
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Two

"Did you enjoy the food today?"

Nick asked after handing his credit card to the smiling receptionist.

They had spent another hour discussing their family and background, their quirky childhood adventures, and embarrassing moments. With a beautiful smile splitting her lips in half, Sharlene's face was still rosy from blushing, and her sad mood earlier had brightened from laughing.

"Yes, I did."

Glancing down at her, he smiled.

"Would you like to come back here again?"

Contemplating, as his attention went back towards the receptionist, who handed him back his credit card and a medium-sized tablet to sign, Sharlene was unsure.

"I don't know. Isn't it expensive?"

Laughing after scribbling his signature on the tablet before handing it back to the receptionist, Nick was amused.

"You don't have to worry about the prices because I am the one who is spending. So, how does coming back here when I return next week for dinner sound?"

Passing a hand through her hair, Sharlene was undecided.

"I don't know."

Smiling, he stretched his hands out for her to take, and that she did with a lovely blush on her face.

"You can always think about it and give me a call when you do."

"I'd like that."

Murmuring with a nod, Sharlene allowed him to pull her through the double doors.

"Good. Why don't...?"

As he was about to suggest another place they could go, Nick felt his phone vibrating in the pocket of his suit jacket.

Sheepishly, he glanced at Sharlene.

"Excuse me."

Nodding, she watched him fish out the phone from his pocket and answer on the third ring.

"Nicholas Ross, where are you? I have been trying to call you for the past hour, but it always went to voice mail."

Hearing the irritation in his mother's voice, Nick sighed.

She must of have called earlier when he was paying close attention to Sharlene's story.

"Hello to you too, Mom, and sorry for not answering. I was in the middle of something important."

Glancing at Sharlene in his peripheral, Nick suddenly pulled the phone from his ears.

"You can get into my car."

Frowning, for they hadn't come in a car, Sharlene glanced around her in confusion.

Sensing her confusion, he pointed at a Bugatti parked a short distance from the entrance of the restaurant, where another set of bodyguards was standing. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets with astonishment as well as shock.


The words flew out of her mouth before her mind registered.

He held in his chuckle, for she resembled a chipmunk.

He gently explained.

"Don't you want me to take you home?"

"H...home in that?"

Spluttering, Sharlene bit her lip. She did not want to sound unthankful, but the fancy car parked in front of her was dangerous on four wheels.

Chuckling at her cute reaction, Nick gently pushed her towards the vehicle.

"Don't be afraid. I will be extra careful when driving. Now go. The weather is getting cold."

Nodding but unsure, Sharlene walked towards the vehicle, where one of the bodyguards quickly opened the passenger door for her. Watching her, for every second, she would turn to look at him with that are-you-sure-I-can-enter-this look; Nick urged her on with a nod.

Soon, she was inside the warm cavern, and the door closed behind her.

Smiling when she poked her head out of the window to watch him, Nick had almost forgotten his mother on the line until he heard her screaming his name through the phone speakers.


Hurriedly, he placed the phone back on his ears, but his eyes were still on Sharlene.

"Sorry about that, mom."

"What have you so distracted that you forget I am on the line, Nick? How cruel you are to your mother, who carried you for nine months and raised you into the fine gentleman you are now. How unfair. Can't you not spare a few seconds to speak to your heartbroken mother?"

Clearing his throat while averting his eyes from Sharlene's, he looked up into the blue sky.

"Just someone."

He rapidly muttered, and the phone went silent. Evelyn's 'heartache' soliloquy had suddenly come to an end.

Frowning, for he thought his mother had ended the call, he pulled the phone from his ears to check the screen, but it was still connected.

"Mom? Mom? Are you still there?"

A loud and piercing girlish shriek suddenly was heard, and Nick hissed from the slight pain it caused.


His mother chanted, most likely her earlier irritation gone out the window. Rubbing his ears to decrease the discomfort, he called to grab her attention, but she was in her own world. He imagined her skipping in circles wherever she called him from.

"Mom. Mom. Mom!"

Sharply, he barked, but the woman was still shrieking with pure glee and happiness.

"Who is she?"

Exasperated and glad his mother's shrieking dispelled, he sighed, for her question came at the perfect but wrong time.

"How do you know I am with a girl?"

Hearing her scoffing as if he had asked a foolish question and speaking about the weather, she animatedly expressed.

