
The Unexpected Charm

Arima Minato's life is the definition of ordinary in the bustling halls of Matsubara Senior High School. He's surrounded by close friends and thriving academically. But most of all, he cherishes his unrequited love for Matsui Hiyori, the school's most popular girl. However, an unforeseen turn of events reveals the shadows of an old intoxicated decision from Minato's past, sending him into a frenzy of emotions. Minato, torn between retaining his comfortable teenage existence and pushing into the unknown, sets off on a crazy voyage of self-discovery in which he questions everything and unravels the complexity of his desires. Dive into this captivating high school romantic comedy as Minato deals with love, friendship, and an all new life changing choice that comes knocking on his front door.

HiritoAxE · Hiện thực
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2 Chs

An Intoxicated Betrothal

They say high school is the greatest time of someone's school life. The friends they make there are meant to last for a lifetime. One could even meet the love of their life there because high school is where love begins to blossom for everyone, just like it did for Arima Minato. Minato was a 16-year-old boy with medium dark blue hair and black eyes. He was a 2nd-year student at Matsubara Senior High School in Tokyo. His parents were working abroad, so he lived in their family home with his younger sister, Arima Karen, who was in her 3rd year at the Matsubara Middle School. Karen was a 14-year-old girl with long pink hair and green eyes. Their parents would come to visit on holidays, but for most of the year, Minato and Karen lived alone.

At school, Minato had the best life. He was at the top of his class, and he had amazing friends. Ito Haruto was his best friend. He was a muscular boy with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He loved working out, was hyperactive, and was very friendly. Kanda Arata was another boy who was part of his friend group. He was a boy with black hair and black eyes. He was a creative and artistic guy. He was the president of the art club. He dated the smart and classy Hirano Asami. She was a girl with long, dark blue hair and green eyes. She was right behind Minato in terms of grades. And last but not least was the beautiful Matsui Hiyori. She had red hair and green eyes. She was the most popular girl in school. But even though she knew that she was the humblest person you'd had the chance to meet. Every girl admired her, and every boy had a crush on her. Including Minato himself. Yup. He had a huge crush on her since the moment he saw her in the crowd as he gave his speech as the student with the highest entrance exam score the year before.

Minato enjoyed his first year at Matsubara Senior High. He couldn't wait for the next school year to start and have more fun with his friends. But little did he know that this year was going to take an unexpected turn.

"I'm sorry, Dad. It must've been the connection. Could you say that again, please?" Said a confused Minato, who was on a call with his dad.

"I said that you're engaged."

"Okay. So, I didn't hear things. To whom?"

"Fujiwara Ayane. You're childhood friend."

"I'm sorry. What? Tomboy Ayane?!"

"Is the connection acting up again? I knew we should've gotten a different router. I SAID THAT YOU ARE…"

"I heard you the first time, Dad. What do you mean I am engaged to her?"

"Well, you see, twelve years ago, when we went over to the Fujiwara household for the New Year, her father and I got drunk. And together with your mom and Miss Fujiwara, we signed your betrothal."

"You guys did what?!!"

"And now that you both are of legal age, we thought it would be the best time for you two to live together and hopefully get married in the near future."

"Wait, wait, wait! I can't just get married."

"She'll be over there any moment now. Make sure to play nice, show her around town and get along like the old days. Okay? I got to get back to work. Talk to you soon, son. Have fun. He he." Said the dad as he ended the call.

"Wait! Dad!"

Out of nowhere, a pillow hits Minato right in the face.

"Why are you shouting for so early in the morning?!" Asked a very sleepy Karen.

"Shut up! You're out here sleeping without a care in the world. While I had a nuke dropped on me." Said Minato as he threw the pillow back at her.

"A nuke? What are you even saying? And for the record, today's Sunday, so there's nothing wrong with wanting to sleep in." She said as he tossed the pillow in his face again.

"Why you little…."

As the two siblings underwent a pillow war, their doorbell started ringing.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Asked Karen as she held two pillows in her hands.

"Oh no. So, it wasn't a joke?" Said Minato as he walked to the door.

Karen followed him. When they got to the door, Minato froze for a bit.

"Open the door already."

"Don't rush me. I have to prepare myself."

Minato then stretched his arm and touched the door handle. Flashbacks of him and Ayane as kids began playing in his head. He began to remember everything. Like the time she buried him in the sand. Or when she chased him with a cicada in her hand. Or when she went 1v3 against him and two of his friends at a game of football and won. That was how they met. His two other friends ran home, crying at their crushing defeat after she singlehandedly scored 6 goals against them.


"Ha. What a bunch of wimps." Said Ayane who was covered in dirt.

"You're really good." Said Minato who was just as dirty and sitting on the ground.

"I watch a lot of football with my dad."

"I didn't know girls liked football."

"I have never lost anything to a boy. Once, I wrestled the kindergarten bully and won."

