
The Ultimate Celebrity System

It's about Micheal his biggest dream was to become a superstar but he failed miserably. He then met the gods and got 3 wishes because Micheal's wish resounded louder than any other wish.

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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Beginning Part 2/2

When I opened my eyes I found myself in an old all alone

I decided to get up and have a good look around, turns out its a one-bedroom apartment, looks like something, a poor student would get, he then walked to the bathroom and had a good look in the mirror, he looked exactly as he had asked. So he then decided to have a look around the neighborhood, and there was nothing special just a parkin lot with a play park, as he was going inside he remembered his second wish.... a system! so he tried different ways to open up the system

"System Open... No? okay Ummm what about just system"

*Ding* Yes Micheal?

"Ohh thank god, you are actually real"

*Ding* Yes I am real, so what can I help you with? and also you don't have to talk to communicate with me thinking is enough.

'Oh that's better, can you please show me the system tab?'

*Ding* Yes Micheal, here you go

Ultimate Celebrity System



Mission Tab



'Very well, now open stats'

*Ding* Yes Micheal



Name: Micheal Longflower

Age: 16

Celebrity Level: 1(0/2000 Fans)

Strenght: 0.8

Intelligence: 0.9

Charisma: 1.3

Luck: 12

Speed: 0.7

Unspent Attribute Points: 0.0

Normal attributes for a healthy man: 1.0-2.0


Skills: None


'System how do I level up?'

*Ding* You get followers f.ex to get to level two you need 2000 Fans

'When are people considered fans?'

*Ding* That is when a person is always looking forward to your next performance

'Okay thanks'

*Ding* No problem Micheal

Micheal started to have a look around the system and it was exactly as he had imagined.

*Ding* Host has received a starter pack, please open soon.

'Oh a starter gift huh, well system open starter pack

*Ding* Starter pack opened showing results: Skill: Supreme Acting, Points: Charisma points: 3.0, Missions: Mission one unlocked for future missions

'Oh, nice. system please show my new skills'

*Ding* Showing...



Name: Micheal Longflower

Age: 16

Celebrity Level: 1(0/2000 Fans)

Strenght: 0.8

Intelligence: 0.9

Charisma: 4.3

Luck: 12

Speed: 0.7

Unspent Attribute Points: 0.0

Normal attributes for a healthy man: 1.0-2.0


Skills: Acting(Supreme)


'System what are the stages of skills'

*Ding* Showing stages: Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Supreme

'So Supreme is how good compared to the best actors?'

*Ding* Most known actors are at intermediate level but very rare cases some are at advanced level, and one in 1,000,000,000 is at Supreme level, so Micheal you are at the level of the best actors in history.

'Whaat isn't that kind OP considering its only a starter pack?'

*Ding* The system considered it necessary for Micheal to achieve his dream. But remember the next supreme skill you will have to buy yourself or train your skill. Remember training a skill is a very long process and can take millennia or even more.

'Wow thanks, system and I suppose it was necessary'

I then started contemplating how to find acting work, I could go to an agency, get a private manager, or sign up on online websites. I decided to go with an agency and while I was trying to find an agency that took inexperienced actors, even though he technically I was experienced my new boy wasn't and I had to make it credible.

*Ding* Mission received. Would you like to check it out?

'Yes please'

*Ding* Showing Mission


Mission 1[Get A Job]

Description: Go to an agency get accepted and find your first acting job

Rewards: Depends on which job and agency you pick


'Neet, a mission but rewards based on agency and job? that's like its hinting for me to go to a good agency, but choose a big agency and you will either find yourself with a very bad agent or never get a job, so I decided to continue looking for an old but also new agency, that I could go check out.

-2 hours later-

I finally found it an old but new agency, with experienced agents and they even took inexperienced actors! I then contacted them trough an email which looked like this:


To: JacksAgency@mail.com

From: MichealLongflower@mail.com

Subject: Acting


Good afternoon Jack's Agency

My name is Micheal Longflower and I am an aspiring actor that decided to look for an agency

and I found yours, I found your agency very interesting, and was wondering if I could stop by to showcase my skills so that you could determine if I am good enough for your agency.

From Micheal Longflower


After 2 hours they responded I thought they didn't have a good day or that they just weren't a busy place, but either way, it was fine for me. The email looked like this:


To: MichealLongflower@mail.com

From: JacksAgency@mail.com

Subject: Your Request


Good Evening Mr. Longflower

We happily accept your request for an audience, here is the best time for us: Tomorrow at 10:00 Am.

