
The Twisted Destiny: The Villain's Pursuit of Power

By some strange twist of fate, an amoral man from the modern world is suddenly thrown into a mana-brimming realm that looks a lot like the Western Middle Ages. Here, he becomes the third teenage heir of the most formidable magic noble family in a world where powerful families with special inherent bloodlines stand on the top. But his new role isn't as great as it sounds. He's not a hero, but a villain — just a throwaway character with a terribly low 'fate value', meant to lose and be stepped on by the 'Sons of Destiny', those favored by the unpredictable energy of fate, in the end. Yet, he flatly rejects this predestined downfall. With an unyielding resolve, he hatches a cunning plan to seize the luck of these chosen heroes, amassing power with each one he topples. His ruthless journey winds through encounters with mesmerizing women, each enriching his audacious scheme in their unique ways. This is not a simple tale of good clashing with evil. It's the chronicle of a remorseless man who dares to defy the very rules of fate. His ambition extends beyond mere survival; he lusts for ultimate power, immortality, and dominion over this mystical, medieval realm. Can he rewrite his destiny and claim this world as his own? Step into this thrilling journey to find out.

Hanma_Jack · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Enter the Maids: Isabella and Elise

And as the new Elysar Valthoren continued to take stock of the precautions that had been put in place, he also couldn't help but appreciate the ingenuity and resourcefulness of his predecessor.

Though the vast Valthoren manor offered ample space and countless rooms, it was evident that the original Elysar had chosen to spend the majority of his time within this single sanctuary. The room, filled with his most precious belongings, served as a testament to his reclusive nature and desire for solitude.

The extensive collection of books, artifacts, and personal effects indicated that the previous Elysar had rarely ventured beyond the confines of this space. This preference for seclusion could likely be attributed to his deep-rooted paranoia and the misfortune that seemed to follow him wherever he went. By remaining within his heavily fortified and surveilled chamber, he had sought to minimize any risks and maintain a sense of control over his environment.

The original Elysar's reclusiveness was further evident in the presence of numerous magical devices designed to facilitate communication and access to information without requiring him to leave the room. The enchanted bird perched on its pedestal, for instance, allowed him to send and receive messages instantly, while a scrying mirror, nestled among the bookshelves, provided him with real-time visual access to any location within the Valthoren estate.

Even the room's layout and design seemed to cater to the previous Elysar's preference for privacy and self-sufficiency. A small, yet fully equipped alchemy lab was tucked away in one corner, enabling him to concoct potions and elixirs without assistance. A discreet, magically-concealed door led to a hidden chamber, likely used for meditation or other secret activities.

As Elysar continued to examine the various magical items and technological devices within the room, he realized that many of them had been personally crafted for the original owner by his own mother. She was a renowned enchantress and business titan who controlled the largest business empire in the world. Her immense resources enabled her to create unique artifacts solely for her son.

The exclusivity and exorbitant price of these custom-made items ensured that they remained the sole possessions of Elysar Valthoren, a testament to his privileged upbringing and the depths of his mother's love. The new Elysar, as he discovered and studied these precious artifacts, could not help but feel a sense of awe at the craftsmanship and ingenuity that had gone into their creation.

'Yes, even my mother is extraordinary. The brilliant, genius businesswoman and the wealthiest person in this world, single-handedly building the most formidable business empire despite coming from a commoner background...', Elysar recalled the memories he had inherited about his new mother. She was the only person who didn't ignore him due to his predicament and loved him deeply. Consequently, the current Elysar also felt a surge of emotion when thinking of her, an effect of the lingering emotions from the previous Elysar. He, too, held her in the highest regard and cherished her above all else in this world.

As Elysar surveyed the vast collection of books, alchemical equipment, and various magical devices that filled the room, he began to piece together a clearer picture of the previous Elysar's life. It was apparent that, despite his noble status and prestigious lineage, the original Elysar had struggled to gain recognition and respect from his peers due to his inherent bad luck and lack of innate magical talent.

Faced with constant misfortune and overshadowed by the accomplishments of his more gifted family members, the previous Elysar had been forced to rely on his own resourcefulness and determination to improve himself. This explained the extensive library, covering a wide range of subjects such as magical theory, history, and the arcane arts, which he had painstakingly accumulated in an attempt to enhance his knowledge and skills.

