
The Unbeatable Maniac

Zed Zabinski is from a wealthy family that lives his life with no worries until his father comparing himself to the descendant of other families. Zed is obsessed with the so-called spartan, he thinks spartan is the most elite soldier in history. Because of so he only works on his body, not his magic, many call himself a maniac because of how much he likes spartan figure. In a world where magic and warrior exist Zed who lives his carefree life is left behind by others who work hard to become the pinnacle of power. His father constantly giving Zed a disappointed look. Zed swears to himself to become the pinnacle! the best of the best warriors in the whole world who stands above everything to prove to his father that he is not a disappointing son and prove to the world that spartan ways of doing things are the best way to be the most elite soldier. When the day he does his usual exercise and trying to get his PR on his bench press like equipment, the weight fall. When the bar is a few cm from crushing his neck the world stop and a box-shaped hologram appear in front of him saying " Zed Zabinski accept and get all the power you need or reject and die here with regrets" Little did Zed know that his life will completely change after that. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Thanks for Malik Maulana for the cover he created for this novel.

Mrboogey13 · Huyền huyễn
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46 Chs

First Step to Growth

In Zed's room, Zed didn't need much time to prepare for his departure considering he cannot bring anything with him to complete his first quest from the sorcery.

Going to his bathroom and stripping all of his clothes off, when suddenly a hologram appear infront of him " Spartan Essence Detected", after the hologram appear, An arrow pointing at his closet surfaced infront of him. Following the arrow, he soon see where the arrow is leading him to.

The arrow is leads to a book about Lumidas story he had read. Opening the book, the arrow told Zed to open the last page of the book and chant "The lochagoi bring thirty men, All will step aside". After Zed chant the words, the last page turns red and bright, forcing Zed to close his eyes for a few moment.

After the bright red light disappears, Zed slowly opened his eyes and tried to adjust them to his surrounding. The last page of the lumidas story turns into a whole new book, a hologram appear in Zed's vision this time is the longest text he have to read.

"The Madman Rage" is a Magical Grade Skill. it is one of a last skills a spartan used as a Trump Card. If a spartan wants to be a Lochagoi*, they need to master this skill to perfection and only use this skill as their trump card because this is one of spartan secret skill.

After reading the explanation of The Madman Rage Secret Skill, Zed cannot help but to chuckle "Who would've thought that a Magical Grade secret skill of spartan is hidden in the library all along and no one can find it. Well considering someone have to chant the words and no aura can be seen through the book, it's only natural no one can find it" thanking the sorcery for this gift, he then decided to read the content to wait until the day turn dark to officially depart from his family.

The Madman Rage Secret Skills content is about breathing technique to help channel the user blood to pump faster using blood frevor to double all attribute of a warrior, in short the user will be doubled in strength, agility, wisdom, endurance, and speed. Zed cannot help but feel astonished by the effects of the skill, "That's a Magical Grade skill for you, the effect is too great and will determine the victor of a battle". The user needed to do a set of breathing technique to accelerate their blood, and physical exercises to help the user sustained the process of blood accelerating and avoid of making the user body to just simply blow up.

In a flash the day turns dark, because of how focus Zed is reading the book. Because of this Zed is able to memorize everything inside the book. walking through the hallway heading towards the main gate, Zed only use a thin piece of cloth to cover his lower body. All guards and servant looking at him is confused to why their young master half naked, walking towards the main gate.

Cordellia Duncan is waiting patiently on the main gate, She wishes to bid goodbye to her son. She wore a casual brown dress, when one look at her now they will instantly fall in love because of how beautiful Cordellia is. after she waited for ten minutes she sees her son walking half naked towards her with a smile on his face.

"Put on your clothes now! why are you half naked, do you no shame?" Cordellia scolded his son

Thinking fast to make an excuse Zed answered,"But mom, i don't want to bring Zabinski Name on my journey. I want to be a nobody, so everyone will be themselves and not be courteous to me because of the zabinski household. more importantly i want to prove to father i don't need him" Feeling his excuse worked he secretly praised himself.

" I understand, well then may the gods be with you and give their blessing. i will wait for you my son, i hope you can come back in four years" said Cordellia while a droplet of tears fall down from her face

Wiping his mother tears and start kneeling in front of her, Zed said " I promise mom i will come back in four years and when i came back i promise if anyone ever put their hands on you i will make them pay" while kneeling further and kiss his mothers feet

Cordellia is happy hearing what her son said but she catches a glimpse of his son scary look while saying the last part of his words and a sinister aura leaked a bit. Realizing her son is no longer a trainee and step into knight rank she was shocked and relaxed at the same time. Shocked because of the sudden rise in power and relaxed because her son will be more safe with a knight rank power.

Little did they know that Duncan is watching them and heard all of their conversation through the window. He muttered "I hope you can be a new man after this and not come back just like you said until it is four years later. I don't need a spoiled son.

Zed tried to bring his clothes intending to start the quest yesterday to check the sorcery requirement but his clothes soon disappeared. When he brought his spear and shield, thankfully it did not disappear so he decided to take his favorite spear and shield, it is a Elementary Rank black colored spear with amazing sharpness and light weight called "Raging Black", and a Elementary rank red colored shield made of bronze and it is sturdy enough to whitstand a blow from a level seven knight rank.

When Zed just walked out of the gate, his hand is held back by his mother.

Looking back towards his mother with a questioning look, his mother said " Come back with your shield, or be brought back on it"**

With a smile on his face he answered "Yes mother, i will not disappoint you"

Calesar city is surrounded by a forest named "Savanna Forest" but people tend to called it "Savanna Swallowing Forest". This forest is known for its high level of beast that reside within it, a Bard in the local bar once said that there once a group of knight and senior mage rank fighter exploring deep within the forest but never came out of it, and their bodies is nowhere to be found. That's where the Savanna Forest got the swallowing nickname, Simply because it's like the forest swallowed people.

From then on, no one is brave enough to explore the Deep territory within the forest and only go through the safer territory.

Sneaking his way out of the city, And passing by many guards patrolling, Zed then proceeds through a small crack that can fit a person that will lead outside. Once he got outside of calesar city he cannot help but take one last look towards the city wall feeling mixed emotion in his heart because this is his first time leaving the city alone.

Taking in a deep fresh air, he soon walked into the forest.

* Lochagoi = Captain Rank Spartan that leads one platoon

** It is a saying in spartan, Which a woman say to their son or husband when they are going to war. It means stay alive and come back with their shield, or die in battle and be brought back on their shield