
Chapter 1

There is a residential library called The Twisted Mirror. You can't find The Twisted Mirror library because it appears when you are lost or in search of answers.Going into this library must be your last resort because once you enter through the library doors they close behind you. They will only open again when the Twisted Mirror Library believes you are no longer lost. The layout of this library is similar to a hotel layout except with a lot of bookshelves. If you look up, you will see clouds above you because the ceiling is too far away to see from the ground floor.

It's important for you to know that you should only enter this pale library when it is your only option left. I'm telling you that no matter how ordinary it looks on the outside, do not enter. This library is magical. I wish someone had told me that before I entered The twisted mirror library. I came in because I truly thought this was a library filled with interesting new books. It even blended in with the city landscape.

Before entering the library, I peaked through the windows only to find they were tinted. This only made me more curious about what books were inside. I thought they were antique books, so they couldn't be exposed to sunlight. However, when I entered the it was much bigger than it appeared to be outside. I was so shocked that I tried to go back outside to compare the interior of the building to the exterior.

However, I couldn't open the doors. I pushed and pulled the door with all my strength, but it didn't open. I've been trapped in here for five years, slipping letters through the small hole under the door. So if you are able to read my letters, please listen to my warning, and do not enter The twisted mirror library.