
The ultimate alpha

The world was in chaos only the son of the world will be able to save it. This start the story of a legend.

phantom45 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: The goddess

After Michael fainted, he was taken away by the lady to a shad in the forest were he was in a dream like state for four days.

after he woke up he felt like his body has changed, he's now filled with energy as if his body was breathing from all his pores in his body. He heard from from behind him that the door was opening, turning around he saw the lady of some days back staring at him in some wired fashion. he was taken aback by her beauty once again making him almost falling back to sleep.

She was with a bowl of soup and the aroma coming from it was heavenly, "eat up she said" Micheal stare at her then back to the bowl, before taking it from her and started devouring the soup "it's delicious" he said "can I have more " looking at her with his adorable eyes, she smile and went to bring for him another bowl.

After he was done eating he thank her, looking around he asked "were are we".