"That's right. You were the one who beat Inomata Izumi." Said Minato as he stood up.

"Yup. All me."

"Wow. You're strong."

The short, white-haired boy-looking girl began to laugh. Her sky-blue eyes sparkled and her smile brightened her dirt-covered face.


Minato couldn't help but smile as he thought of that day. He looked at the front door and finally opened it. When the door finally opened, his jaw dropped. He opened the door expecting to see the same tomboy from long ago. But instead, in his doorway stood a beautiful and slender, long, white-haired beauty. He was confused at first. He had no idea who was standing in his doorway.

"Big sis Ayane!!!" Said Karen as she jumped to hug the girl.

"Hello, Karen. It's so nice to see you again." She said as she hugged her back.

Minato was in a trance. Who could this beauty be? It definitely couldn't have been Ayane. Ayane was just like a dude.

"Long time no see Minato." Said the girl as she brushed aside her beautiful hair that was being blown by a gentle end-of-summer breeze.

Minato just stared at her. Then he realized. That was the same smile from so many years ago and her beautiful sky-blue eyes were still sparkling.

"Oh, for crying out loud. Say something already." Said Karen as she hit him over the head with a pillow.

Minato then fell face-first right onto Ayane's chest.

"Soft." Thought Minato.


"Get off her you pervert!" Said Karen as he pulled him back with so much strength that he fell on his ass.

Ayane held her big boobs and closed her eyes.

"At least wait till we get inside." Said a red-faced Ayane shyly.

"Huh?" Said Karen who was hitting Minato with the pillows.

"Huh?" Said Minato who was trying his best to defend himself.

A couple of minutes later, the three of them were in the living room. Karen brought in some drinks.

"So let me get this straight. You and big sis Ayane are betrothed? What, are we in the 1200s?"

"Apparently our families had this done over a few bottles of Christmas Sake." Said Minato.

He had calmed down a little, but still couldn't believe that this absolute beauty that was sitting in his living room was Ayane.

"Yeah. That seemed to be the case." Said Ayane.

"So, you're going to be living with us from now on so that you two could look into getting married in the near future?"

"Mmhmm." Said Ayane shyly.

Karen paused for a second. She looked at her brother and then at Ayane. She then looked at him again and back at Ayane.

"No really. Him?!"

"Why?! What's wrong with me?" Barked an irritated Minato.

"Come on bro. Look at her. She can definitely do better than you. Besides, you have that crazy crush on that girl. Hiyori, right? Who's a part of your friend group."

Both Ayane and Minato froze. Matsui Hiyori. She was one of Minato's closest friends and also the girl he liked. He reluctantly looked towards Ayane and he saw her smiling at him.

"It isn't unnatural for Minato to have someone he likes. It's quite normal. I'm really sorry that things took such an unexpected turn for you. I'm sure it came as a shock to you. But, regardless of whether we were engaged or not, I have no regrets. I've waited this long; I can wait a little longer."

"Wait a minute. What does she mean by having to wait this long?" Thought Minato to himself.

"Don't tell me. You're in love with my dumb brother? This numbskull?"

"I'm sitting right here."

"Yeah." Said Ayane bashfully.

"How can you be in love with me? We haven't seen each other for seven years."

"I know. But I knew we were going to meet again someday. This isn't exactly how I pictured it, but this is what we got. I do have a question though."

"What is it?" Asked Minato.

"This Hiyori, are you two… dating?"

"N-No. We're not."

Ayane kept silent for a while.


Ayane smiled.

"I see."

Suddenly, Ayane stood up, walked over to where Minato was sitting, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and kissed him. Karen's jaw dropped and her face turned red. Ayane then pulled away and stood looking down at a very shocked Minato. Ayane grinned and licked her lips. Her sky-blue eyes darkened but sparkled like never before.

"Well, since you two aren't dating, then I guess I don't need to hold back. So, I will be going on the offensive from now on. So, you better be ready."

A tomato-faced Minato just kept staring at her in shock of what just happened, but almost not surprised at all.

"Ah. Those eyes. That's Ayane alright. Those were the same eyes she had when she beat Inomata Izumi and when she beat us at football that day. This is the Ayane I know. The one that doesn't stop until she gets what she wants."

Hello, hello. Been a while, hasn't it everyone? It's been a little over a month since The Moe Cafe in Another World ended. And I promised y'all a new book. So I'm back.

For those who are new here, I'm Hirito. An anime Youtuber, Tiktoker and writer. I hope you guys stick around for this novel and feel free to check out the other two I've written.

From action to fantasy and now we've hit rom-coms. Be ready for a very chaotic romantic story following Minato and his crazy love trinagle. I mean, who doesn't like a good love tringle?

Make sure to save this novel into your collections and drop your comments, reviews and power stones to send this novel all around thw world and support good old Hirito.

Stay tuned for the next chapter as we set off into an unfrogetable and crazy romantic adevnture.

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