

  I woke in the middle of the night, in need of some water. Gracie is sprawled all over the top of me. I chuckled, still amused by all the weird positions she could sleep in. I carefully removed her from my body, sneaking through to the kitchen for my water. The house was still and dark. Ben and Lola must be sleeping too. I went and stood by the window, admiring the city’s night lights and smiled. There was something about New York City that made me feel at peace.

  I only stayed for a minute before I rejoined my beautiful fiancée back in bed. I checked my cell quickly, and another message from Daisy had come through. I rolled my eyes, checking it to see what the fuck she wanted now. I wished she would back off because I am sure I have made it clear I am NOT interested in her, and even if things were different and I were single, I still wouldn’t want her.

  Hey, Ryland, I am sorry if I got you into trouble with your girlfriend. I promise to make it up to you. MWAH! X