
The Two Sides of Fate: Hero and Demon Queen

In a pulse-pounding turn of events, John is abruptly whisked away into a bizarre yet eerily familiar realm, reminiscent of a game he once conquered. Staggered by his bewildering new existence, he soon uncovers a startling truth: he now inhabits not one, but two distinct bodies, each derived from his past game avatars. Embodied as Evilian, the fierce demon queen who once ruled the entire world, John must come to grips with the overwhelming power at his fingertips. Simultaneously, he finds himself inhabiting Joharis, a former low-level character who has now become a valiant human hero, summoned from a distant world to prevent Evilian's cataclysmic return. As John grapples with the staggering implications of his dual existence, he finds himself thrust into the heart of a complex, perilous political landscape. With both sides of his identity destined to collide in a cataclysmic confrontation. Will he be able to avert the seemingly inevitable clash and ingeniously weave a path forward in this captivating new world? Warning: It is important to mention that this novel is primarily an experimental undertaking of mine. The release of subsequent chapters will occur solely at my discretion, without a consistent schedule. Therefore, it should not be expected that there will be regular updates. At times, a new chapter may be posted on a weekly basis, whereas at other times, there may be an extended period of abandonment before the release of several chapters in one day. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this marks my first attempt at writing a novel and English is not my native language. As a result, the quality of writing may fluctuate.

Rin_Elwyn · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Seeds of Faith

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kiara, Magnus, and Virion entered the bustling town of Threshold. The cacophony of chatter and laughter filled the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted meat from nearby food stalls. Colourful banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, while the lively streets teemed with merchants, adventurers, and townsfolk.

Kiara's fingers nervously toyed with a loose thread on her sleeve, her gaze darting around as if searching for something. Magnus, on the other hand, fidgeted with his weapon, an uncharacteristic restlessness in his movements. The recent encounter with Evilian had left its mark on both of them, though they tried to hide it from Virion.

Their first stop in Threshold was the Adventurer's Guild, where they hoped to sell the loot, they had gathered. Upon entering the guild, they were greeted by a cheerful attendant who eagerly appraised their items and handed over their earnings with a warm smile.

With their business concluded, the trio found an inn to rest for the night. Inside their rooms, the creaking floorboards and soft rustle of fabric filled the silence as they settled in. Once Virion had drifted off to sleep, Kiara and Magnus exchanged a knowing glance and met in a dimly lit corner of the inn's common area.

Huddled together, they whispered fervently, the flicker of candlelight casting shadows on their faces. "Do you think she sent us here for a reason?" Kiara asked, her eyes reflecting her anxiety.

Magnus leaned in closer, his voice barely audible. "Perhaps she wants us to infiltrate the Adventurer's Guild or gather information on the town. There could be some hidden threat that we need to address on her behalf."

As Kiara and Magnus continued their whispered conversation, they delved further into their intricate theories, their minds racing with possibilities. The flicker of candlelight danced across their faces, reflecting the intensity of their thoughts.

"You know, Magnus," Kiara said, her voice soft yet determined, "I've been thinking about the blessing Evilian gave me when she revived me. I may have lost blessing of my former goddess, but she granted me hers. What if there's a reason for that?"

Magnus furrowed his brow in thought, rubbing the back of his neck as he contemplated her words. "You have a point, Kiara. And considering my past as a member of the Thieves' Guild, perhaps we're meant to use our combined skills to create something new... An underground church, perhaps?"

Kiara's eyes widened with realization. "Yes! That could be it. We can spread the word of Evilian's power and benevolence, showing people the joy that comes from serving her."

As they spoke, their faces lit up with enthusiasm, their words echoing their genuine belief that they were doing something truly good for the people of Threshold. The low hum of conversation from the other patrons filled the air, providing a comforting backdrop to their fervent discussion.

The following morning, the sun rose over Threshold, casting its golden light upon the lively town square. As the townsfolk went about their daily routines, exchanging greetings and laughter, the trio reunited amidst the bustling crowd. The previous night's whispered conversation had left its mark on Kiara and Magnus, their eyes now filled with a newfound determination as they met Virion's friendly smile, ready to face whatever challenges the day would bring.