The well-stocked alchemy lab, filled with high-grade herbs, potions, and ingredients, was further evidence of his relentless drive for self-improvement. It was clear that he had devoted countless hours to the study and practice of alchemy, hoping to compensate for his lack of innate magical abilities by mastering this complex and powerful discipline.

'Hard work is said to triumph over fate in my previous world... But that wasn't the case here. Neither the hard nor the smart work helped that individual. There must have been something gravely amiss. Despite the immense effort, intelligence, time, and resources he invested, the original Elysar couldn't make any progress, driving him to the brink of madness. It even led him to place his trust in a total stranger and undertake such a perilous ritual...', Elysar mused.

Elysar then gradually found himself then delving deeper into the thoughts and memories of the original owner. The paranoia that had once consumed him was now part of Elysar's own consciousness, allowing him to piece together the events that had led to the ill-fated ritual. The original Elysar had been desperate to change his luck, and so, when approached with the prospect of the Rite of Fate's Gaze and the Fateweaver Amulet, he had eagerly embraced the opportunity.

The memories of the ritual were vivid in Elysar's mind: the meditative focus, the ancient incantations, and the surge of power as the Fateweaver Amulet had activated. He could almost feel the invisible chains of fate that had been intended to bind the "sons of fortune", draining their good luck to fuel the original Elysar's own fortune.

But something had gone terribly wrong, and instead of gaining the ability to manipulate fate, the original Elysar's soul had been consumed, making way for the transmigration of Elysar's consciousness from Earth.

As Elysar pondered the implications of his newly inherited memories and the twisted path that had led him to this point, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of gratitude for the original owner's misfortune. It was this very paranoia and desperation that had paved the way for his own ascension, and now, with the tools and knowledge at his disposal, he was ready to forge his own destiny and conquer this new world.

Elysar reached out for the amulet, which was carefully hidden among the various magical items in the room. As his fingers touched the cold metal, a surge of emotions washed over him. He felt a strange connection to the amulet as if it held the key to transforming his life,

'So this ritual really succeeded! But it wasn't the original owner who reaped the benefits; it was me instead! A ritual that enables me to see the fate levels of myself and others. And this magical amulet, which supposedly allows me to steal fate from those fortunate individuals for myself... The first part is clearly working...',

Elysar thought with a smile as he gazed at the giant zero imprinted on his body after activating his Fate's Gaze, 'As for the Fateweaver Amulet... I'll have to test it later to see if it's functioning properly. But the person who gave this to the original owner... I can't help but wonder about their true nature and origins...',

As Elysar continued to examine the Fateweaver Amulet, he was still holding, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something enigmatic and unnerving about it. The craftsmanship was exquisite, but the design seemed to evoke a sense of unease that he couldn't quite put his finger on. The amulet's gemstone, in particular, seemed to exude an eerie aura that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Doesn't matter, it is, for now, the only way I see for me to escape this cursed fate... Without it, I'm as good as useless.", Elysar thought, resolved to learn more about the amulet later. His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching outside the room.

Quickly placing the Fateweaver Amulet back in its hiding spot, Elysar composed himself, trying to appear as natural as possible. He was curious to see who would enter his room, especially since he had just awoken in this new world and was still adjusting to his new identity. With a mixture of anticipation and wariness, he prepared to face the first person from this world with whom he would interact, 'No, I see, it is at least two different people...',

Elysar realized judging from the sound and volume he was currently hearing from the outside. He was all focused on his amulet, and in his thoughts, that he forgot to look at his surveillance equipment nor did he notice various signals he set for himself to hear as well.

The door to the room creaked open, and two maids rushed in, their faces filled with concern as they called out, "Young master!", Their soft voices ringing like bells all over the room.

Upon seeing Elysar awake and seemingly unharmed, their expressions turned to relief and joy, "Young master, you're finally awake! We were so worried about you!", But then, one of Elysar's personal maids, Isabella, exclaimed hesitantly, as if she was afraid to speak to him. Her eyes welled up with tears.

