
The Tycoon's Daughter Lover

Raised by a single poor mother, Abby knew falling in love with filthy rich billionaire Darren is a wasted emotion she must get rid of. But she was shocked to find out he felt the same way as her, their romance was short lived as Morgana (Abby's ex boss) will do anything to keep the two lovers separate. Abby was kidnapped, tortured and almost lost her life in an accident, but all evidence turned against her, she is now the culprit. Darren now hates her and thought she tried killing Morgana, she needs to earn back Darren's trust and love. Abby found out her family is actually not poor but quite influential, using her father's influence, Darren was forced into marriage with Abby, he detests her and will do anything to make the marriage a hell for Abby but Abby is set on his love for her, Darren found himself falling in love with Abby, he is trying hard to fight it but emotions can't be denied..... Can love really over shadow hatred?

Abbyzee · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter Three

The rescue

Everywhere seems dark but I can hear some beeping sounds, my memory is foggy I don't know if I'm dead or alive, I tried picking a picture of where I am but I can't seems to make a sense out of anything, I looked around by my mind is blank, and then the beep registers in my head, I'm in an hospital, my throat feels dry, I was in the room feeling so much discomfort for the longest hour of my life before I heard footsteps and the light came on, someone entered and I figured it's a doctor.

"Miss, can you hear me? Can you feel your fingers? Blink your eyes if you can see me"

The words seem to be rushing at me, I tried responding to the questions as ordered by the doctor.

Everything was blurry and fast.

Few moments after my emergency check up, one of the doctors from earlier entered with two strange men.

I made an attempt to ask questions but my throat was so sore.

The doctor gave me some water which helped a little.

"trying to talk might be a little hard right now miss, I will advise you refrain from doing too much talking till your throat is fully healed"

"how are you feeling? I'm detective Williams from the district police department, my colleague here is detective clerk'' one of the strange men spoke up to me

"we will like to ask you few questions about the accident, just answer from whatever you can remember before the accident"

"May I know your name for record purposes?"

"Abby, my name is Abby steels"

"ok miss Abby"

Detective Williams sat across from me occupying the small space in my hospital room. He took a moment to study my face, searching for any signs of deceit or hidden agendas. My eyes, though filled with exhaustion, held a glimmer of defiance.

"I really can't remember much" I responded

"Miss Abby, I understand that you've been through a lot," Detective Williams began, his voice calm and empathetic. "But it's important for us to piece together exactly what happened. Can you start from the beginning?"

"I remember being at the party, I was on my way home when I was..." I couldn't continue with with my statement knowing fully it might get me into more problem

But I haven't heard the words of my family, so I asked.

"my family?"

"I'm sorry miss but we've been unable to locate your family as we do not have enough information on who you are or where to look, no identification document was found at the scene of accident, the hospital has been hoping you'd wake up soon to provide this information but that took six months."

"At the scene of the accident miss Abby, you were found in the driver's seat, overdosed on an unknown hard substance"

"We are still trying to figure out the drug you've been on. The drug contains new dangerous contents that don't exist in the drug market for now, can you tell us if you can remember your supplier or anything about the drug miss" Detective clerk asked while taking some notes.

"drugs? No, I've never been into drugs detectives, I can't recall anything about that"

"A friend of yours was involved in the accident with you and was seriously injured, words have it that you dragged are with you to the car after having a huge argument with her at the party, something about her snatching your man, can you remember anything about the incident"

I was shocked beyond words, I could only shake my head in answer, I felt tears rolling down my cheek.

Impressive!!! I thought lady Morgana promised to end my miserable life but she had to make it more unbearable.

So I'm suddenly the suspect now, not the victim?I couldn't help the condescending laughter that forced its way out of me.

So I almost lost my life and might be going to prison for drug usage and what again?

"May I ask who this friend is?

"I'm sorry miss but we can't provide you that information right now" detective Williams responded before they left the room.

I might not have been really smart but I think I now Know how the world runs, it's the evidence against my words.

It's weird the detectives claimed that with all the advanced systems in technology for investigation, they were unable to clarify my identity or find my family for six whole months.

I drifted to sleep after hours of agony and fear, but was woken up by someone's presence.

I opened my eyes to Darren's stoic face staring at me from a distance.

"you woke up" I heard his cold voice

I looked up at his beautiful face and all my sorrows melted away, a smile dropped on my face.

I thought he'd move closer but he kept his distance staring at me his posture all cold,

He looked like he was happy that I'm awake and not so pleased at the same time.

I'm really confused with his reactions

"Are you not happy to see me awake" I asked

"not so pleased actually, considering you are few steps away from being whisked away to prison" he responded

feeling confused and heartbroken

"why" I asked

"you should know, you should know what you did"

He looked really hurt and in agony,

"I hope you are really satisfied with the results of your actions"

I was too shocked to say anything, he left without any further explanation.

