
The Unconventional Love

This novel is named 'the unconventional love' for the reason because everything in this novel goes contrary to what happens in a normal love story. Through twist and turns, ups and downs the bad boy of the school makes an adventurous journey towards the love of his life. Adrian Rains, son of the muti-millionaire Mr. Rains is a cold and hostile person with no friends. Though multiple girls drool over him, he has never shown interest in any girl.... until the right one comes by. The girl, unlike every other feels nothing for him more than a friend. She already has a boyfriend, Winston and a best friend Abby. Jennifer also belongs to a very rich family and she is kind hearted, soft and polite to everyone. Through their high school years, they both go through a lot making their bond stronger every second and finally let's see what they achieve on this love road.

Aayushi_Sharma_2878 · Thanh xuân
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113 Chs

Chapter 101 - Gift

"On that point I agree with you. Jennifer is indeed talented in what she does." James was satisfied that this wasn't Adrian's another rash decision. He had thought it through but still he had one doubt. "Do you think she would be able to cope with the dual identities and things like lying to her parents all the time? I mean unlike all of us, her parents keep a pretty tight rein on her. They even changed the security system before going to a business trip so that you wouldn't enter." James asked again.

"Huh?" Adrian made a 'I don't believe you' face. Jennifer's parents keeping a tight rein on her? Seriously? Just like all others, he thought that she and her parents were past the hate stage. He thought that Jennifer was getting good with her parents. Even the latest news paper headline about the Williams family said that they were seen in a theatre as a family watching a movie. So? Where did that come from?

"I don't believe you. If they would have changed the security system specifically just so I can't enter then why am I inside the house this moment?" Adrian threw his hands in the air. This ought to be a prank. This ought to be!! It can't be true. Jennifer would have told him if it was. Or…. Not because he was busy fake cheating on her that she thought was true. Oh my god! How bad would she have felt when she saw the only person she was fighting for give up on her!!!!

"You are inside this house because we didn't come from the door. I literally broke her wooden fence with my car. We didn't enter. We forced ourselves in." James explained Adrian how he tricked the guard and then broke the wooden fence to enter the house without having to check in the system. It was a breakthrough not an invitation. "Oh my god!!" Adrian put a hand over his mouth. "Please tell me that whatever I'm thinking is wrong because if it is true I'm going to kill him for that." Adrian screamed.

"What? That her parents still hate on her because she choose you and refused to move on." James said huffing as he looked out of the window. He knew Adrian. He knew it! It was messed up and it was time for another Adrian's rash decision. "But before you do anything.." James said to an already half stood up Adrian, "She said that it was fine with her till the time you treated her right. She was ready to take it all. I saw it in her eyes Adrian when she told me why Debbie makes her so jealous. Why you are the only person that can hurt her now? She told me. She was looking at me right in the eye." James frantic attempts to calm Adrian down were probably to visible.

"You're acting like I will actually kill her parents. No I will not. Calm down." Adrian sat down again just to ensure his friend that he wasn't going to make any dumb decision that he might regret later. "Then why were you standing up?" James left his mouth open. He was too busy to close it. Mentally of course! "Did you actually think I was going to kill them?" Adrian laughed. "Remember! I'm trying to be a better man for Jennifer. And that starts with no more rash decisions, not properly thought-out plans. So I just got up to go and give her a hug and apologize to her for my behavior and thank her for not giving up on me." Adrian explained.

James calmed down for once thinking that his best friend was obviously changing. "In that case, I should give you both some space." James said and went near the window. He didn't even want to think about romance. Love made him sick! After Abby he just gave up on love. There was no girl that made him feel things like Abby did. No one caught his eye like Abby. Then what's the point of trying when he already knew he wouldn't be able to love anyone like he loved Abby.

Adrian left the room to enter Jennifer's room. He knocked on the door. "Come in." Jennifer's voice replied. Adrian walked in to see Jennifer on her bed scrolling through her phone. "Baby!" Jennifer sat on her bed. "What happened? Are you not able to sleep?" Jennifer hugged Adrian back as he settled on the bed. She wrapped her legs and arms around him like he was a pillow. Adrian kissed her cheek. This was the first time they were cuddling and she just smelled so nice while Adrian was sure he smelled like rotten eggs but Jennifer wasn't complaining so it was fine.

"Jennifer, I wanted to talk to you about something." Adrian began the topic. "Is everything good with you and your parents after we broke up?" this question wiped the cute little smile Jennifer had on her lips all this time. "Actually no. They are still skeptical of me." Jennifer answered the question truthfully. The 'Why didn't you tell me before?' was already sorted out so instead Adrian said, "I love you truly. Thank you for not giving up on me even when your own parents were against us."

This was honestly worth it. Her face. Her pretty little face glowed up like a million fireflies at a pitched dark night. "I love you too." Jennifer said and hugged Adrian even tightly. "So since you've been through so much trouble for me and still managed to pull off the little presentation you did earlier, you deserve a gift." Adrian did his sexy smirk again. Jennifer felt her stomach burst up into a thousand butterflies. "What is it?" she clapped her hands turning into a baby that very instant.

"Well, for that you would have to dress up and sneak out of the house with me." Jennifer took her time weighing the options. The forbidden. The last time she sneaked anywhere with Adrian didn't turn out good but was it still worth a try? Hell yes!!! "I'm coming. Give me 5 minutes. Do you want me to put makeup or like this is okay? What should I wear? Where are we going?" Jennifer obviously had to dress according to the place where they were going.

In the middle of a night, what could possibly be open? A club? Night restaurant? Bar? Drive in cinema? Jennifer was buzzing with excitement.