The other maid, Elise, nodded in agreement. Clenching her fists to muster up the courage to speak, she said, "Yes, it's been weeks since you fell into a coma. The Valthoren noble house's leading physicians said that your soul was damaged and that you might never wake up. We're so glad to see you conscious and well!", Her face was conflicted as she spoke. They were both somewhat fidgeting as if in fear of something and their heads were lowered as soon as they noticed that he was fine.

Elysar looked at them in surprise at their strange and seemingly apprehensive state, but then he finally remembered why they behaved that way toward him. As the original owner's life became increasingly consumed by misfortune and his own paranoia, his personality took a dark and bitter turn. The mounting pressure from his family and the constant fear of accidents or failures caused him to become cruel and unapproachable. He lashed out at those around him, particularly the servants and maids who attended to his needs daily.

The original owner demanded strict adherence to his safety protocols, and any perceived lapse or error could result in severe punishment. Servants who failed to remove sharp objects, properly check his belongings, or follow his myriad of other precautions would find themselves at the mercy of his wrath. He would often beat and berate them, sometimes even resorting to beheading or torturing them as a means of venting his frustration and instilling fear in others.

This extreme behavior created an atmosphere of terror and unease within House Valthoren, as the servants and maids lived in constant fear of their young master's volatile temper. He had no friends, lived in isolation, and had even fired all of his previous bodyguards, fearing they might plot against him due to his paranoid nature. He had also killed several servants during his episodes, but these two maids had been mostly spared, as they had followed him loyally from a very young age, knew him the best, and were usually quite good at their jobs.

Isabella was a gentle and empathetic young woman, had long, wavy auburn hair and deep green eyes. Her alluring appearance boasted a slender figure, delicate features, and a radiant smile.

Hailing from a family of in-house servants for the Valthoren family, her parents swelled with pride when she was chosen to serve Elysar due to her beauty and skills. Her daily responsibilities included tending to Elysar's personal needs such as grooming, dressing, and organizing his schedule. On the rare occasions when he allowed it, she also cleaned and maintained his living quarters, ensuring that everything was in order.

Despite enduring harsh treatment, Isabella's optimism and kind-heartedness never wavered. She was meticulous in her work and strove to understand the original owner's needs, hoping to one day break through his cold exterior and help him find happiness.

'Such a pure-hearted girl... No wonder the original owner harbored a bit of goodwill towards her...', Elysar mused as he recalled information about the first maid, 'Also, her appearance is superb... In my past life, I could only dream of being in the presence of such a woman, whereas now she's just my maid without any status. This transmigration truly isn't that bad.',

'Even if I fail the heir competition and one of my brothers actually wins it, becomes the next patriarch, and then kills me, I could still just enjoy this lavish life until then, which probably won't be happening anytime soon. Better than my past life either way... I now wonder why the original owner didn't try to 'try' any of these maids himself as that is quite normal and expected from them, as the part of the job, in this world..?', Elysar thought greedily while appreciating her beautiful appearance, especially glancing toward her exaggerated chest.

Isabella's long, wavy auburn hair cascaded down her back, framing her face with loose tendrils that gently brushed against her high cheekbones. Her deep green eyes, expressive and soulful, seemed to hold a hint of wisdom beyond her years. A smattering of freckles adorned her fair complexion, creating a charming contrast to her delicate features.

Her slender figure was accentuated by her natural grace and elegant posture, giving her a regal air. Her lips, full and soft, often curved into a warm, radiant smile that could brighten even the darkest of days. Her attire, befitting her role as a maid, was both modest and tasteful, with just a touch of elegance and sexiness that further enhanced her alluring appearance. Her chest was partly exposed for example at just the right amount. The other maid wore a similar attire as well and both were fifteen years of age just like himself.

The other maid's name was Elise, a fiery and passionate redhead with a spirited personality. Her appearance was striking, with her long, voluminous hair framing her face, and her bright blue eyes shining with determination. Her hourglass figure and natural grace added to her allure. Originally a poor commoner, she was recruited into the Valthoren household by another family maid, who was impressed by her beauty, talent, and charisma.

