
Chapter 7 Heartbreaken

Are you so blind..can't you see ..you first said she was a con artist...now she is running away with a someone child ....the girl is heartbroken for Christ sake...can't you see...

Father, I know you and mother are blinded by the fact that she looks like Billy the fact is ...

Blinded? are you serious now...so we are so blinded that we have lost our sense of judgment, we don't know what's real , we...

Father, no that's not what I mean...we should be cautious..we should be..

James I think you should stop talking, my mother added so you think we are so old our sense of judgment has ..

No no no no...I am sorry that's not what I meant, that's not ...oh boy I rubbed my hand through my hair this is not going well....

I walked to my parents, stood in front of them and said gently ...I feel for her too...I understand she is heartbroken it's obvious. But we don't know her story, I just..I signed ...

Can you just give her some time ...my mother asked, yes she reminds us of your sister but we know what we are doing ....we are not just blinded by a resemblance and think she can replace Billy ...

Ah...my father added and remember she doesn't even wants to stay ...we are the ones insisting...

can you just trust your parents, we both feel strongly about this ....I know she will tell her story when she is ready but we have to be patient...

I was quite for sometime....yeah I will be patient but I cannot wait to get information about her...now I know what to do...


As we sat for breakfast the next morning, the housekeeper came and announced that the doctor was around...my mother got up and followed her to take the doctor to see our guest.

Well, since my parent are bore and need someone to fuss over...I will leave this matter.

I got up, picked my keys and briefcase...told my father I was heading to the office...as I got into the car I called my personal assistant...I will send you a name now, do a background search on her...a very detaile search...

yes sir he answered ....you will get it before the end of the day. I hung up and started to drive out of the gate.

In Trisha's room inside the house, the doctor checked her, asked how she was feeling ..

Weak ...she answered ...and I still feel dizzy ..is it because of the pregnancy

Well, not everybody feels dizzy during pregnancy but you might, you need to rest, eat more nutritious food...take the vitamins I prescribed and you will be fine.

This stage of pregnancy is very sensitive, so you need to be careful and take care of yourself the doctor added.

I looked at the doctor and nodded my head ...we will take care of her.. ..thank you doctor Mrs Moreson said escorting the doctor put.

I laid properly on the bed feeling tire and ...sleepy..I touched my stomach so this is how it feels to be pregnant.

I remembered how I felt when I first knew I was pregnant, I was so happy ...excited to tell him. I had different ideas on how to broke the news ...I finally settled on giving him a baby boot to announce my pregnancy...cute little boots ..I still have them ..

I got up from the bed, went to the wardrobe where I kept my knapsack, I searched inside and pulled the boots out....I held the boots, sat down and I started to cry ..

I need to stop this pity party but I cannot help it ...my heart broke into different piece when I over heard that conversation....that conversation that made me run....

And I have been running for the past two weeks ...