"You are always attentive and forward, Nick. You do not get angry, albeit for the time in the hospital a few days ago, and you do not get distracted, well, except now. So, it all boils down to someone special in your peripheral, hence a woman."

Groaning, he huffed.

"Fine. You win. I am with a girl."

Hearing her squeals of joy once more, he pulled the phone from his ears. Giving her another few moments, he returned it.

"Are you calm now? Please don't scream anymore, or else I will go deaf."

Berating, he placed his other hand in his pocket.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am just so happy. Is it the girl from the hospital? Sharlene?"

His ears perked up, and he glanced around him, for his mother hitting the nail on the head was dubious, which meant some reporter or spy was nearby.

"How do you know?"

"I just turned on the TV, and guess whose face I am seeing?"

Groaning once more, he placed his head in his hand.


"Of course, already. Do you think you're invincible? They have mentioned wedding bells ringing soon, which is so true. God I love the media sometimes, especially when they guess right. I am sure your secret admirers are crying over the loss of oblivious you. Oh, I am so happy!"

Wiping his hands down his face, Nick sighed, for his mother's rambling was giving him a headache since it consisted of happy squeals of joy.

"Did they get her face?"

"No. It is blurred out, or some of those cameramen were doing mission impossible to get those perfect shots. They managed to get shots of her back. They are sure to have a field trip with this one. The headlights say, 'Who is the next Mrs. Ross?' I'll get your brother to dispel further gossip about Sharlene, but we can't guarantee this will die down in a few days. Mr. Hot Billionaire of the Year is settling down after numerous dismissed dates! Don't be surprised by those bootlicker reporters knocking on our doors and demanding an interview for more information. I will personally invite them in."

Sighing, Nick was relieved while ignoring the joy his mother gained from the gossip about her son.

"That's good. And don't get carried away. Turn down every single one of those reporters."

"Oh, can't I have a little fun? It's no lie you are settling down."


He warned, and she clicked her teeth.

"Fine. I will keep my mouth shut, but we have to give them something to talk about."

"Then keep it brief and far from personal."

"Are you doubting your mother's professionalism, Nick?"

"Believe what you want. I have to bring Sharlene home earlier than I wanted."

Muttering the rest to himself, he had forgotten his mother was on the line once more, and she had heard everything.

"You brought her somewhere?! My little boy is growing up! You don't need my help anymore! You have already gotten her attention. MY GOD!"

Squealing, she was elated. Maybe a little too much because she soon began to sob.

Rattled, Nick became flustered.

"Mom, please stop. You are too dramatic about this."

His statement made her sob louder than he wanted because he soon heard the low murmurs of his father in the background.

Glancing up when Sharlene popped her head out of the window again, he said.

"I will speak to you when I come home, okay, Mom?"

Her sniffling and a small okay greeted him before he cut off the call. Tugging it back in his pocket, he walked towards the driver's door. Giving the bodyguards brief instructions, he stepped into the vehicle.

Glancing at her, he inquired.

"Are you okay?"

Nodding, she also questioned.

"Was that your mom, ah, Evelyn?"

"Yes. She wanted to know what was keeping me."


Humming, her breath suddenly hitched when he had drawn close to her.

With widened eyes, she watched him with flustered cheeks while he stared at her.

"Is something wrong?"

She inquired, her heart racing a mile a minute in her chest.


With a breathy response, Nick drew his face closer to hers.

"What is it?"

She asked barely over a whisper with raised eyebrows.

Suddenly, he broke eye contact.

"You forgot to fasten your seatbelt."

With that said, he did just that and slowly pulled away.

His action left Sharlene as red as a tomato, and he smiled.

"Oh," was the only word that could come out of her mouth while he smiled.

"Were you expecting something different?"

He asked, and she quickly shook her head. Shifting her attention to the buildings outside, she fanned her flustered cheeks.

Chuckling, he fastened his seatbelt. Driving towards the busy road, he watched the in the review mirror his bodyguards abiding by his instructions by going in the opposite direction.

A few moments later, Sharlene, who had calmed down, broke the silence.

"Um. What about my car at the company parking lot?"

However, the blush was still present on her face.

Stealing a glance in her direction, Nick looked back onto the road.

"Do not worry about that. I will have one of my men bring it to your house."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

Glancing at him, she hid her face in the crook of her arm while averting her eyes out the window once again.

Smiling for he had seen her reaction, Nick's heart was content.

"You can get some rest while I drive since your home is a little far from here, okay?"


Softly spoken, she completely hid her face from him with her hair.