
The unconcerned king

The Dragon Empire is the most powerful empire in the universe. The Dragon Emperor’s rule the Dragon Empire and they worship the Dragon Gods. The story goes on how the Dragon Emperor protects his Empire from the other Gods. The first MC of the story is always unconcerned about his Empire. He is so unconcerned that he doesn’t even try to find some new powers. He doesn’t rule his Empire as it should be. So one day he gets a lesson for it by the Dragon Gods. The story goes on how he discovers and finds his power and becomes a legend in a short time before his death. The story goes on even after his death. Will his son be an unconcerned king like him or he will be the completely opposite of his father?

2215Ifty · Kỳ huyễn
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The survivors wrath

After the battle of Millis the unconcerned king died. The only son of him Luminous ascended the throne. He was only 15 years old and didn't have much power like his father. The priest of the sacred Dragons temple said that he is gifted or born with the power of Justicia the Dragon of wisdom. His father gave him the power of Futious and Kinggious. But currently he can only use the power of Kinggious cause it was transferred to him directly by his power and there is no requirement to use the power unlike the power of Futious. After the year of Luminous's throne ascension he faces an opponent of incredible power named Kai sense. He is also known as the General Knight of God Khaizir. God Khaizir is known as the powerful god of west. Kai invaded into the Dragon Empire and already taken over the Demon continent from Luminous. He sets his foot into Millis at last. He tells Luminous to surrender but he declines it immediately. Than kai attacks in the royal fort Dragons Shield. Luminous also deploys his attacks. Kai uses Gods lightning to break through Dragons shield and heads toward the royal castle DDRIG. Luminous uses 50 dragons fragment to stop Kai but it didn't affect him that much. Then he uses Kinggious to counter attack but the counter attack was nullified by 10 Knights. Then kai ferociously attack towards Luminous. He struggled to prevent the attack as his last try he take the control of kinggious and attacks Kai. Kai gets damaged by the attack and his horse gets killed but it didn't bother him that much cause he has the power to summon heavenly horses. This power is known as the unlimited rides. He uses his power holy light to weaken kinggious's power and attacks Luminous with his spear Evil destroyer. He takes a lot of damage forces to retreat. He returns to his castle injured. His mother Eliza Halsey Dragon tells him to run away but he refuses by saying that how can he run away when his empire is going through a disaster. His mother tells him that if he doesn't run away he will lose his life and the Dragon Empire will lose his Emperor and it's only hope. Luminous tells her that don't you believe in your son I will defeat Kai and will protect this Empire. She replies no I don't believe in you Kai is far stronger than you. You shouldn't underestimate him. You aren't strong enough to defeat him in order to defeat him you have to unlock the power of Justicia and Futious and remember you have to become stronger than your father. Then she says I know that you can do it now run away I will hold him off. Luminous replies that no mother you are coming with me. The Queen then orders the Dragon General Euclidious Salvier to take Luminous with him and run away. Then the Dragon General takes him and fled away from the royal castle. On the other side Eliza faces Kai and says to him that if you want Luminous than you have to go through me. He then says to Eliza that I am not cruel so I don't have to kill you and Luminous. She seems to get shocked and asked Kai "why are you sparing me and my son's life you know that he is the Dragon Emperor he can attack you anytime so it's better to kill him right now then why are you showing us your kindness?". He replies that my religion taught me not to kill any women or helpless men. So you are trying to say that Luminous isn't going to be any problem Kai then replies yes. He then orders the soldiers to escort the Queen to her palace. On the other side Luminous escaped into the Gracious Kingdom to seek help from the King Steve Gracious but he said "he want to help him but cause of the riot that's going on in the Gracious Kingdom he can't help him but he will give him some of his highly skilled soldiers". After the conversation between Luminous and Steve he leaves for the Imperial Kingdom of Nippon with the Lady Commander of Gracious Kingdom He can now shape fire, air, earth and water as he want he basically shapes the elements to Dragon he also unlocked the power of Futious and Justicia. He can now maximum transform to the 4th transformation of the both Dragons.

