
The Ultimate Chance

A dark heart, tainted by pain and betrayal. He was the angel that brought color into her dull life—but also the devil who shattered heart after making it beat for him. Yet, just when she was starting to forget about him, he has the audacity to show up? ... "How dare you come back?" She regarded the man before her with eyes full of spite. "Were you waiting for me?" He smiled at her, and her glare almost made him want to run for his life. "I wait for no one. What do you want?" She asked. "To win you back." He swallowed. "You and our son." She scoffed at his response. "Giving someone a second chance is like giving them another bullet after they missed their shot the first time. Have you not heard of this saying?" _ He made a mistake, but he was willing to make up for it even if it took the rest of his life. However, time was proving that it was easier said than done

Avalorian_ · Thành thị
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176 Chs

Chapter 37

Mina had a billion questions but she knew not to ask any. "You got it."

When the call ended, Avery glanced in the direction where she could hear Mabella's and Angel's cheerful voices. She didn't know much about the former, only that she was the sister Damon treasured so much. In the past, she had also been of such importance to him.


Six years ago.

"We completed our task in one piece. Our project has been approved and the company that accepted it is not one to be looked down on." Damon was more cheerful about the completion of their assignment than a kid at a toy display window. He had chirped the entire walk to the campus—not that she wanted him to stop talking.

"I can't believe we signed with Le Blanc Group. Henry Blanc has always been strict about his choice of partner." She seconded. "This calls for celebration, doesn't it?"

He was just about to suggest it so he nodded. "Movies and dinner at my place. What do you think?" He wanted to die after suggesting it. That was no way to ask a girl out.

Luckily, she nodded. She was probably too excited to notice it. "Okay. See you there."

They had arrived at the lecture hall so they had to save their discussion for later. They had agreed to stay away from each other during class hours to avoid being each other's distraction—which made no difference to him. Whether or not she was nearby, he would think about her and smile like the idiot she had made him. Her scent seemed to be stuck in his nostrils and he could swear that he felt it even in her absence.

For the first time since they grew close, he did not rush to meet her after class. She didn't notice his absence as she was too occupied with finding the perfect outfit for their date.

Her cheeks flushed when she realized what she had thought of it. He had not said anything about asking her out. They were merely celebrating their success, but she couldn't think of it as anything aside from a date. She was probably out of her mind.

She would seek help later but for now, she wanted to try on her best dresses. She rushed home ditched her bag by the door of her room before rummaging though her closet impatiently.

She had always had more clothes than she thought she could ever wear—apparently, her parents thought buying clothes for their daughter was enough expression of love. Some of them were several sizes too big or too small but at least they were beautiful.

"I should give this to friends who need them. Again." She muttered about the new clothes she knew would never fit and picked several dresses from the ones she had worn before. She tried to remember what color Damon liked on her and that resulted in a dead end. The bloke had complimented her every day, no matter what she wore. It was still uncertain to her whether she was actually pretty every day or he viewed her through imaginary rose-colored glasses.

"He is so annoying." She muttered with flushed cheeks. Which girl wouldn't fancy a guy who thought of her as the most attractive person?

She finally chose a black dress after trying through at least a dozen. One could never go wrong with a short, black dress and heels. She looked beautiful without seeming to try too hard.

"This, for a homemade dinner?" She had second thoughts. A knock sounded on her door.

"Come in." She called after making sure there were no inappropriate clothes on her bed. "Gabe?"

Her brother walked in and looked her up and down. "Are you going out?"

She knew where this was heading. "Last I checked, I was allowed to."

"Not by me. You are not allowed to go out to meet a guy, dressed like that."

She had just had second thoughts about wearing a dress to a homemade dinner but after Gabe pointed it out, she decided that she was not going to change anything from her attire. She crossed her arms. "Dressed like what? I have worn dresses to school on innumerable occasions."

He gave her a once-over. "Like you are ready to be used and dumped. Get changed. We are going grocery shopping in twenty minutes."

He was out of his mind.

"No one needs your opinion. Get out." She growled.

He did get out, but not without locking the door and taking the key with him. It was too late when she realized it.

"Open the door, you psycho!" She yelled at the door, pounding her fists against it furiously.

"In your dreams!" He yelled back.

"Who do you think you are? I'm not one of your uncountable girlfriends!" She shouted, and the commotion finally alerted their parents.

When her father got the key from Gabe and opened the door, he immediately understood the situation after taking one glance at her.

"Are you going somewhere? You are all dolled up." Her mother remarked.

"For a movie. My friend invited me." She snapped. "Apparently, Gabe thinks I'm a puppet and should stay at home just because he asked me to."

"Gabe?" Amelia shot him an inquisitive look, and he laughed.

"You like giving one side of the story, Avery. You should also let our parents know the the friend you claim to be watching a movie with is Damon D'aboville."

"Did you just say D'aboville?" Her parents freaked out almost in unison. She frowned. What was wrong with that?