
chapter 13 : to space (2)

Vega had spent 3 days preparing for his journey to space, and as he made his final preparations, he knew that one of the most important things he needed to consider was food.

In the harsh environment of space, proper nutrition was crucial,specially as saiyen, Vega had carefully selected a range of foods that would provide him with the nutrients and energy he needed for his journey. He packed freeze-dried meals and other snacks that would stay fresh and palatable during his time in space, then insert them in his inventory.

As he finished packing his food, Vega felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. He was finally going to space, he couldn't wait to see what lay ahead.

Zephyr was waiting for Vega, and as Vega approached him, he quickly said his goodbyes and thanked him for everything.

"Zephyr, my friend," Vega said, "I just wanted to thank you again for giving me get your spaceship. I couldn't have done it without you."

Zephyr smiled at Vega. "I'm just glad I could help," he said. "You're going to do amazing things up there, Vega. I know it. Be careful."

With a quick goodbye, Vega made his way to the launch pad. He climbed into his spacecraft, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him as the engines roared to life.

And then, with a sudden burst of acceleration, Vega lifted off the planet and into the vast expanse of space. As he soared higher and higher, he marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the stars and planets around him, feeling a sense of wonder and awe at the sheer scale and grandeur of the universe.

"My first destination The Galactic Patrol headquarter. I have to ask for the directions to planet namik." Vega said to him self.

Day in and day out, Vega worked hard to perfect his skills, honing his combat abilities and learning to master hiding his ki like earthlings.

On his journey, vega catches some space pirates to give them to the galactic police, as excuse to enter there headquarter.

Finally, after months of travel, Vega arrived at the Galactic Police headquarters.

"Communication request."message pop-up in front of vega on the screen.

He accepted the request.

"Hello,this galactic police headquarter, state your goal !" Voice ordered.

"I'm here to hande over some pirates." Vega responded.

"Ok, go to port number 10, we will come to you."

And with that vega enter the headquarters.

When he landed on the port, he found some people waiting for him, wearing the suits of galactic patrols.

Vega descended with 3 pirates behind him chained with robes.


Vega's pov.

When i descended, i found 2 patrols man one big and other small.

"Hi there, this are the pirate."i greeted them

"Thank you, we will take them over to check there identity and will give you your reward."one of them smiled at me.

"Take your time, while you do your thing, can i have a tour here, this is my first time around."

"Yes,of course."