
the book of ten thousand spells

Zhao Xu couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw the book of ten thousand spells in front of him.

However, he didn't let his guard down at all. He quickly ordered Lux to decide on the spell on the first page.

Suddenly, the tightly shut divine artifact, the book of ten thousand spells, opened up to its first page in front of Zhao Xu.

in an instant, ten thousand spells was directly inserted into the spell slots on the first page into zhao xu's mind.

Just like in the final scroll, it would become a spell that he could cast at will.

the pit fiend had also been startled by the ripples of power coming from the divine gear and was a bit slow for a moment. it only reacted after a while and raised its hand to cast a spell-like ability at zhao xu.

however, zhao xu had already been casting these spells in the scroll space for a long time, so he immediately shouted,

"time stop!"

Everything in the world suddenly lost its color.