At that time would be best for us but if you want to reschedule that is fine.

We expect good news soon Mr. Longflower


I was ecstatic to read their email and immediately send a reply. Now all I needed was to prepare a monologue. I decided on the monologue: Killing You. It was a male drama monologue so I decided it could show off my skills in drama acting.

-The next day at 9:50 am-

I'm ready it's me in 10 minutes surprisingly there were 3 people before me, so when the last one came out, I knew that it was my turn and they would call me in in just about 5 minutes.

-5 minutes later-

Finally, my turn as soon as I thought that, one female came out from the interview room, and called me

"Mr. Longflower please follow me" She smiled at me while saying it

I got up and walked into the interview room and handed my resume.

On the resume, there was nothing special just a diploma from middle school.

"So, Mr. Longflower welcome, today we would like you to answer a couple of questions first then present us your monologue... Okay?"

"Yes, sir"

"Good, now Please tell us why you are considering the acting career?"

"Well to be completely honest its because I love acting and my biggest dream has always been to become a superstar"

As I was talking i could see them writing down notes

"Very well, next question, why our Agency?"

"Well as I wrote in my email, I'm inexperienced and I saw that your agency offered places even for inexperienced actors, and I thought that even if I got into a big agency, they would never give me a job since I was inexperienced and that they would rather have an experienced bad actor than an inexperienced good actor"

"Good, okay, final question Do you see yourself becoming a celebrity?"

"Yes honestly I do I think that once I get some experience in then it's going to go well for me"

"Okay, nice to hear you got a goal that you think you can achieve. Now please the scene is your for your monologue"

"Thank you, sir. Also, my monologue is Killing You"

I got up, put the chair aside and started my monologue

I got a cold expression made so that my eyes could pierce your mind just by looking into my eyes while adding craziness meaning I made my character cold but crazy and started:

"You might be wondering why I haven't killed you yet…I'm actually wondering that as well. Not so sure. Usually, I just do it. Takes less than a second. Then it's forgotten in the next."


"With you, it's different. Don't know why. I just don't know why. Why? Why can't I kill you? I have no feelings for you whatsoever. I don't know you. We've never met. So strange."

"I guess even the greats have an off night. Maybe this is my off night. Maybe."


"Should I let you go? What's the point? What do you think? Should I let you live?"


"Yeah? Do you think you should live? I should just let you walk right out of here…Well, that's something to be hopeful about, isn't it? Yeah, yeah it is. Some psycho was about to kill you and then lets you go. Ha! What a story you can tell your friends. Amazing stuff right there. Don't you think?"


"But I have to kill you. No, no. Relax. I do. I do because it's what I'm supposed to do. Even when an athlete is having an off night, he still performs. I have to perform. I'm not so sure I could live with myself if I don't perform. Letting you go doesn't make me the star player that I believe myself to be. You understand, right? I mean it sucks, for you, that I'm gonna kill you now but I'm sure there's a part of you that understands; even if it's the tiniest part."

"Well, I usually forget these things but I think this time around I will definitely remember you. Take care." I said the last par while sending a cold/crazy killing smile.

All the interviewer looked scared while being astonished at how I acted

"Omg, that was amazing! I have never seen someone blend coldness with craziness but it worked out perfectly for this character" He said while giving writing his final note down. the other two were completely stunned, and without saying anything wrote down their note.

After a while the main interviewer said

"That was incredible. Now I would like to ask Emily what note she gave you"

"10/10 amazing talent, and acting it was just the best that I've ever seen."

"Very well now, Jack on my right?"

"10/10 too I got nothing to say the acting was just impeccable"

"And I'm happy to announce that I also gave you 10/10 since as Emily said I've never seen this before, so if you want we could immediately sign your contract, and then we'll give you the best agent that we have."

"Yes please and thank you all for your kind words"

"No no we should be thanking you instead, you just opened our eyes" He took out the contract signed it and gave it to me, I also signed it since I already knew what kind of contract it was.

After I signed the contract I went home and took a nap

1763 Words! I'm quite happy about this chapter so please leave a comment if you spot an error

https://monologueblogger.com/killing-you-dark-humordrama-1-2-minutes/ here's the monologue that I picked

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