Elise's daily responsibilities included managing Elysar's wardrobe, assisting him during meals, and ensuring his personal items were organized and well-maintained. She also acted as a liaison between him and the rest of the household, keeping him informed about important events and gatherings.

Despite Elysar's cruel behavior, Elise mostly remained loyal to him for reasons unknown to the current Elysar, considering their previous relationship should have made her resentful. Her spirited personality often led her to stand up to him, unafraid to voice her opinions and challenge his actions. This strong-willed nature made her a force to be reckoned with, both in the household and among her fellow maids. However, her confrontational attitude also caused friction between her and the previous Elysar, leading to a complicated relationship filled with tension and occasional moments of understanding.

Isabella and Elise were taken aback by Elysar's silence and his direct gaze toward Isabelle's chest area, something that would have never happened before. They also noticed the absence of his usual vigilant and paranoid look on his face and mannerism. Although his face still appeared extremely haggard and strange, there was still a subtle difference about him.

'I should behave more like the original Elysar, even if I'm not as paranoid anymore. However, it's reasonable for some differences in behavior to be expected after such a life-changing experience and coma...', Elysar observed their reactions and thought as he finally attempted to sit up on the edge of his luxurious bed.

Noticing his movements, the maids exclaimed in worry and rushed to his side to assist him. As they drew closer, Elysar found himself appreciating the view of their ravishing figures even more, and he couldn't help but be captivated by their alluring fragrances, "I'm fine, go in and prepare a bath for me full of various healing and mana-enhancing herb extracts and minerals, a large meal, full of meat from wild beast creatures and other mana-heavy products. I need to recover my body and mana quickly. Then bring me some clothes I like, notify my mother that I woke up, and then notify the Valthoren estate main library that I'm going there as soon as I am done with everything else.",

Elysar spoke in sucession, without stopping, in his usual style and tone of voice. The maids quickly moved back as they helped him sit straight. They attempted to argue against him visiting the library as soon as he woke up, but seeing his customary icy gaze, they stopped in their tracks. Acknowledging his orders, they finally exited the room to complete their assigned tasks. As they left, however, both of their faces turned red, recalling Elysar's earlier behavior as he eyed them and subtly sniffed the air around them.

Once in the hallway, the two maids exchanged glances before speaking. Isabella hesitated for a moment before whispering shyly, "Elise, did you notice... the way the young master was looking at us earlier?"

Elise nodded, her cheeks still flushed, "Yes, I did. It was... unusual. I've never seen him act like that before. It is beyond my understanding..."

Isabella sighed, a hint of worry in her voice, "Do you think he might be... changed somehow? After all, he was in a coma for so long..."

Elise considered the idea, then shook her head, "I don't know, but right now, we should focus on the tasks he's given us. We can think about this later.", 'Moreover, why do I feel his change may actually be good...?'

Isabella agreed, and the two maids went their separate ways to carry out their duties – notifying the cooks, library, and Elysar's mother, and preparing a bath as well as new clothes for their young master.

As they made their way through the luxurious and spacious hallways, Elise's thoughts were filled with memories of her young master. Despite the countless times he had scolded or even struck her in the past, she was genuinely saddened by his current situation. His personality had gradually worsened over time, and as someone with a strong-willed nature, Elise often tried to argue against him and change his ways, which led to those punishments.

However, Elysar hadn't always been like this. Elise had known him since they were both ten years old, and back then, he was only slightly introverted but quite caring towards her, even though she was just a servant. As time passed and his experiences and accidents took their toll, his personality deteriorated.

Elise believed that the harsh circumstances of Elysar's life, including his misfortunes and the pressure from his family, had shaped him into the person he had become. She empathized with his struggles and felt that he deserved a chance to break free from the cycle of misery and bitterness.

Moreover, Elise had secretly witnessed moments of vulnerability and genuine emotion from Elysar throughout the years, even just before his coma. These glimpses gave her hope that there was still kindness and goodness hidden beneath his cold exterior. Her strong-willed nature and persistence made her determined to help him overcome his negative behaviors and find true happiness. More than anything else in the world, Elise longed for him to finally change for the better.

Many additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon, in addition to high-quality illustrations of some important hot female characters, and everything else gradually, as the story progresses. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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