
The Rising Fall - Part 2

Protagonist: Hold on, what? What is the Marvelous Kingdom of Anirabia(MKA)?!

Batman: It is a galaxy-sized realm that is as big as the Milky Way galaxy, and it is connected to every fictional world. It is the core of all fictional worlds and from it, we can go to any imaginary world we need or want to go.

Protagonist: So, basically when we are on MKA, we are in the center of every world?

Commissioner Gordon: Exactly, and all of those worlds link even further with the

Ultimate Fantasy Tournament(UFT), a fighting Round-robin tournament where the winner gains a wish that can be anything, as well as the ability to travel into the real world and back as he desires.

Protagonist: So if I join this tournament, I can wish for my memories and return to my world?

Batman: Right! However, only MKA citizens can join this competition and you are essentially an outsider or alien.

Protagonist: oh, i see. But is there some other way to return to the real world?

Batman: no. the only way for a person to be able to travel into the real world is by winning the UFT, but we can set you up as a MKA citizen, and I will help you out with everything.

Protagonist: thanks, Batman.

Batman: no problem, kid.

Commissioner Gordon: By the way, since you don't remember your name, how about a temporary alias for now? Got any ideas?

Protagonist: honestly, i got no idea so f-(Explosion sound occurs)

Commissioner Gordon: what was that?

Batman: An attack at the Primary Plaza has occurred.(checks a device that allows him to know the problem). It's Rui

Protagonist: Wait, rui? the lower moon 5 demon with web powers?

Batman: well, yes. Stay here with Gordon.

Protagonist: Batman! Wait! (batman stops) let me join you!

Commissioner Gordon: are you insane? you don't have any abilities or skills!

Protagonist: but i have the will and desire to stop him

Batman(in shock but sorts grins): hmph, fine. come with me.

Protagonist: right!

(Batman(BM) and the Protagonist(P) fly with the batmobile to the Primary Plaza to stop Rui)

BM: ok kid, listen. you will save the injured people

P: right! what will you do?

BM: stop the demon

(we cut to the Primary Plaza)

Rui: (summons sharp web lines to cut down buildings and injure people)

Magik/Illyana Rasputina(M): (uses her Limbo powers to create energy blasts and slice off the webs) enough of this, demon!

Rui: get out of my way!(summons more webs to attack her)

BM: (throws explosive batarangs to slice the webs) Rasputina!

M: hey bats! how's the cave? and who is the new kid?

BM: an Muslim outsider from the real world with amnesia

M: a part of the real world?

Rui: did you say the real world?

P: oh no.

Rui: give him to me!

M: never, spider demon

BM: kid, take care of the injured civilians. we will protect you and fight off Rui.

P: right!

Rui:how dare you? he belongs to me!

M and BM: never!(While Batman and Magik vs Rui happens)

P: (saves a few lives and rescues a few kids) it's alright! i got you

Mohammed Avdol(MA): thank you. where is the source of the threat?

P: woah! uhhh, the threat is there, fighting 2 heroes.

MA: i see. keep yourself safe

P: no need to worry about me.(MA joins the fight with M and BM against Rui, but Rui gets the upper hand after Admiral Kizaru(one piece), Mordo(Marvel) and Pet Shop(JJBA) arrive and help the villain fight the heroes and the latter start to struggle)

Rui: prepare to die, heroes! Blood Demon Art: Cutting Thread Rotation!

Rui: (uses it on the heroes)

Pet Shop:(fires ice projectiles with its stand Horus)

Kizaru: (fires light lasers)

Mordo: (fires blasts of magical energy)

P: NO!!! DON'T!

"Then all of the sudden, something within the protagonist activates"

P: I said STOP IT!!!! "Activates conquerer's haki(one piece)"

Narrator: everyone is shook at the MC's exerted will. Pet Shop is knocked out, and everyone else, except Batman, is intimidated.

Kizaru: Conqueror's haki, eh? How interesting?

Batman: how? That's impossible! Humans from the real world can't access powers from the fictional worlds.

P: when I command you to stop hurting them, you shall do so. I am the Moon king. I am Tsukiō.