

while Devi was on his way to his room he decided to stop by and apologize to Gina before going to bed.

   "Knock..knock, Gina...Gina.

   What's it go away.

      "I'm sorry okay I didn't mean to upset you. I'm really sorry.

   "Door is open"

       Thanks. Devi walked into Gina's room immediately she opened the  door and sat close to her on her bed.

  "Hey hmmmmm so you're really leaving tomorrow, great.

  "Yeah I promise to call always. Okay.

    "You promise?

         I promise

"Okay you should go and have some sleep you know you're leaving in the morning".

   "Yeah. Goodnight then"


Devi turned off Gina's light switch and head towards his room.

  It was already eleven thirty Devi was fast asleep when suddenly the sound of a gun shot Woked him up. He woke up with his legs shaking he was already sweating profusely  he slowly got up from his bed and started tipping toes towards his room door Devi didn't bother turning up lights but he knew exactly where his door is. finally he was at the door to avoid a squish sound Devi didn't open the door widely just the space wide enough for his exit as he came out the first thing that he thought of was to check if Gina was alright before checking on his mum because Gina's room was just in the opposite direction of devi's. Before he could get to the door knob he saw Gina walking out slowly the next thing he saw was a gun pointing at the back of her head Devi was frightened of what he's seeing right in front of him but he was even more frightened when he saw the person pointing a gun at his sister he was wearing a black suit with a mask on his face.

  !down stairs! Right now or I blow your sister's head off. The sound of that made Devi even more scared than he's already without a second thought Devi started climbing downstairs with his hands and feet shaking he knew he was no match for someone holding a gun so playing hero would only endanger his life and that of his sister.

  When they arrived at the sitting room Devi saw his mum lying flat on the floor followed by the tears on her eyes seeing her mum  on the floor only made Devi angry and less scared he was never used to seeing his mum sad but she's crying on top of it. Devi brought his focus up and gave the sitting a clear view he saw that it was not just a mask-man but they were bunch of them some were standing behind his mum with guns pointing towards her head and some where standing at at the dinning room they were all over the place giving by their situation Devi knew that they're all helpless at the moment they was no way to call the police or even scream for help screaming for help wasn't even an option for there are guns point at them from different corner of the room.

  "Devi Gina! Please do what ever you want with me just let go of my children please I beg you please.

  ! that's enough! Immediately miss Taylor heard that word she kept quiet she knew uttering another word would put her and her kids in more danger than they're already are so keeping her calm was the best she could think of at the moment.

  "Take the boy and the girl outside to the car.

   Miss Taylor couldn't just stand and watch her kids being taking away right in front of her she stood up and ran toward them but she couldn't get pass the gun-man standing in between her and her children she started punching him it was obvious that punching him wasn't enough it wasn't having effect on him so she kicked him in between his legs it made him kneel on the floor he didn't even scream but miss Taylor knew the excruciating pain he was going through because he didn't bother stopping her anymore she about to get hold of her children when suddenly the gun-man she kicked earlier stood up and gave her a shot on her back miss Taylor fell flat on the floor with blood gushing out her.

  !mum no....no mum. Devi and Gina burst out in tears they keep trying to run towards their mum but the grip holding them was just too strong.

  "Please let me go" please. Devi begged on and on but they didn't let go of him or Gina. When the leader of the gun-men saw that time was moving fast he gave his comrades an order to knock both Gina and Devi out with a hand signs which they did successfully.

  Gina and Devi along side  with their mum who was still bleeding they were all lying down the gun-men picked both Gina and Devi up and carried them outside there was two porches outside the gun-men gently carried Devi and Gina inside the cars. When they were done with that their leader again ordered them to set the house ablaze which they did. The house was burning with miss Taylor still inside the gun-men drove off leaving