What could I have probably done wrong?

I know he doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore, but hating me?

I haven't done anything to deserve that.

Where's my baby? The thought suddenly came to my mind, I looked down on my tummy and I saw no sign of pregnancy, except for some surgery cuts.

could it be the baby? Did I lose him or her?

Maybe he is mad at me because I didn't tell him about our baby.

I'm not sure of anything I could only keep on guessing.

I was stuck alone in the hospital for hours without any sights of my family, I am starting to feel uneasy and lonely, Darren is here but wouldn't talk to me, he seems to hate me now but I don't know why.

no words from my family or whatever happened to my baby.

The doctor attending to me walked in as I was deep in thoughts

"Doctor" I called out

"yes miss...."

"my baby, what happened to my baby?"

"I'm sorry miss, it was a lot, trying to secure your life and the baby's"

"we lost the baby while trying to save your life, I'm sorry about that" the doctor responded

I felt tears stinging my eye, why?

"did Darren knew" I asked him

"no miss, we were not aware you two were a thing..."

"no no no..... we are not, it's ok, you don't have to tell him anything, it's my personal life to deal with"

I responded by swallowing my pains.

"ok ma'am"

"Any word from my parent" I asked

"none to my knowledge yet" the doctor responded before finishing up his routine check up.

It's another day, no sight of Darren or my families, everything has been suspiciously quiet, I was on my way back from the ladies room, when I heard whispers at my door.

" I need you to keep her away from her family as long as you can, until the case has been set and a judgment served"

That was Darren's voice

"If she is found guilty she has to pay for doing that to Morgana, without any foul game or interference, Morgana doesn't deserve getting hurt in such manner, right now need you to pay attention to her and cater for her"

"she just only suspect for now" Darren added

"I understand Mr Clay, we will do everything possible to be discreet with the plan, no one will get close to her" I heard detective william's voice.

"Good" Darren mumbled.

These people are plotting to keep me locked in secret, away from my family, but why will Darren do that to me?

I waited for a while after their departure before finding my way out of the room.

I need a fresh breath of air.

Rushing down I noticed a big private room to my left, there must be someone really important in there.

I peeped in out of curiosity, there is a figure I recognized sitting on a king size bed, Morgana?

Why is she here?

Then everything came clicking in, the kidnapping, cops chasing us, the accident.

It all makes sense now.

She looks weak and haggard, I would have pitied her if I never knew better.

Her parents were also sitting across, I recognized them from our few encounters while I was working for her.

"don't worry baby, the detectives are doing everything to ensure the culprit pays for this, we will do everything to ensure she rots in jail"

I heard her mom assure her.

I'm stuck here with no soul to help me. I know my family is too weak to help me, but I do need their support.

The detectives were unable to provide my phone and other belongings, part of the plot to get me locked up I guess, now I know better, it all makes sense.

I can't imagine the state they'd probably be now, six months and more without me.

I have to find a way to get to mom and Alan, but I need a plan.

I rushed outside suddenly feeling exhausted with all the information.

As I step outside the hospital, I find myself surrounded by a serene and beautiful scene.

The crisp, fresh air fills my lungs, reawakening my spirit after being confined for such a long time in the hospital, everywhere was bright with beautiful rays of sunshine, sweet scents from flowers around the walkway.

nothing seems familiar, after a brief work around the surroundings I decided to head back inside.

Walking through Morgana's private room, I noticed Darren has joined the Taylors now, I hide at a corner so I won't be noticed.

"What do you plan on doing about the lady Mr clay?"

"I'm trying to gather information from the cops about the accident, we can't just get her arrested because we think she is the culprit, I need enough evidence"

"Evidence? isn't the fact my daughter is here like this enough evidence to get her locked up" Morgana mom was blowing angry

"I'm sorry Mrs Taylor....."

"don't you dare do that with me Mr clay, you are trying to protect this woman because you loved her, but you can't let my daughter's assailant walk free, I won't allow that" Mrs Taylor cut Darren off

I noticed him struggling for words before answering

"yess!!!!! I loved that woman, I would have done anything to protect her, she meant the world to me"

"but now it seems I never knew her from the beginning, Morgana is my friend, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her interest"

"if this woman I once loved to death is found guilty of your daughter's misery, I'm going to ensure she pays for that, no matter how much it hurts me"

"but if she's not, you'd have to live with that, I'm sorry, right now she is still a suspect"

Darren responded looking all torn.

It breaks my heart seeing him that way, but a part of me felt relieved, with all the evidence being against me, he is still trying to ensure justice , not just me paying for a sin.

This is the man I fell in love with, I'm going to do everything possible to clear my name and claim back his love.