
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs


**I'm trying to transfer schools so I'm back to writing again!! Woohoo!

After Darren died, many things happened. While I was inside the castle, the rest of the Nova kingdom's army was sweeping through the city, arresting all Red Shanks gang members and anyone carrying a red mask was also caught and questions.

The Nova kingdom had a small population of 2.5 million civilians. The main city we live in had around 1.5 million civilians that called it home. After the failed coup, a total of 100,000 civilians were either killed or missing. The King held a night of mourning for those who were killed or still unaccounted for. Mourning lasted for 3 days before the city slowly began to rebuild itself.

Our entire house was busy. May, Noel, Olivia and Katherine helped the commoner's guild rebuild part of the city and also rebuilding part of the slums. Lucy, Jennie and the adventure's guild was helping with the rebuild of the town square, which is where the main force of the Red Shanks attacked. Princess Eva and Zen helped by having the Beast Kingdom send aid to help speed up the rebuilding process. I was also busy.




"Sir Atlas. I'm grateful and honored to have you here today."

"I'm glad to be here Your Majesty."

I have spent the last three days living inside the royale castle. After Darren died, the King, his son and grandson awoken to me being the lone survivor in the room. They had thought that I saved them, of course I didn't but they wouldn't believe that a dragon spirit named Haco killed himself and Darren. The King asked me to come to the castle so he could give me his thanks. May told me that I would need to stay in the castle for a few days before meeting him so I've been living in the castle since the night of the mourning. Today was the day I finally met with the King.

"That's great to hear. I wanted to meet with the Ghost of the Gods after hearing how powerful he was but now I can see that none of that was a lie."

"I thank you for your praise Your Majesty."

I was trying to keep my answers short. This was the first time meeting a leader I wasn't familiar with. Even May didn't know much about the royale family. The only thing known was that the family has been the only family in power since the Nova City was turned to the Nova Kingdom.

The King went on a tangent, talking about how much he respected someone as powerful as me and how others should look up to me. I made the casual comment here and there to show him that I was paying attention. After he finished singing my praise, he asked me something I didn't expect.

"So, Atlas. I asked you here today not to only thank you but to offer you a job. Will you work for our kingdom? Will you help me defend this beautiful land?"

I answered instantly. "Sorry, Your Majesty. I can't accept your offer."

The King's brow scrunched but quickly returned to normal.

"Can I ask why Sir Atlas?"

"It's my freedom. I wish to not be tied down to other responsibilities. I have my sister and many others who depend on me. I cannot just leave them and put all my attention in something else."

"A family man! I see, I understand."

The king seemed understanding. After that we spoke for a little bit longer before our meeting ended. I could finally leave and return home.

While I was leaving, the prince stopped me. He was 40 years old and the next person in line for the throne.

"Prince Dan, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing Sir Atlas, I just wanted to thank you personally for saving my son and father… also I overheard what my father had asked you. Please rethink your answer."

I didn't understand what he was trying to accomplish so I just told him that I will and I left, excited to see everyone again after 3 long days.




Third Person POV

Atlas didn't know this but Prince Dan knew how ambitious his father was. His father, the King of the Nova kingdom had a secret. He wanted to expand the Nova kingdom's borders. He has been working with the Red Shanks to gather more power. The Red Shanks would capture and sell slaves to anyone buying and the King was one of those people.

The King has been buying slaves and preparing to find someone to train them. Now that Atlas, the Ghost of the Gods appeared before him, he couldn't let this opportunity go by.

Prince Dan knew that his father wouldn't rest until he got Atlas to agree to work for him. He was afraid that his father might take extreme measures to force Atlas to join him.




Atlas POV

I hurried home. It was noon so everyone should be home for lunch.

When I entered, I could hear someone in the kitchen running around. I look in to see Noel and Lucy cooking together.

"You do it like this Noel. You want to cook a good meal for Atlas when he comes back right?"

"OF COURSE! I want brother to remember that we have good food at home too! I don't want him to eat the food at the castle and forget about us!"

I couldn't help but laugh out. It looks like Noel was worried that I wouldn't be coming back home. When I laughed out loud, both of them looked over at me. Noel was blushing and Lucy was trying to hold her laugh in. I call out to Noel.

"Were you worried Noel? I can't forget my cute little sister."

I could see her blushing a lot. She ignored me and continued cooking.

"Who said I was cooking for you huh? You're older right? You can feed yourself."

"I guess I will go to the castle then."

I turned around to pretend to leave. I could hear Noel's waddling over to me.

"Fine, I cooked too much anyways. You can have some."

She dragged me to the dinner table and served me some food. She had made a delicious broccoli soup and Lucy made this tasty garlic bread to go along with it.

I used the bread and dipped it in the soup. I didn't know this but both girls were looking at me in anticipation. When I took a bite, it was like a beautiful explosion in my mouth.

"Hmmm! It's really good! Nice job Noel! It tastes great. Lucy, your bread is great as well."

Both girls happily gave each other a double high-five. "Ehehe, we did it Auntie! He liked yours too!" Lucy was blushing but I pretended not to notice it. The three of us continued eating until Princess Eva and Olivia both returned home.

Katherine was the first to greet me. "Uncle! You're back!"

"Did you miss me, Katherine? Your uncle is finally free to play with you again."

She was shaking with excitement. It's been almost two weeks since we've met but thanks to Noel, Katherine opened up to everyone quickly.

"Come here Kat! Let your big sister feed you. I cooked today you know!"

"You cooked big sis!?" Noel won Katherine's attention and she even pulled a seat out for her to sit in.

I turn to the three adults that just came in.

"Princess, Olivia, Zen. It's good to see you three again."

The three sat down and we all talked about what they've been doing. Princess Eva has been working hard to establish a relationship between the Beast Kingdom and the Nova Kingdom. She's been in meetings with different nobles and offering help to rebuild. Zen has been with her the entire time as her guard. Olivia and Katherine have been working at the commoner's guild. They both worked in the kitchen and fed the hungry guild members who worked to rebuild the slums.

After lunch was done, May returned home but she had a worried look to her. She saw I had returned so she called to me.

"Atlas, you need to come with me right now." She was serious so I left with her. We went towards the adventure's guild.

"Atlas, we found a bunch of slaves that the Red Shanks were trying to sell."

That does sound like a problem but this isn't the reaction I would expect just from finding slaves.

"I see but it would seem like something else is also bothering you?"

She nodded. "You're right. This is nothing new. We expected to find more slaves. It's just that this time… these slaves said they needed help looking for someone."

Ah. I see. She might be worried that they can't find the person. I could help look for this person. I could even ask Ivory for help. I'm sure she is more than willing to help.

"Do you need help finding the person? I can look for this person if you do not have enough personnel."

She sighed and stopped walking.

"Atlas… the person they are looking for is you."

Thanks for reading this chapter of The True Dreamer! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment down what you liked and disliked about the chapter. If you really like the book feel free to rate it and leave a review so others will know what you think. You can also add it to your library so that you will never miss an update.

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