In the bustling town square, the trio gathered beneath the shade of a tall, ancient oak tree. Its leaves rustled gently in the breeze, providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

"Guys," Kiara began, looking intently at Virion and Magnus, "we've been through a lot together recently, and I've been thinking that maybe we could all use a break from adventuring."

Virion raised an eyebrow, his ears twitching in surprise. "A break? What do you mean?"

Magnus chimed in, his voice calm yet determined. "We've been pushing ourselves hard, and it might be a good idea to take some time off to rest and regroup. There's so much more to life than just adventuring, after all."

The elf considered their words, his eyes scanning the lively scene around them. The joyful laughter of children playing nearby filled the air, while the enticing aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the square.

"I suppose you're right," Virion said finally, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance. "But how long are we talking about?"

"How about a year?" Kiara suggested, her eyes full of hope. "That should be enough time for us to recharge and prepare for our next journey."

A year might seem long to humans, but to an elf like Virion, it was but a brief respite. He nodded thoughtfully, his gaze meeting each of his companions in turn. "Alright, I agree. A year it is."

With the decision made, the trio exchanged heartfelt promises to stay in touch and visit each other regularly during their hiatus. They knew their paths would diverge, but the bonds they shared would keep them connected.

As they bid each other farewell, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, like the first whispers of a coming storm. Their lives were about to take a new turn, and the future held untold possibilities, both thrilling and daunting.

With Virion's departure, Magnus and Kiara set out to put their plan in motion, their determination unwavering. As they walked away from the town square, their shadows stretched out before them, hinting at the challenges they would face in the days to come. And though they had the best of intentions, the consequences of their actions remained shrouded in mystery, waiting to be unveiled in due course.

A month later, the once-familiar streets of Threshold were tinged with an air of subtle change. As autumn leaves began to blanket the cobblestones, hushed conversations filled the town's taverns and marketplaces. Virion, who had been busying himself with various tasks and personal interests during his time away from adventuring, couldn't help but sense the shifting atmosphere.

As he strolled through the town square one crisp morning, he overheard a pair of merchants animatedly discussing the latest gossip. Their voices were barely audible above the clatter of horse hooves and the rustling of the wind through the trees, but their words piqued Virion's interest.

"Have you heard about the cult?" one merchant whispered, her eyes darting around nervously. "They say it offers true joy and fulfilment, but there's something unnerving about it all."

The other merchant leaned in closer, his voice low and cautious. "I've heard rumours of demonic influence, even whispers of a revived demon queen."

Virion's ears perked up at the mention of a demon queen, and he couldn't help but think of his friends and the encounter they had shared just a month before. He found himself drawn to the murmurs of mystery and intrigue, wondering what lay beneath the surface of these whispered tales.

As he continued to navigate the town, the scent of burning leaves and the faint hint of a chill in the air served as a reminder of the passage of time. The once-bright days of summer had given way to the muted hues of autumn, mirroring the transformation taking place within Threshold itself.

The sense of unease that had been simmering below the surface began to bubble over as the days wore on. Virion found himself struggling to shake off a growing sense of dread, a gnawing suspicion that something was amiss.

As the sun dipped below the horizon one evening, casting long shadows across the town, Virion stood at his window, gazing out at the darkening streets. The flickering glow of lamplight danced in his eyes as he pondered the implications of what he had heard.

"I can't shake this feeling," he murmured to himself, his fingers drumming against the windowsill. "There's something going on here, something that doesn't quite add up."

Over the next few days, Virion kept a watchful eye on the cult's activities, noting the increasing number of familiar faces among its ranks. To his dismay, he spotted Kiara and Magnus, their eyes now glowing with an unnatural red light. The sight sent a shiver down his spine as he recalled the demoness from his 'hallucinations' and the changes he had noticed in his friends' bodies.