. After a week he finally reaches Hokkaido the Imperial capital of the Imperial Kingdom of Nippon. The King of the Nippon, Kiba Yuto receives him grandly and says him that "I am sure you guys are pretty tired so please rest for a while then we will discuss our issues". The next day Luminous and the king of Nippon sit in a meeting and agree that they will help Luminous to regain his position as an Emperor. Luminous then thank the King for his support but he didn't knew that the verbal promise wouldn't be protected for long. They decided that they will sign the treaty next day but Euclidious noticed that after the meeting the soldiers are a little bit too alert. At night Luminous and the others were resting in their room but they suddenly hear a lot of noises outside their room so they step outside of their room to check what is wrong and they sees that the royal guards were laying down on the floor dead and some ninja's were standing beside them. They immediately attacked them but they didn't attack back they said that they are not their enemy and they were send by the lord Kiba kanji. Lord Kiba is the older brother of the current king and because of his swordsmanship and power he is known as Maou Samurai in their language it means Demon Samurai. Luminous asked the ninja's to take him to lord Kiba. The ninja's take him to lord Kiba then he asks lord Kiba "If you are the older brother of King Kiba Yuto then why aren't you sitting on the throne of Nippon". Lord Kiba then says to Luminous that "Do you know why I am known as the Maou Samurai?" he says that because of your swordsmanship and power you are known as the Maou Samurai am I wrong. Lord Kiba then says "you are not fully wrong but do you know where I got the power and what my power is?" Luminous then said no I don't can you tell me? Lord Kiba then tells him that he got the power in the forsaken palace of Hokkaido before he can finish his words Luminous again asks him why the Palace is forsaken then lord Kiba tells him to be patient and continues his story then he says there was a samurai named Yogusaki Yoici he sold his soul to get the power of the devil Kuromaku, after he sold his soul he was kicked out of the palace but he cursed the palace before he leave. Because of The curse the whole family died except the younger son of the family named Kiba Ichigo. He called the samurai the next day and defeats him in a duel. Before the duel Kiba Ichigo made a deal with Yoichi that if he win the duel then Yoichi have to become his servant for eternity and the deal was made in the name of Kuromaku. Because of the deal he became the servant of Kiba Ichigo but before his last breath he sealed Yoici in a katana and later I wielded the sword and breaked the seal and gained the power of the Demon samurai. That's how I gained my power but it's not important right now first you have to save your life. Luminous than make poker face and asks him why then he tells him that you are already sold to the General Knight of God Khaizir, King Kiba Yuto sold you to him you are going to be handed over tomorrow so if you want to live support my revolution and I shall protect you. Luminous then asks Lord Kiba is it an order or a request, Kiba says it's up to you. The next morning a revolution broke out in the Imperial Capital of Hokkaido. King Kiba Yuto immediately deploys his forces. on the other side Lord Kiba and Luminous attacks the Royal palace in the evening Lord Kiba uses his demonic powers to inflict the palace and Luminous uses his 50 Dragons fragment to clear the path to the throne room They faces the Elite force of Nippon in the throne room but it wasn't a quite challenge for the Lord Kiba cause the Elite force of Nippon was already in the control of him so they sided with Lord Kiba in the revolution. But the real problem was Theresa Harlon she is one of the general of God Khaizir, she was controlling the Imperial Kingdom of Nippon from the shadows. She is experienced in the Black Magic. By using black magic she can control any people. Specially those persons who posses greed, envy and bloodlust. That's why it was easy for her to control King Kiba Yuto who posses all of this. Theresa said to Lord Kiba that "Do you ever wondered why you are able to wield the power of the demon samurai". Kiba replied cause I am descendent of Kiba Ichigo. She then says do you really think that's the only reason you are able to wield the power I must have to say you are too naive. Kiba then says then tell me what is the real reason? she was about to say the reason that's when King Kiba Yuto said what are you doing you bitch hurry up and kill them. Theresa says okay my lord then she cuts off a hand of the king. The king asks her why did you attacked me she replies that your role is over loser we don't need you anymore. King looks surprised and shocked then he summons some demon beasts and attacks her but she kills them with his power 'the Illusion', it shows you illusions and later it gives you a strong shock and kills you. After killing the demon hounds she also kills the king and looks back to Kiba and says oh I forgot I have to tell you the reasons. She then starts telling the reasons she first tells that Kiba Ichigo is actually the founder of the upgraded black magic and