
The Ultimate Lycan System

In this world everyone has a ‘second gender’, That woman has a Ram as her second gender, so her horns protrude from the sides of her head. A prey that would challenge another of her kind. Always hitting heads with another Ram, a form of a sheep and goat almost. Whereas this guy, strong, fit and tall. A man with a sense of dominance and pride, a lion no doubt. Probably cocky at points of time but a sensible and reliable guy to those he surrounds himself with. A fight to the death is what awaits someone to challenge a clear born predator king. Then there’s me, your average human. It’s a rare thing when a person doesn’t get allocated a ‘second gender’ their animal calling, the other part of their soul. But that rare out of one thousand is here standing in the streets, why? Because his bullies told him too and out of fear, I Sion Reed stood in the rain the whole night. *** Sion Reed, a normal, average, not often seen human with no ‘second gender’ is small and meek. He doesn’t talk and puts his head down as he struggles day to day life surrounded by animals of every kind. In a world that prioritised ‘Second gender’ he was seen as nothing to society. His dream of being a hunter crushed at a young age when the doctor shook his head saying ‘the boy simply would not develop one’. His father passed away and his Mother left him because she held disgust for her only child was a mere human. So he worked a part time job to keep a small apartment on the outskirts of town near his high school. Everyday he was bullied and ridiculed for not having his other counterpart, that is until he dies. Or so he thought he did. >> System Operational, welcome Host

JK_Maternity_ · Võ hiệp
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62 Chs


A bag of boneless chicken, he waited, day in and day out. Four days seems like eternity as you don't move and drown in your thoughts. Perhaps Sion could use this time to think about the things that changed, those that disappeared or showed up during his sudden gain of power? But then again he still needed revenge-

>> do you? <<

Did he? Laying on the floor he hadn't started his big plan nor continued it, like he'd been planning since 02 came into the picture. It seemed to become irrelevant on his quest to power, those around him just became pawns rather than any relevance. Revenge hadn't been on his mind, just power, just that he needed to get stronger.

>> But at what cost? <<

'What cost?' he hadn't lost anything, but he hadn't truly gain anything either except for the bloodlust of the rage that never really left him. Those past years of torment had made a fine cluster inside his heart, mind and soul that tainted and stained his hands with blood and much more. He'd been grateful to everyone but never really spoken it, been beaten and bruised but never really much thought of it unless 02 made it a mission to hurt his ego.

He had no reason to start a war or some fair treatment revolt that said – "humans deserve to be treated equally". He wasn't a person that people could rely on, just in it for himself, for his own gains and future. He was sick of the cruel jokes, the majority and all too cliché bullying from those stronger than him.

But once he got power he wanted more but never really spoke much about his intentions except to the old man himself. What did he really want if not power? Why gain so much now? He had no real reason to keep going now that he saw everyone below him, did he?

>> Lower life forms are not worth time of a king <<

'A king?' Sion suddenly interrupted with his thinking because of 02's words had him wonder what was the deeper meaning to that phrase. 02 didn't speak much at the start but now over time and effort as well as maturity, they grew together. 02 became more intelligent something that Sion had wonder might have had something to do with his status.

>> Host status

- Name: Sion Reed (fake name: Sho Night). Skill points: 5

- lvl: 2

- strength: 35

- stamina: 41

- agility: 31

- intelligence: 21

- Age: 18

- Species: Young Lycan (child)

- Title - "King of Dominance"

- Job/N/A/

- Skills - Death, (cause panic and confusion to enemies for 40secs) Life, (Heal only the body 2 times a day) Vanish, (Able to be undetected for 40secs) nullification (pain decreased by 35%)

But something didn't add up with that theory as 02 and the system seemed to come together but act as though apart. Same with entity x as he had decided to call it, the way it talked didn't sound as if it was from this world.

'Did they have relevance to what or more to the question, where Fractures came from?' Sion's interest thought seemed to make everything eerily quiet. 'But if that's the case, would there be anyone else like me? No, if that was the case people would have been talking about it all over the media'. 'Then what was the system? What was 02, 02 even said that they were not male or female nor what I was at the start… then… was 02, the system and entity X not even of human DNA?!'

-There's so much a mere child can find out, don't look too far down a hole you may wish you never went down-

> second transformation in 0 days, 0 hours, 0 mins, 11




































secs <<

The world around him as if on cue suddenly became of a lifeless planet with ash and lava and weird long legged black creatures that had misshaped heads of many angles and hands, eyes and arms in places that didn't belong, looked down on Sion. Their words not of English or any known language as as the creatures lifted Sion up and took him away.

'02!? Where are we! 02! What is this place!' Still a fleshy bag of meat and now being carried, Sion felt fear that he once felt from the past. 'What the fuck is happening!' 02 not replying and the landscape he saw meant that he was no longer on his kitchen floor or even on earth! Where he was or even what they were that carried him was unknown. They carried Sion with their many hands and arms, gurgling amongst themselves as if arguing about something but then coming to an agreement.

'It's just a dream-' looking at an eye on one of the creatures as it made eye contact Sion immediately thought 'no a nightmare.' Before the creatures lowered him on an altar. His flesh encase being gently poked and prodded had his fear spike some more, would they kill him?

But why go so far to bring him to an altar though and once the timer hit zero too? 'Was this supposed to happen?' But this wasn't something a child or anyone would want to see… ever.

-For the one with great power comes destruction-

-He who owns the land-

-The true king who takes-

-power without consequence-

-King of Dominance-

As Sion heard these echoing words his body started to sweat and his flesh started to burn as the cells inside his body vibrated. The altar as if done this before glowed and symbols unknown to anyone living lit up and wiggled their way from the stone to Sion's skin.

'Fuck- it burns', not having bones he remained mostly quiet besides his agonised cry groans like someone had a pillow over his head to suffocate him with sheer force. 'Help!! Fuck!' Feeling sick Sion could smell his own sizzling flesh. The sickening crackle and pain made Sion more aware as his senses over flowed and his eyes dowsed in tears seemed to make their own rivers. His skills not having any effect or pain relief either. The creatures watched in silence as Sion practically burned alive to a crisp before becoming ash himself. No thoughts present, no one there to stop the madness. Sion was just ash on an altar as the creatures remained still and silent around what had just been Sion's boneless flesh bag.

Yet in the next minute the symbols that had torched the skin of Sion after crawling from the Altar his ash now laid upon lit up tiny flecks. These flecks then grew and grew before stitching themselves together from the altar surface up. Bones hollow and strong, then muscle followed by the littlest of things needed to make a healthy body before skin reconstruction. Sion not aware or awake was re- made, reborn and reformed even more from ash itself.

The pain felt would never compare to anything Sion had ever felt as his body did not move for a day. The creatures as if understanding this would happen as if having done this before washed his skin with black tar and small ashed rock. They then proceeded to pour hot molten lava over Sion's still form encasing him.

They proceeded doing this process for what seemed to be weeks as Sion laid as still as a dead man in his grave. The creatures on the fifth day of processes stepped back as Sion's right hand flinched, sensing that he was about to wake they ripped off the molten lava with their many hands from the remain parts of his body.

Sion slowly but surely woke up but not in pain as he had briefly left the world. But his eyes as they opened were not the piercing blue but rather a soulless black, no pupils. The creatures gurgled and screeched in their language in almost joy and approval. Their effort not in vein as if this had failed them in the past even though they had done the procedure so many times before.

But that isn't how Sion now heard them, he could now hear words,

"ThE kInG iS aWaKE"

"ThE cHoSeN, hE hAs RiSeN"