
Increasing Power: Part 2- Qi and Demonic Energy / New Skills and Spells

As soon as Zachariah woke up he could feel the difference in his body. It was like his body was filled with a clarity that wasn't there before. He could feel a Different Type of energy flowing through his body that was somehow familiar to him. To be sure of his new power He Checked his Status.


Name: Zachariah Nosferatu

Ranking: Vampire lord

LVL: 35

EXP 0/3500

HP: 8000/8000

MP: 6000/6000

Qi: 0/50

DE: 100/100

Blood (Liters): 135

Satiety: 100/100

SP: 10,425

(Class): (Lord of the Unholy) 0/20

Race: [Nosfer Sanguinis] {Vampire Stage 5: 0/50}

Bloodline: {Nosferatu} (Progenitor)

Physique: All Devouring Physique of The Unholy

Cultivation Core: {Origin Core} LVL 1: 0/100

Cultivation Rank: Qi Refining - Stage 1/10

Familiar: N/A

STR: 5000

INT: 7500

SPD: 6000

WIS: 7500

LCK: 1200

Charm: 500


{Knowledge of the Daemon Lords} LVL (Passive):