
The truth behind the paranormal

a normal history teacher in Egypt discovers the hidden history of the paranormal

Fjkfghkj_Fjkhgi · Kỳ huyễn
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Prince of Light on the day Light was created. .2500 BC - 2000 BC.

"I will sing this song to God... when the great Savior comes... and this beautiful, anxious, innocent girl... come and set her free now." An old Babylonian song with an old voice and an ancient Babylonian language. He was singing it... moving his head in joy... his voice was melodious and beautiful... but music. The background was not compatible with the beauty of his voice.. He was singing to the sound of sheep frolicking in the pasture.. He would tap sheep on them with his stick from time to time.. He was happy.. Who would walk in such a charming nature and not be happy.. We are in The ancient Kingdom of Assyria near the city of Babylon... the greatest city that the eye of man or jinn has ever seen... and this shepherd with a melodious voice is the old man "Ishma".

"And when the great Savior comes... you will certainly be freed."

More than four thousand years ago... the earth was different from the earth... and the sky was different from the sky... Ishma could look at the pond he was walking next to and see all its fish and shells as if he were looking at the birds in the sky... more than four thousand years ago. Everything was very clean. It seemed that old Ishma had decided to rest for a while. So he went to a nearby tree where he used to leave his food. When he reached his food, he looked at it in astonishment. It was open.

These poor thieves will never learn. If they had asked him for food, he would have given them. But they prefer stealing. Their souls refuse to deal with people and are satisfied with stealing from them. But Ishma was very surprised when he looked back at the food. Even though the bag was open, Food is available and milk is available.. but the cheese is eaten in very small pieces.. and the milk is slightly lacking and does not make you fat or relieve hunger.. "Ishma" sat and ate and drank and rested in the shade of the tree.. Then he decided to go down to wash in the pond.. as he does. Shepherds who bathed in ponds in all ancient kingdoms... took off all his clothes and went into the water.


While old Ishma was bathing, he was looking at his belongings from time to time with subconscious glances. Suddenly, a flock of beautiful-looking pigeons came and landed at his food. The pigeons began pecking the cheese with small pecks and filling their small beaks with milk in a strange scene, then they flew and landed in a place. Not far away... They stay there for a few minutes and then fly back to his food... They peck and fill their beaks and then fly to the same place.

"Ishma" came out of the pond and put on his old Babylonian clothes... but he did not go to his belongings... rather, he headed to that place where doves fly with this strange enthusiasm... and there he found something that made his old eyes widen in astonishment and amazement; He found a beautiful nine-year-old girl whose beauty he had never seen before. But that was not what surprised him. What made his eyes widen in amazement was that the doves were surrounding her, feeding her and giving her milk from their beaks.

The little girl was laughing and moving her hands happily. When "Ishma" approached her, she laughed at him with a laugh that shed tender tears for her innocence. With the mentality of an ancient Babylonian shepherd, what he saw meant something legendary. "Ishma" gently picked her up and raised her to the sky. And doves were flying from the sky. He looked around them with happiness that he could not find an explanation for. Ishma looked into her beautiful little eyes. It was the first time he had seen a child with such wonderful eyelashes. Ishma decided to take this child with him to raise her. He also decided to give her a name that was inspired by him. The situation... He called her "Beloved of Doves"... The name that sounded familiar when pronounced in ancient Babylonian... It was pronounced in Babylonian "Semiramis" when the great Savior came... And this innocent, anxious, beautiful girl... Come and set her free now.