
The unforgettable trip

IN EVERYONE'S LIFE THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING WE NEVER FORGET, "SAID JOSHUA" remembering the day they decided to take a trip to the zoo,it was kinda strange because there was not more than 3 families there and they were worried that the zoo was closed, but JOSHUA said "we still should have a look around the zoo, come on it will be fine" then said DAD "There's no harm in looking", but MOM was wasn't a hundred percent fine with the idea, then she said "Maybe we should come back tomorrow and see if there will be more people", then JOSHUA replied "but if we do that we won't get to see the whole zoo like everytime we came back the next day", in a president voice "WE HAVE A CHANCE NOW AND WE WILL TAKE THAT CHANCE", said joshua ,As DAD gives a huge laugh MOM was a bit furious but she then eventually she made up her mind to go through with the plan, but that's when things starts to get a little out of hand, most of the animals were a bit wild and some of them were hiding, as they go on they saw some glass on the floor so JOSHUA said "maybe someone broke a bottle or something", but they did not saw one of the glass protector kages were broken so the continues to walk but then they heard a growl so mom said "maybe we should go back", then all of a sudden out jumps a lion, and when the lion saw them, it began chasing them, when they got to the exit, the door was closed so the lion caught up to them but it was a tamed lion so it did not bite them, it only wanted to play but mom was a bit cautious so she said "Joshua if you go near that thing i will kill you myself", as the zookeeper came he said, "Have no fear captain zoo is hear",then mom said "How thought full", then the zookeeper then said "there is problem with some of the cadges and they just keep popping open well at least for the tamed animals, this lion right here is called JOE and he is 12 years old", "Who keeps track of the animals age", said mom "well we do, his birthday is in a few days actually", said the zookeeper, Joshua then said "and here I am thinking I was going to be lion food ", "no she is very friendly she just wanted to play", said the zookeeper. after the zookeeper gave them a tour with Joe the lion Joshua said "Mom, I'm ready to go now,'' "Sure you are" said Mom with a smirk on her face. "So how was your trip?"Dad asked. "Very unforgettable", exclaimed Joshua. And they went home and decided to only go to the zoo only when a lot of people are there.