
CHAPTER Forty-Seven


  I had the house to myself for a few hours: Ryland was away for a game of basketball with some friends, and Melissa was still at work. I was enjoying some alone time. It had been a busy week between school and job hunting. It was nice to relax for a little while. I was lying on the sofa, watching TV and munching on carrot sticks and cheese puffs—not together, that would be disgusting.

  I had a blanket wrapped around me as I laughed while watching my favorite show, when I was sure I heard a knock at the door. I paused the TV and listened again. Right enough, it was the door. I wasn’t sure who it was, Lola had said she might stop by so it could be her. I groaned, getting up from the sofa and wrapping the blanket around my shoulders.

  I didn’t look through the peephole. Instead, I just opened it without thinking, and I soon regretted it when I saw my “father” standing there.

  “What the hell are you doing here You can’t be here,” I snapped, trying to close the door.