
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · Thành thị
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53 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Madam Sinclair, on the other hand, had her arms wrapped around her chest. It looked as if she was waiting for something spectacular to occur. 

Blushing from underneath the people's stares, Sharlene wanted to run out of the room.

"It seems you are afraid of your employees seeing your greedy face, Silvestain."

Madam Sinclair teased, making him flustered.

"What are you doing here? GET O...!"

In his barking frenzy, which his workers grew accustomed to, Silvestain suddenly shut up when an unfamiliar voice interjected. 

"I think that is enough, Mr. Pierre."

Everyone turned to face the opened doorway, where a tall, handsome man with light brown hair and black eyes stood, with two widened-eyed women on either side.


Sharlene instantly recognized them as the secretaries of the CEO: Ashanti and Robin.

"Wow. Who is he?"

"Is he a new employee?"

"He is handsome."

Whispers soon broke out in the room as everyone studied the young man.

"He looks important."

Another person commented. 

"And is very brave to shut up, Mr. Pierre."

Someone else added, their tone filled with both surprise and admiration. 

Gritting his teeth as he heard such a remark, Silvestain turned red with anger. Scrutinizing the young man who was gazing at him with raised eyebrows, he sneered, for he looked as if he was looking down on him with his cold black eyes.

"Who the hell are you?"

Gasping in response to Silvestain's outrageous sneer, everyone was shocked, and they patiently waited for the young man's answer. 

"It seems you are notorious as the rumors say you are, Mr. Pierre."

With a deep sigh, the young man tsked. From the pocket of his pants, he removed his phone.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Silvestain was confused but still barked.

"I asked you a question, boy!"

Raising his eyes from the phone screen where he was rapidly typing, the young man humorlessly chuckled. 

"Is that the tone you use on your fellow workers, Mr. Pierre, while you order them around like slaves?"

Everyone sucked in their breath as they heard such a statement from the young man. Instantly, they were eager to get to know him better.

Shaking with rage and feeling embarrassed because some had glanced at him while others were whispering, Silvestain's voice rose. 


However, he choked on his scream when the young man had curtly interjected. 

"You're fired, Mr. Pierre."



Spluttering, for he found such a statement unbelievable, Silvestain's face twisted into the ugliest frown Sharlene had ever seen. 


Squinting, for she thought her ears would blow up with the high pitch of Silvestain's voice, Sharlene glanced in the young man's direction to see that his face was passive. He looked unbothered by the Silvestain's theatrics.

"Are you done, Mr. Pierre?"

Offended by the young man's dismissive tone, Silvestain became taken aback. 


Pulling his shirt sleeve from over his expensive wristwatch, which everyone had deduced was a Rolex, the young man cleared his throat after viewing the time.


"We are already behind schedule, and time means money. So, are you done speaking?"

Defeated, Silvestain was speechless.

"I see. If you have nothing else to say, Mr. Pierre, I suggest you exclude yourself from the room and begin to remove your clatter from my office."

In a matter-of-fact tone, the young man looked like a no-nonsense person who had already gained everyone's respect and adoration as he moved into the room with unamused Ashanti and Robin.

Still, Silvestain had not made a move to leave. The words of his office rang in his head like the chim of a bell.

His pride questioned, he was shaking with eternal rage. Madam Sinclair's smug and snickering increased his anger.

However, before he could speak further, the young man included.

"Do not worry. I am sure the boss will credit your seven years of working for his company."

The murmurs around the room quadrupled after hearing this. The reality of his words felt like hard cement blocks had hit Silvestain on the head. 

"The...the boss?" He stuttered.

Placing his briefcase on the head of the table, which gained his presence a few more inaudible whispers, the young man's expression slightly changed into amusement.

"Who else did you have in mind, Mr. Pierre? Yourself?"

Someone laughed, and every eye turned in their direction. Placing a hand on her mouth in surprise, when Sharlene realized it was she who had, she turned beet red with embarrassment. 

"Sorry, sorry. Please proceed with your conversation."

Urging on with a nervous smile, Sharlene prayed in her head that all eyes would return towards the young man and Silvestain, and they did when he swiftly continued with a dismissive tone. 

"Please leave with the little dignity you have left, Mr. Pierre."

Rita nudged her with a what-was-that kind of look.

'I don't know,' Sharlene mouthed and shied away from the curious eyes glancing in her direction. 

Unable to refute the command, though he wanted to scream and shout, Silvestain scoffed. 

"Don't think this is the only jewelry company in the world, whoever you are! My talent and energy will gain appreciation elsewhere than this godforsaken place!"

Nodding his head as if he agreed with Silvestain's pompous remark, he smiled. 

"Of course, it would, Mr. Pierre. And I hope you enjoy searching for them."

His statement made Sharlene conclude that Silvestain would experience many setbacks in finding another job and position to match his crooked personality and attitude.

Whatever he had done to receive the good old sacking must have been detrimental to the company's image.

Huffing, Silvestain marched towards the door and out of the room. Everyone watched him with loud sighs of relief. No longer would the workers suffer from his awful and suppressing leadership.

"Now that is resolved, anyone supposed to attend this meeting today should remain in the room, while anyone not part of it should leave."

Speaking up, the young man glanced at everyone in the room. Instantly, everyone obeyed until a handful of people remained in the room, including Janice, Rita, and herself.

"I apologize for allowing you to see such a disturbing occurrence, Mr. Thomas."

Madam Sinclair was the first to speak after everyone unimportant left.

"Business matters are business matters, while personal matters are personal matters, Miss. Sinclair. You should know that better than everyone else."

His tone was flat and straight to the point. 

He did not sound rude, nor was he insulting her. It was the truth and felt like a slap in the face.

Madam Sinclair gave a light chuckle, but the annoyance shining in her eyes said otherwise. She was most definitely offended by Mr. Thomas' words.

"Thank you for the reminder."

She added, but she was nowhere near appreciative. 

Mr. Thomas only hummed in response.

"Did this Mr. Thomas just scold Madam Sinclair in a friendly yet stern way?"

Rita whispered with a mixture of surprise and joy.

Sharlene whispered back with raised eyebrows.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Why? She finally learned her lesson, of course."

"And that is?"

"Not everyone is below her level. In other words, she just met her match."

Rita responded with a wide smile. 

Sharlene shook her head with a broad smile.


"Are you two done talking?"

Jumping out of their skin for it was Mr. Thomas who had asked that question, they both blushed in embarrassment, for they realized everyone was looking at them, including frowning Madam Sinclair. 

Clearing her throat, Sharlene shyly responded in the form of a question.

"Yes, we are, sir?"

"Good. Now that I have everyone's attention, please take your seats."

Wordlessly nodding, Sharlene moved towards her seat, Rita and Janice quickly mimicking her action, as well as everyone else. It was as if they were in the presence of the CEO. 

Quickly opening her notebook and watching in her peripheral, Janice did the same; she turned her attention towards Mr. Thomas, who remained standing.


"To start. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Hector Thomas, and assigned by Mr. Ross himself, I will be the new Team Manager of the Planning and Event department. I am the one who will bring this project together after both parties have contributed their allocated ideas, time, and energy. In other words, I will work closely with the COO to oversee everything in the remaining two months."

Everyone nodded with confirmation but was also shocked at the discovery. No wonder he was prideful and arrogant earlier.


Madam Sinclair bristled, the smile on her face replaced with a frown. She felt her position as COO called into question with the appearance of Hector. 

It did not sit well with her. She worked hard to gain the position she had. No one except the CEO could remove her.