
Wish to be reborn(Prologue)

Its a warm sunny day outside. An 45 year old man, walking with his crotches, at a very early hour around the park, which the hospital provided. He slowly breathed in and out sitting down on a park bench and seemed to enjoy the tickling sunrays on his forhead. His Name was Robin, Robin Shraken. He was addicted too animes, games, mangas and light novels. He had read them all day long and was never bored. His favorite being the pokemon world. He wanted to be in the pokemon world if he would die, but he never was even once religous and doesn't believe in god. But in reincarnations. So there is a small chance.

--30 Minutes later--

(Pov Robin)

After my walk in the park, I am now walkin to my room on the 3th floor. As I see many unlucky people walking to the cafeteria. 'Lucky enough, I was very early there and could choose the most. Whatever ~sigh~ I am slowly going to die any way. I wish, I could read the mangas wich were left untouched by me.' As a buissnessman I had to leave my homecountry often, to personally form buissness contracts with firms and companies all over the world. Our buissness was blossomoming and I am really proud of that too. I even got a beautiful wife who was sadly only there for my money, I am not a fool to trust someone blindly, even if its in your close range of friendship or love, so i kicked her out of my house and she wanted her payment, just as I have expected it. I guess for the last then years, I was happier alone than with her. Im nearly at my room and can take a nap as I felt ill for some reason Finally I am back at my Room and laid down on the bed, as I a little nauseaus and ready to sleep.

--late evening--

A man with a white smock, appeared and looked at me, with terror in his eyes. He looked at me worriefully as i said" Hello little Brother, I've waited for you, like an eternity... awkward silence between us, huh?" Why do you look like you steped on dogpoop... hello is there someone or am I talkin to a wall, JOHN..." " I really have bad news for you..." "Oh ok is it with your Girlfr-" "I am not finished, let me talk ok?" I nodded " You already know that you have an brain tumor and it worsened much more than we expected, after we did yesterdays test, we were shocked because you could die anyday now and I will be beside you and make not the same mistake like i did with our Mother, when i was not beside mom. Please rest and do things slowlier. I already now that I would soon loose you aswell, so I will take care of you and hope that you come to... heaven" I wasn't really suprised as he said me that I will day in soon time." You know that i made a lot of money right?" " No robin i didn't knew it" " I want you to take my money and live the dream you desire and hope that you live longer than me... and don't repeat the same mistakes, your foolish brother did, I hate to say it but don't trust anyone, whos seems to want to get your money and disappier. I did trust a girl and she took of and let me alone when i needed the best mental help, but you... you are different you helped me to rise at the top again and when i would get a second chance i would do everything to help mother and you and I thank you for you help alot... love you little bro. You can go as i will not want to see tears as my last moments of life you know..." "as you wish big bro, I will see you in heaven..." John walked out almost crying as he lost another familymember, of his already small family.

'I hope he won't do suizid...' ~sigh~.'Poor bro... It would be cool if i were in my favorite world, far away where I could lose my problems in air, the world of pokemon...'

I felt nothing anymore only a deep voice that says *I WISH TO BE REBORN*. I closed my eyes and after I opened them. I saw me levitating from the ground,' So that is how I died, huh? And what is this deep voice ringing in my head like the bellsound of my phone...so what do I want hmm... I want to be in the pokemon world and when I would be reborn there I would want to make my Pokemons stronger than legendaries and I want do be in an extinct clan (Kanecki) with overpowered trainingpowers and smartness like 10 Metagross combined and please gift me as a bonus a little sister 3 years younger than me and I want to start of at the year of 6... either way i dont think im gifted enough to do it, so I guess I don't care... I am- ~Very bright flash~...

Its my first chapter for a long story. Its quite a short chapter, I know, even someone inexpierenced as me can realise that,eitherway I hope you enjoyed it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_Tacticscreators' thoughts