
The Underworld Story

"I´m the CEO of a big company, but only the one close to me know about it, as for the other business well..." This is a story about a young man with 23 years old. He is the CEO of a big company and has connection to the underworld. Because of problems of the past he will start to have trouble and that will affect the ones around him. See how he fights against the people that are after him and the ones around him. Have fun reading.

Izumo_Y · Võ hiệp
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4 Chs

04- work

"Why is there so much work to do, its been 3 weeks since i went to the dinner and had fun..."

said John while laying is head on is desk, suddendly theres a knock on door. A voice came from the other side of the door.

"Can i come in boss"

"Go ahead" said john still laying on the table. The door opens and a man comes in.

"Boss why are like that, you still have a lot of work to do"

"i know i know, i will do it later"

"You always say that, and thats why the work keeps piling up"

As the man says that, John gets annoyed and straighten up and looks at the man, the man seemed to be in his 50s, with short white hair, with a short and trimmed beard. That man name was Kane.

"Then how about this, i will get some air and when i comeback i will finish what i have to do, deal?" Said john with a confident look on his face.

Kane looked serious and indifferent.


"What, come on i have been here for 5 hours without resting i think i deserve at least that"

"You always say that you are going to get some air and only come when its time to go home..."

John let out a heacy sigh and said

"It will be only and hour i promise"

"Fine, but if you are not back in an hour, you won't be going to leave anymore even if you want to, not even to sleep."

"Alright, bye" John stood up and left the room.

As he reached outside he let out a heavy sight

"Finally i'm free from that pile of work, even though its only for an hour"

"So where should i go today" John starts to look for places on his phone and finds one that he never saw before

"Alright thats the one i'm going today"

He grabs his helmet and puts it on his head and gets on his bike and starts to head to the place.

After awhile he arrives and takes off his helmet

"hmm... it looks like it from two decades ago, i like it", it was a bar. He gets off his bike and heads inside, as he enters he notices that a building gives off the same vibe as it gave when he looked at it from the outside. John started to smile and headed to a table, what was easy to find because theres was no one besides him at the bar.

After waiting sometime a woman that worked that started to come his way.

"I think i saw her somewhere, but can't remember where....", as she gets closer John finally noticed who she was.

"What can i get you, sir?

"Alina is that you?"

The woman looked up and saw John face and recognized him.

"Oh, John what are you doing here?", said Alina with a friendly smile on her face.

John smiled back and said "I work close and was looking for some place to spend sometime there and found this one, what i was not expecting was to find you here"

"i work here"

"It seems like it, i thought you worked somewhere else."

"I have two jobs, since i'm a single mother i have to work for two people ahaha..." said Alina with a awkaward laugh.

"It must be hard to maintain two jobs like that..." said John with a worried look on his face

As Alina noticed the worried look on his face she gave him a gentle smile.

"Its manageable, after sometime you get used to it, so what can i get you?"

John let down his worries

"I would like a coffee please"

"Sure, anything else?"

"No, thanks"

"Alright then i will be right back"

After sometime Alina came back with John coffee and left it on his table, as she begins to leave John called for her, and she looked back.

"Do you mind make me some company even though i dont mind being alone its always good to have some company, of course only if you are not occupied"

Alina let out a gentle laugh

"Of course, as you can see the bar his empty anyway"

As Alina sits down they begun to talk about various things, until John looks at his watch and notices that he has almost no time left.

"Well seems like i need to leave, thanks for the company and the coffee."

Alina smiles

" No problem, it was good to talk to you"

John smiles and pays the coffee and leaves a tip for Alina, as she was about to refuse John left ths bar and hoped on his bike and left.

Alina stood there looking at him and smiled, a genuine smile.

John arrived at his work two minutes late, when he entered his office kane was already there waiting for him.

"I remember to give you one hour, not one hour and two minutes."

"Come on kane i came as fast as i could, its only two minutes anyway"

"You are the boss of a big company and can't even arrive on time what would people think", said kane

"Well its doesn't matter what they think anyway"

Kane let out a heavy sight

"As long as you start to work i won't say anything"

"I will" as john said that he sat on his chair and focused on work, ignoring kane as if he was never there. Kane left in silence and left John to do his work.