
The True Demon King In AOT

At first Kira seemed like a normal human; he went to school, had friends and a loving family. But he was anything but normal, for him; this wasn't enough. In his opinion Earth was boring, a place where he would never be satisfied. So when he died and awoke in a world, a world he knew, a world of fiction, he was excited and finally felt alive, because in this world he could finally do something worthwhile. For example, taking over the world, or destroying humanity.

Melpy · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 3

Looking at the template Kira pondered, for him killing one person should be easy. But killing a thousand?!

'Sigh, I guess gaining power really does mean you have to step over the bodies of others.' Kira thought as he looked at the sky.

'Lets just see what happens in the future, there are a lot of bad guys in this world so maybe I can kill enough evil people to finish the template, then I wont have to touch the innocent.' With this thought he closed the system and began to walk towards a nearby tree.

'Swinging a sword huh? First I'll practice swinging with a stick; then I'll do some simple exercises.'

Touching his stomach, Kira thought. 'Hopefully before I starve I get a quest.'

With a new goal, Kira picked up a stick from the ground and began to swing it.

As seconds passed Kira dropped the stick, and at the same time his arms lost all their power.

His arms where so frail that only after seconds they were too tired to move.

'Dammit. I've never felt so weak. I thought I would be able to do at least 100, but I only did 13' Looking at his arms, Kira squeezed his hands and determination filled in his eyes.

'If I cant use my arms then I'll use my legs until my arms can be used.' Kira jumped up and began to run; of course he didn't go too far since even though the system said their were no creatures nearby, there is always a possibility.

A minute passed and Kira was still running; his legs were weak and he felt like they were going to break at any moment; his mouth was wide open gasping for air, and his entire lower body felt numb.

Finally, after taking another step, he fell to the ground.

While Kira was lying on the ground looking at the bright sky, he heard a noise.


[New Quests...]


Do 50 Push-ups [Reward A Wooden Sword.]

Do 50 Sit-ups [Reward 10 Water Bottles and 10 Cooked Meals. (Meals Will Stay Warm Forever.)]]


Swing Your Sword 100 Times [Reward One Wheel Spin (A).]


'Finally a goddamn quest.'

'50 Push-ups is pretty easy, with this body it may take a while but since it doesn't say anything about form I should be able to do 50 within an hour. But I should do the Sit-Ups first so I can get water and food.'

With this in mind, Kira ignored his fatigue and got in a sit-up position and began to do sit-ups.

It would take him around 10 seconds to do 3 sit-ups and in a minute he was doing around 18; he stopped multiple ways through since his chest began to hurt, and since he didn't want to risk an injury, he would lay down for a while.

And in around 7 minutes he had finished it.

'S-System redeem the quest.'


Do 50 Sit-ups [Reward 10 Water Bottles and 10 Cooked Meals. (Meals Will Stay Warm Forever.) - Completed.


In front of Kira, who was dripping with sweat and tears, appeared food, a big plate of mashed potatoes and beans.

Not even thinking twice, Kira put his hands that had sweat and dirt into his food and began to eat, shoving it down his throat as fast as he could.

Of course this was stupid; not long after swallowing Kira felt like he was going to choke and was struggling to breathe, but saved himself by drinking a bottle of water.

'Dammit I need to stop being in such a hurry, if there had been no water there I might have died!' Kira though.

'Next time I should take my time.'

'Anyways since I have energy again I shouldn't waste time and should start working out again.' As he thought about this, he took one last sip of water and began doing push-ups.

After around 17 minutes of doing push-ups Kira finally finished, since he had eaten, he had to take more breaks, but his determination stopped him from making too many excuses.

After all, he needs to get strong quick or a titan might just find him.

'System receive the quest rewards.'


Do 50 Push-ups [Reward A Wooden Sword.] - Completed.


Once again something appeared out of the fin air; this time it was a sword.

The sword looked really ordinary and wasn't anything special other than its weight; unlike how it looked, it was pretty heavy, so finishing all of the swings wasn't going to be easy.

'Well, I guess I'll start tomorrow..' Since he had camped a bit in his past life, he didn't worry about sleeping outside, and even if he did he was too tired to be concerned,

- 1 Week Later -

In a forest among many trees was a little boy; the boy had short silver hair, tanned skin and was around 4ft.

He had no top on showing off his skinny body; his body was covered in sweat, and he was swinging a wooden sword that looked like a katana.

"100!" An immature yet oddly calm voice spoke.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead Kira dropped on his butt. "Finally, who knew it would be this hard to swing a sword 100 times." Since he started training he attempted to swing the wooden Katana 100 times but could barely do 20. Because of this he made up countless excuses to take breaks and only finished on his 7th day.

'System redeem quest rewards.'

[Redeeming Quest Reward...]


Swing Your Sword 100 Times [Reward One Wheel Spin (A).] - Completed.


[Do You Wish To Use Your Wheel Spin?]'Yes.'


[Congratulations On Winning A Status Upgrade]

[Do You Wish To Merge?]

'YES!' A status upgrade would only make him become stronger, and the past few days have given him the taste of being weak, and he hates it.


[Please Prepare For Pain...]

'Huh, Pain?' That was the last thing Kira thought before blacking out.