful than an average human. At the same time, Shen personally doesn't care what he has to do as long as he gets stronger abilities. This is a story about a boy who does not care about the damage he causes or the people around him. What kind of chaos is he going to cause ripping through universes for fun and with the sole goal of becoming stronger, and what kind of impression will he make on the original characters involved?

Aizen_Dleitch · Tranh châm biếm
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130 Chs


Sitting silently in the cave, Rukia had her eyes closed as her Zanpakuto was placed on her lap. Looking over at Shen's body, he was standing completely still in front of Renji's Zanpakuto. After he entered the Zanpakuto's inner world, she did as she was told.

Babidi's magic worked differently than Shen had expected. It suppressed her emotions and altered her personality, causing her to act like a different person. As she sat there, Rukia's eyes jumped open as she turned her head towards the entrance of the cave. 'They're here.'

Turning her head back around at Shen, who was still unmoving, Rukia stood up with her Zanpakuto in hand. Deeper in the forest outside of the cave, Soul Reapers have been deployed to search for Rukia and Shen. "Dam, this thing is acting up." Holding a strange device, a Soul Reaper banged on the screen as the feed began to freeze up.

"It's fine." The Commander of this scouting squad said. "She should be somewhere close once we find where they're hiding. Pull back and report back to the Seireitei." Hearing their commander, the rest of the Soul Reapers nodded. "Split up and search the area. Don't stop until you find them. And you three come with me."

Pointing at three Soul Reapers, the scouting squad began to split up. "We will rendezvous back here in an hour." Acknowledging his orders, the Soul Reapers responded before starting their search. "Let's go. They have to be around here somewhere!" It was currently night as the full moon shone over everyone.

Currently, there were a total of four groups of Soul Reapers searching through the forest. "Hey, if we manage to capture this guy, you think we would be promoted?" A Soul Reaper said with ambition in his eyes. "Of course, after all, this guy managed to defeat three captains by himself." Hearing the two of them, a younger Soul Reaper jumped in.

"Wait, I thought the captains won and drove him away?" Glancing at the young Soul Reaper. "Listen, kid. If three captains weren't enough to kill him, then you might as well count it as a loss." Looking back at the other Soul Reaper, who asked the question. "If you want to die so badly, you can try to capture him, but I won't go to your funeral."

"Eh? No way if I die then-" Suddenly the sound of footsteps could be heard coming closer, which caused the Soul Reaper scouts to hide quickly. Despite being Soul Reapers, they were trained scouts and promptly found the best position's to hide in such short notice. Making eye contact with one another, they all nodded, peering out behind the trees to look at whoever was walking by.

Walking through the forest was Rukia, who suddenly stopped and looked around the area. Seeing Rukia, the scouts observed her appearance before finally recognizing who she was and taking a sigh of relief. Checking the area for Shen, they eventually walked out of there hiding spots. "Your Rukia Kuichki, the person who was supposed to be executed, right? Youll be coming back with us to the Soul Society."

Looking at Rukia, who did not respond, to one of the Soul Reapers said with a grin. "Hey, maybe he was right! We could get a promotion if we take Rukia back ourselves." Assuming that all of the Soul Reapers there couldn't help but think about the rewards they would get for bringing back Rukia Kuchiki.

"Well, let's not waste any time then! Once we get a promotion, we can have a feast." Feeling ecstatic, the Soul Reaper walked up to Rukia and reached out to grab her wrist. "Let's go we're taking you back to Sou-" Before the Soul Reaper could finish his sentence, he felt his view suddenly change as if he was being twisted.

Looking around, the Soul, Reaper, saw his own body without ahead. 'Wait. What?' That being his last thought before dying, the Soul Reaper's body fell to the ground as blood sprayed out of the place his head used to be. The other Soul Reaper's were shocked and had their expressions frozen, and only after the Soul Reaper's head hit the ground did they finally react.

"AAAH!" Looking at the head in front of him rolling on the ground, a Soul Reaper fell, screaming. Meanwhile, the others who were slightly more composed drew there Zanpakuto, although, from there expressions, it was clear they were just as terrified. "You! What the hell do you think you're doing!" Looking at Rukia, one Soul Reaper who was braver than the others spoke up to Rukia.

The rage in his voice was apparent, looking at Rukia like a rabid dog. Listening to him, Rukia turned her head and answered emotionlessly. "My Master told me to make sure he wasn't disturbed. All of you will not be leaving this forest alive." Looking at Rukia, who said those words as if they were facts made the Soul Reapers shiver.

"Master? I see now your traitor! This was a trap you've been working with him all along." Hearing Rukia, the Soul Reaper came to this conclusion, which only fueled his rage. "Come on even if she was lieutenant. If we all attack together, we can win!" Turning around, the Soul, Reaper yelled at the others who were still scared stiff.

"I... I don't want to die here." Knowing they had no chance of escape, the Soul Reapers began to calm their nerves and focused on Rukia. Rukia, on the other hand, did not waste any more words remaining as cold and calm as the Soul Reapers began to surround her.

"HAAAA!" One of the Soul Reaper's surrounding Rukia screamed and ran at her from behind with his Zanpakuto raised over his head. Not long after, the other Soul Reaper's gained their confidence and attacked as well as there battle cries echoed through the area. But soon, those battle cries turned into the sound of bodies falling to the ground and into blood-curdling screams.

Standing still, the Soul Reaper, who initiated this attack, could only stand there as he saw his comrades be slaughtered. 'She... How could this have happened.' Looking at Rukia calmly stepping over the bodies of his comrades, the Soul Reaper couldn't help but back away as his hands began to shake violently.

"You... Damit!" Still shaking, the Soul Reaper yelled and ran towards Rukia. "Ill... I'll avenge you all of you." Looking at Rukia, the Soul Reaper took a deep breath before running at Rukia. "Die!" Running at his full speed, the Soul Reaper pointed his Zanpakuto straight at Rukia's neck, thrusting the point of his blade forward.

Looking at him, Rukia simply moved to the side as the Soul Reapers sword ripped a tiny bit of cloth around Rukia's neck. Not yet contemplating his attack missed, the Soul Reaper turned his head only to see Rukia staring at him with her shell-like eyes. Somehow his eyes wandered down to her neck where something was revealed under the cloth.

A strange black mark resting on her neck was visible as Rukia raised her Zanpakuto slicing the Soul Reaper's neck. As her Zanpakuto made its way through his throat, blood began to fly outwards as he began to choke. Looking at Rukia one last time, the Soul Reaper coughed up a large amount of blood covering Rukia's clothing and her face.

As Rukia watched him fall to the ground, the light finally left the Soul Reapers' eyes as he fell to the ground. Staring at his body for a moment, Rukia waved her Zanpakuto clearing away all the blood and creating an arc on the ground, not bothering to clean up herself. She looked into the distance.

As the moonlight reflected off of Rukia's blade, she thought to herself. 'The next group shouldn't be too far away. I should be able to return soon.'

Well, Rukia is really ruthless, isn't she? Well, I guess Shen did pick her for a reason right?

I hope you enjoyed this gory chapter though.

Editor Note: I feel bad for dat one dude its shame you didn't give them names tho. From now on I shall call him henry R.I.P Henry.

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts