
The Unexpected Love Story

Note: This is not a Girl's Love story but a Reverse Harem story (Please research about the term if you don't know the meaning of it) "You fall in love with the most UNEXPECTED PERSON at the most UNEXPECTED TIME." Sophia, Elaine, and Janna are best friends since they were young. For them, having supportive family and loyal friends are enough to obtain happiness. They don't need romantic love that can possibly take their attention away from what's important to them. But what will happen if there are some boys that will make their peaceful and happy life become turbulent all of a sudden and even attempt to change their hearts for the better? This story is about the friendship of three girls and the Unexpected Love Story that they didn't saw coming in their high school life. *This story includes the different POVs of characters

Rhaine076 · Thanh xuân
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34 Chs

John Returned!

Sophia's POV:


Days pass by so fast. It's already Monday and I need to go to school again.

I already changed my clothes and got ready for school. I went downstairs and headed to kitchen to eat breakfast together with my family.

I gobbled my food as if there's no more tomorrow.

"Hey, calm down Sophia. It's not like your food will run away from you, you know?" My mother reminded me.

"Hehehe, sorry..." I laughed awkwardly and tried to slow my eating.

The reason I am rushing to finish my breakfast is because I am so excited to go to school today. That's because after a long time, Kristoffer finally decided to go with us again on going to school. He distant himself away from us when we became high schoolers because he wants to gain some new friends and he believes that if we're always with him, he won't be able to find an opportunity to find them.

I don't really understand why he changed his mind and suddenly wants to go with us in going to school.

I ran fastly enough to get to our meeting place earlier than usual.

"Hey!! I'm here guys!" I shouted when I saw their silhouettes from afar.

"You're so early today Sophia! Do you have a fever?" Kristoffer joked.

"You're too mean. We aren't able to go to school together for a long time and now that we're going together again, the first thing you're going to say to me is a sarcastic joke?!"

"Sorry! You don't need to take it seriously. Let's go now since Janna and Elaine are already eager to go."

"Well, thank you for your consideration..." Elaine rolled her eyes.

"Fine! I'll overlook your rudeness just for today... Let's go!"

We are currently walking when I thought of asking Kristoffer a question.

"By the way, what's the matter with you Kristoffer?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that, what came to your mind when you suddenly decided to go with us today? I mean, you're the one who said that you won't to go to school with us every morning nor go home with us every afternoon. What's more, you invited us to eat with you and your friend Gilbert just the other day when you're the one who said that you want to avoid us in school since you don't want our friendship to be revealed in public and involve you in nonsensical rumors."

"No particular reason. Is it wrong for me to want to be together with my childhood friends again after a long time? Those were in the past and I don't care now about what they're going to say about us." Kristoffer said while patting my head softly.

Kristoffer is closer to me compared to Elaine and Janna because the two of them have different personalities from mine. So, it's only natural for the two of us to have these kinds of intimate skinship.

"Really?" I'm looking at him with doubtful eyes.

"You're being too importunate. Let's just go, ok?"


When we arrived inside the school, Kristoffer and us went separate ways since he's on a different classroom from ours.

"Good morning Sophia!" Prince greeted me.

"Good morning Prince! It's been a while."

"Yeah, it really is. Have you already done your homework?" He asked.

"Oh no! I forgot!"

"Yes! I think I can beat you this time!" Prince celebrated happily.

"Ha ha ha ha." I laughed slowly.

"What are you laughing about Sophia? Are you going crazy?"

"It's because you're being too happy for that trivial reason. Do you really think that you can beat me just because of one homework? What's more, Elaine and Janna are still there, did you already forgot? But I'm really sorry to disappoint you..." I ended my sentence abruptly to make him feel nervous on what I'm going to say.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"You see, I'm just kidding! Did you really expect me to forget my homework? For your information, I have never forgotten to do my homeworks ever before. Hahaha I fooled ya!"

"What?!" Prince blushed out of embarrassment.

"Awww... Prince is blushing... You're so cute! It's my first time seeing an actual tomato cheek in my entire life!" I continued to tease him when Sir Bautista entered the classroom.

"All of you sit down! I have a sudden announcement to make!"

All of us seated simultaneously.

"What do you think it is?"

"Maybe there's a program that's going to be held?"

"Yes! Maybe there's a beauty contest? I'll participate if there is, as long as the 'Three Goddesses' won't be participating."

My classmates were mumbling and whispering to each other. And of course, Sir Bautista put an end to my classmates' chattering.

"Quiet class! I know that this is too sudden since I wasn't able to inform you beforehand. It's because the principal just also told me about it earlier. But we will have a new student today. You may enter now."

A tall guy entered our quiet classroom. When he faced towards us, our girl classmates started to squeal so much when they saw his handsome face. Expectedly, Sir Bautista made them stop.

"Keep quiet! Give him time to introduce himself. He is from America so please be nice to him. You may now introduce yourself to your new classmates."

"Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all. My name is John Clifford Mendez. Please be nice to me."

I was stupefied when I heard his name. So that's why I felt familiar when I saw his face, he's actually our childhood friend, John.

I turned my head to Elaine and Janna to see their reactions and just like me, they also have startled faces.

"Sophia, are you ok? Your face looks pale. Do you feel unwell?" Prince asked worriedly.

"Uhh... Y-yes I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Are you sure?" Prince asked me once again.

I just nodded and tried to look fine as much as possible.

"Ok John. If you need something or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask the class president Miss Bailey. Then I'll leave John in your hands Sophia." Sir Bautista instructed me.

"You can count on me, Sir!"

John looked at me and his eyes met with mine. My whole body stiffened because of his cold gaze at me. He's changed. He's not the usual John I knew in childhood that has such kind eyes and used to wear cute smiles.

"Ok John, you may sit beside Sophia so that she can guide you on everything you need to do."

"Understood Sir."

John seated beside me. Currently, I have Prince seating beside me on my left side while John on my right side.

It seems like Prince noticed that I am still uneasy that's why he asked me once again...

"Are you sure you're really ok, Sophia?

"Why are you so worried about me? I'm really fine! Let's just focus on our lesson, ok?"

Prince nodded and faced in front where our teacher is currently teaching. The class ended smoothly without any problems so far.