


  “We are going to call it a night,” Lola giggled while Ben kissed and bit on her neck.

  “Yes, please go. We would rather not see all of this.” I laughed, shooing them away. It had been a great night with a lot of laughter

  “Goodnight, we will see you in the morning, bright and early for our hike.” Lola grinned. I will never know why we agreed to hike at eight o’clock tomorrow morning. It was already three a.m., there was no point in us going to sleep.

  Ben and Lola rushed inside, and I turned my attention to Gracie, smirking.

  “What are you up to” she raised her brow, seeming rather suspicious of me. I didn’t answer, instead, I swam over to where she was, taking my place in front of her and placing my hands on her hips.

  I dipped my head down, kissing over her neck and slipped my hand deeper under the water, running it up her thigh, “I was hoping we could have a little fun of our own,” I mumbled against the skin.