that's why he didn't died during the curse of Yogusaki Yoici and later made him his slave and sealed him in the Katana and placed a barrier that allows only the Kiba's to touch the katana and cause you are a Kiba that's why you were able to wield the Katana. Kiba then asks her if that's true then why my brother didn't wield it and moreover he had the authority to enter the forsaken palace of Hokkaido. She replies that he was coward and Kiba Ichigo's will wouldn't allow any coward to wield the katana. After saying the reason she starts walking to the exit door of the throne room that's when Luminous stops her and says "where do you think you are going". She replies that she is leaving Nippon cause her mission is over and says good luck King Kiba Kanji and may god Khaizir bless you ok then bye. Luminous than says do you really think I am going to let you leave then she replies who is going to stop me you who couldn't even protect his own home, don't make me laugh you little emperor. Then she leaves the door in the front of Luminous. He understood that he don't have the power to stop her or even shuts her mouth. After all that incidents Kiba Kanji become the new King of the Imperial Kingdom of Nippon. After his ascension he immediately started to repair all the buildings that were destroyed during the revolution. He appointed Luminous as the guest general of Nippon and also gives him the authority to command 10,000 soldiers. Luminous started his training in there. On the other side Kai sense fully took control of the Dragon Empire but he didn't announce himself the emperor of Dragon Empire instead he make Eliza Halsey the Empress. One day Eliza asked him "why didn't you locked me in a cell". He replied that cause we need you to keep the empire at peace then she asked him you could have done that without letting me be free. He then smiles and say even though we are the invaders we are still humans like you. She didn't understand anything but instead of worrying about it she also smiled. After the invasion of the Holy Knights of Khaizir there seemed to be another problem. An organization named the sacred order of god Khaizir has started to massacre in the royal city of Millis. There motive is to kill all the heathens and they will do anything to accomplish their motive. Seljious Aura is the leader of the organization. After the massacre of the sacred order, Kai sense deployed 3 Holy knights to investigate the matter. Charla Laizid, Cleve Archer and Despereo Dejid are the 3 holy knights who were chosen to investigate the matter. First they roam in the royal capital as merchants. They gathered information from the commoners of the capital and raided a place known as the hideout of the sacred order. They caught a person named John Bablish and tortured him to split information about the whereabouts of the leader of sacred order. After a long interrogation he split the information. According to the information the 3 holy knights raided the town of Aizen and found Seljious Aura but as soon as they try to arrest him he used the holy Judgment spell to attack the Knights. After killing the 3 holy knights he send their head to Kai with a letter saying that he will strike the royal capital in 3 days again if he don't kill all the heathens who still believe in the Dragon Gods. Kai gets furious and leaved the royal castle to kill the bustard Seljious Aura. He attacked the whole town of Aizen and destroyed it completely and that's when a messenger from the royal capital delivered him a message saying that Seljious had already attacked Millis. After getting the message he immediately leaves for the royal capital and sees the royal capital in ruins so he rushed toward the royal castle and sees that Seljious has taken the Empress Eliza Halsey as a hostage. Then he says to spare the Empress but Seljios Aura says him to cut one of his hand and he will spare the empress. So Kai cuts one of his hands and drop it toward Seljious and he asks him why you are trying to save the empress at the cost of your hand. Kai replies that a murderer like you will not understand so there is no point in tell you, now spare the empress. Seljious then spare the empress and say I wasn't planning to spare the empress but your bravery forced me to spare the empress. Kai immediately strikes Seljious with Evil destroyer and forces him back down. Seljious then says it's going to be a crucial fight even without one of his hand he is still able to give me that much damage it's not a matter of joke I should take this fight seriously. Kai then uses his Holy aura to level up his power, after leveling up his power he strikes Seljious with Holy wave of bells and the godly greatness. After taking a lot of damage he backed up and uses his holy Judgment but it didn't have that much effect on Kai considering his Holy general Knight rank. After seljious's attack Kai says to him that I should end it quickly the empress is waiting after saying it he uses the Ultimate form of Knights and snatches the heart of seljious in front of him he couldn't keep up with Kai's speed and loses his heart and life. After killing Seljious he says to empress that he wouldn't allow any kid to be orphan. Eliza didn't understand anything but she knew that Kai didn't mean anything