Unable to stand idly by, Virion approached them one day as they stood in a secluded corner, talking to each other. Their conversation ceased as he drew near, and he could feel their gazes upon him, cold and guarded.

"I've heard unsettling rumours about this cult," Virion began cautiously, his voice heavy with concern. "Please, be careful. I can't help but feel that something is very wrong here."

Kiara offered a reassuring smile, her eyes still bearing that eerie glow. "We appreciate your concern, Virion, but there's no need to worry. This church has brought us nothing but happiness."

Magnus nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering. "In fact, we believe it could bring you happiness too. Why not join us?"

"I can't join you," Virion said firmly, his eyes searching their faces for any sign of the friends he once knew. "I've seen the changes this cult has brought about, but I can't help but feel that something is very wrong here."

Kiara's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Virion, trust us. We've never been happier or felt more fulfilled. You should give it a chance."

Magnus chimed in, his voice earnest. "We wouldn't invite you if we thought it was dangerous. We care about you, Virion. You're our friend."

Virion's frustration grew as their insistence continued, his concern for their well-being turning into a desperate plea. "Please, Kiara, Magnus, listen to me. There's something off about this cult, and I fear for your safety. Can't you see that?"

Kiara shook her head, her expression resolute. "We've made our choice, Virion. We're sorry you can't see the joy this has brought us, but we won't be swayed."

Magnus placed a hand on Virion's shoulder, his gaze filled with a strange mixture of pity and determination. "We'll be here for you when you change your mind, friend."

With a heavy heart, Virion turned and walked away, frustration and worry consuming him. The conversation only served to strengthen his resolve to infiltrate the cult's secret gathering place and uncover the truth. If his friends wouldn't listen to reason, he would have to save them from the darkness that threatened to consume them.

For the next few days, Virion discreetly gathered information on the cult's secret gathering place. He pieced together fragments of hushed conversations, followed suspicious figures under the cover of darkness, and deciphered coded messages left in hidden corners. His determination fuelled by concern for his friends, he finally discovered the location: a hidden temple nestled deep within the town's underbelly.

As Virion prepared for his daring infiltration, he couldn't help but wonder what secrets awaited him within the temple's shadowy halls. He knew he was risking everything in pursuit of the truth, but he couldn't bear the thought of Kiara and Magnus falling victim to the cult's insidious influence.

As he crept through the moonlit streets, the distant sounds of laughter and music faded, replaced by the steady rhythm of his own heartbeat. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was venturing into the unknown, a web of intrigue and danger that would test his courage and loyalty. The threads of fate were drawing tighter, leading him ever closer to a moment that would change not only his life, but the lives of his friends as well.

Under the cloak of night, Virion approached the hidden entrance to the underground church, his heart pounding with a mix of dread and determination. He used his elven agility and stealth to slip past the guards, who remained unaware of his presence. Pushing open a concealed door, he stepped into the dimly lit chamber, the cold air laced with an unsettling energy that crawled over his skin.

The congregation's faces were obscured by dark robes, their voices chanting in unison as they worshiped before a sinister altar. Shadows danced on the walls, reflecting the flickering candlelight and adding to the eerie atmosphere. The pungent scent of burning incense filled Virion's nostrils, making it difficult to breathe.

As he took in the scene, Virion's heart sank. The whispers of a revived demon queen seemed to have been true, and, to his horror, Kiara and Magnus were at the forefront of the ritual. Their voices rang out with fervour, their eyes shining with fanatic devotion.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. How could his friends have fallen so far? His thoughts raced, searching for a way to save them, but he was so consumed by his shock that he failed to sense the danger creeping up behind him.

A sudden, sharp pain exploded at the back of his head, and his world started spinning. As he crumpled to the ground, his vision blurred, and he caught a fleeting glimpse of a shadowy figure towering over him. In that moment, he realized that his infiltration had been discovered.

The last sounds Virion heard before the darkness swallowed him were the echo of sinister laughter and the continued chanting of the congregation. As he slipped into unconsciousness, he couldn't help but wonder what would become of his friends, and if he had just sealed his own fate by venturing into the heart of the cult.