
Mystery Man

Arina read the message it was written Happy Birthday I know few hours are still left for your birthday but I wanted to be the first person to wish you on your special day. San Su has planned a surprise birthday celebration for her but this unknown guy was a step head of her. San Su gave her a questioning look San Su asked Arina Do you know this guy? Arina, No I don't know him Han Su saud may be it can be surprise from one of your friend from college or may b one of your fans after all you have become a famous model Arina cut his sentence in midway and said but not that much famous to have a fan like this there are plenty of models like me. San Su said stop thinking about this bouquet and have the food. As they finished their dinner it was already 11 pm as the night was still young they were in no hurry on the insistence of San Su, Han Su sang a beautiful song "you and I can make it till the end nothing came between us You and I " as the song came to end both clapped for Him. Han Su has brought a gift for Arina as Arina open the door of her apartment it was too dark as she switched on the lights everyone Happy Birthday Arina, her whole apartment was decorated with red and white balloons and her bedroom wall was decorated with her beautiful pics. She became so emotional that a tear escaped from her eyes San Su asked her Do u like the surprise? Arina looked at San Su of course I loved it she asked San Su when did you plan this? When we were out Mang Tang and your maid did all the decorations now leave it and let's cut the cake. Arina blew the candles and she cut the cake it was her favourite chocolate cake. San Su now it's time to give you birthday gift she gave Arina a White coloured channel white dress and A Louis Vuitton handbag both were only 4 pieces in the whole world. Arina really liked San Su's gift then they looked at Han Su have you brought any gift for her San Su asked. Seeing Han Su lost look Arina said it's okay he might not be aware that it's my birthday. Han Su said no I have brought a gift for you wait a second as he went out to bring his gift Arina's maid gave her a box madam A boy had delivered this package when you went out in the evening. San Su said Arina may b it's a gift from that same guy she opened it it was a beautiful diamond necklace when they were opening the gift Han Su were at the door . His face turned red due to anger but he subsided his anger Arina here is your birthday gift and open it now. Arina opened the gift it was a beautiful bracelet with her name on it. Arina it's such a nice bracelet as it was already too late Han Su and San Su left to their places after biding farewell Arina was in her bed but her sleep was miles away from her as the thought of that mystery man was still running in her mind..