bad and he is a good guy trying to fulfill his duty. On the other side Luminous finished his training so he is leaving the Imperial capital of Hokkaido. He learned the Elemental control from sensei Hashiru. He can now shape fire, air, earth and water as he want he basically shapes the elements to Dragon he also unlocked the power of Futious and Justicia. He can now maximum transform to the 4th transformation of the both Dragons. He leaves Nippon with his comrades Kirizaki Toma, Nobara Shinji, Klause Link and Levo Lindell. He first goes to the Gracious Kingdom and helps the king to suppress the revolution that was started 6 years ago. After 6 month he completely annihilates the rebels and leaves the kingdom with 10,000 soldiers that were given to him by the king Steve Gracious. Now he has 25,000 soldiers and 3 commanders Eucladious Salvier, Latina Cross and Eureka Gold. Lumionous begins his journey to the royal capital of the Dragon Empire. He reached the Empire in 10 days he first take control of the fallen city of Arion and later take over Zewin ,Aizen, Waison and Rander. The holy knights of God Khaizir faced them in Brazon but Kai wasn't there he thought they will be able to finish Luminous but Luminous finish them instead and continue his march toward the royal capital. Finally he faces Kai in the outskirt of Millis. He creates a throne from the earth and sat on it and orders his army to get ready for the attack. On his signal 25,000 soldiers attacked 45,000 soldiers. He created 8 elemental dragons and attacked his enemies. Due to his crucial attack the opponent loses their 5,000 soldiers after seeing Luminous's attack, Kai steps in the battlefield and uses the Tabloid of the God and clears 2,000 soldiers. Luminous gets excited and faces Kai. He uses Justicia's power and transform into the Golden Ruler and attacks Kai. He loses his one ear but gets excited instead. Then he uses The Lost Hope power and instantly kills 8,000 soldiers. After seeing it Luminous understood that he can't let the battle to last long so he triple transforms into the Lost sun, First Forgiver and Judge of the Day. After transforming he attacks Kai ferociously. Kai gets scared and back down for a minute in that time he wipes out half of the holy knights so Kai gets forced to attack Luminous this time he uses the Ultimate form of Knights. The attack damages him significantly and he loses a lot of blood but at that time he unlocks the power of Futious and transforms into the raged Dragon. Kai now know that the real Emperor of the land has awakened so he uses the shadow of the judgment day as his last attempt to stop Luminous but it didn't stand a chance in the front of the duel transformation of Luminous. He opens his eyes and sees that Luminous is coming toward him with the Dragon sword. At that time Eliza appears and stop Luminous and tell him to ask Kai about the reason why he invaded the Dragon Empire. So Luminous tells Kai that if you tell me about your reason maybe I wouldn't kill you it all depends on your answer. Kai then tell him to wait for 5 minutes. He asks him why but he hears a noise of soldiers marching. He gets alert and furious and transforms into the 2nd transformation of Futious known as 'Constra Dragon'. After seeing him transformed Kai tells him that you really didn't need to transform right now you are already too powerful so don't push yourself. At that time 15,000 soldiers of the holy knights appears. Luminous tries to face them but the 3 commanders stop him and says leave us some work you can interrogate Kai we will handle them. Eucladious uses roar of the Dragon and Latina Cross uses the Cross of the Dead King to wipe out 6,000 soldiers. Klause and Toma finish the other soldiers with their soldiers. On the other side Kai tells him that he used to live in the city of Haros but one day the Demon armies arrived in their city the citizens of the city tried their best to fight the Demon armies but there was a huge difference in the numbers between them so they called for the help of the unconcerned king. But he was too busy in his lavishness so he didn't take any measures against the invasion of the Demon Empire thus the whole city gets destroyed and in that battle Kai lost his parents. He blamed the unconcerned king for the death of his parents and wanted to take revenge so he converted and joined the Holy knights of God Khaizir. But later he heard that the Unconcerned king died the news came as a shock to him cause now he knows that he can never kill the culprit of his parents but due to his duty toward God Khaizir he invades the Dragon Empire. At last he said that he never wanted to invade his own home all he wanted was to kill the unconcerned king. Eliza vouches for him and tells Luminous that if he wanted to harm the Empire he could have done it on the day when he let Luminous run away. Luminous hears the entire thing and tells Kai that he will not kill him instead he will be captured and will be under house arrest. Kai refuses and says that his duty doesn't allow him to get captured after telling it he put out a poisonous fruit and eat it. After a while he dies. Now luminous takes a look at the royal capital and says to his commanders that there are a lot of to be done. ( To be continued)