
The True Blind Love

Ratan_Maurya · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs


In the small, picturesque town of Amaryllis, known for its beautiful gardens and timeless charm, there was a legend of a love that transcended all barriers. This story, passed down through generations, spoke of two souls who found each other despite the odds, guided not by sight but by the heart.

Anna was born in Amaryllis and had lived her entire life surrounded by its vibrant colors and fragrant blooms. She worked at her family's flower shop, where she crafted exquisite bouquets that seemed to capture the essence of the town itself. Her touch was known to breathe life into every petal, and her arrangements were sought after for weddings, anniversaries, and all manner of celebrations. Yet, despite her success, Anna felt a lingering emptiness. She had experienced many relationships, but none had filled her heart with the deep, abiding love she yearned for.

On the outskirts of Amaryllis lived Ethan, a talented musician who had lost his sight in a tragic accident during his teenage years. Despite his blindness, Ethan's other senses had sharpened, and his music was imbued with a profound emotional depth that moved all who heard it. He played the piano at the local café, and his melodies often brought tears to the eyes of his listeners. Ethan had accepted his blindness with a stoic grace, finding solace in his music and the beauty he could no longer see but could still feel.

One sunny afternoon, fate intervened. Anna was delivering flowers to the café where Ethan played. As she carefully arranged a bouquet of white lilies on a table near the piano, a gentle breeze from the open window carried the delicate scent towards Ethan. He paused, his fingers hovering above the keys, and turned his head slightly, as if trying to catch the scent more fully.

"Those are lilies, aren't they?" Ethan's voice was soft, but it carried across the room with a surprising clarity.

Anna, taken aback by his perceptiveness, replied, "Yes, they are. How did you know?"

Ethan smiled, a wistful expression crossing his face. "I remember their fragrance from when I could see. It's unforgettable."

Moved by his words, Anna felt a sudden connection to this man she had never met. She watched him as he resumed playing, the notes weaving a tapestry of emotions that seemed to mirror her own longing. After he finished his set, she gathered her courage and approached him.

"I'm Anna," she said, her voice slightly trembling. "I arranged those lilies. They're one of my favorites."

Ethan extended his hand, and as their fingers touched, Anna felt a jolt of warmth. "Ethan," he introduced himself. "Your work is beautiful, Anna. I can feel the care you put into it."

From that day on, Anna found herself visiting the café more often, always bringing a new arrangement of flowers. Each time, Ethan would identify the blooms by their scent, his descriptions so vivid that Anna felt he could see them through her eyes. Their conversations deepened, and they discovered a shared love for poetry and the simple joys of life in Amaryllis.

One evening, after the café had closed and the last customer had left, Ethan invited Anna to sit with him at the piano. "Would you like to hear something I've been working on?" he asked.

Anna nodded eagerly. Ethan began to play, the melody soft and haunting. As the music filled the room, Anna closed her eyes, letting the notes wash over her. She felt as if she were being drawn into Ethan's world, where sight was not needed to experience beauty.

When the last note faded, Ethan turned to her, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the café lights. "Anna, I've never felt this way before. Your presence, your kindness... it's like I can see again, through you."

Tears welled in Anna's eyes. "Ethan, you've shown me a world beyond what I thought was possible. I've found a love here, with you, that I never imagined."

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day. They spent their afternoons walking through the gardens of Amaryllis, where Ethan would listen to Anna describe the colors and shapes of the flowers. In turn, Ethan played music that spoke of his inner landscape, sharing the depths of his soul with her. Their love was not bound by sight but was enriched by the ways they perceived the world together.

One night, as they sat by the river that ran through the town, Ethan took Anna's hand and placed it on his heart. "Anna, I know I can't see you with my eyes, but I see you with my heart. And with every touch, every word, every shared moment, I feel like I'm touching your soul."

Anna leaned in and kissed him softly, her heart overflowing with love. "Ethan, our love is like a garden that we tend together, blooming in ways we never thought possible. You've shown me that true love doesn't need sight—it needs only the second touch of understanding and connection."

Their love story became a new legend in Amaryllis, a testament to the power of a love that transcends physical limitations. Anna and Ethan's life together was a symphony of senses, a garden of emotions, and a testament to the beauty of true romantic blind love. And so, they lived, entwined in a love that was as enduring and beautiful as the flowers that surrounded them, forever touched by the second touch that had brought them together.

As the seasons changed, so did the rhythm of Anna and Ethan's life together. Summer brought with it long, sun-drenched days, and the couple spent countless hours exploring the hidden corners of Amaryllis. Ethan's acute senses allowed him to appreciate the world in ways others often overlooked. He would sit by the river, listening to the gentle lapping of the water against the stones, or walk through the forests, attuned to the rustling leaves and the songs of birds. Anna marveled at his ability to perceive so much through sound and touch, often closing her own eyes to experience the world as he did.

One warm summer evening, as they walked through the fields of wildflowers just outside the town, Ethan paused, tilting his head towards the setting sun. "Can you describe it to me?" he asked softly.

Anna stood beside him, her gaze fixed on the horizon where the sky was painted in hues of orange, pink, and gold. "The sky is like a canvas, with streaks of warm colors blending together. The sun is a brilliant sphere, dipping below the horizon, casting a golden glow over everything. The flowers around us are bathed in this light, their colors more vibrant than ever."

Ethan smiled, his face serene. "I can almost see it," he said, his voice filled with contentment. "Thank you, Anna."

Their relationship continued to deepen, their connection growing stronger with each shared moment. Ethan's music flourished, inspired by the love and joy he found with Anna. He composed new pieces that captured the essence of their experiences, the melodies echoing the laughter and whispers they shared. The people of Amaryllis often gathered at the café to listen to Ethan play, his music a beloved fixture of their community.

As autumn approached, the air grew crisp and the leaves turned shades of red and gold. One evening, Ethan surprised Anna with a special gift. "I want to show you something," he said, taking her hand and leading her to the old oak tree where they had shared many conversations.

Underneath the tree, Ethan had set up a small wooden bench. "I made this for us," he explained. "I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can sit together, away from everything, just us."

Anna was touched by the gesture. She ran her fingers over the smooth wood, feeling the care and effort Ethan had put into crafting it. "It's beautiful," she whispered, tears of happiness welling in her eyes.

They sat together on the bench, the cool autumn breeze rustling the leaves above them. As they held hands, Ethan began to speak. "Anna, you've brought so much light into my life. Even though I can't see the world as I used to, you've shown me that there are other ways to experience its beauty. You've given me a gift that's more precious than sight."

Anna leaned her head on his shoulder, her heart full. "And you've taught me to see the world in a whole new way, Ethan. Your music, your perspective... you've opened my eyes to the beauty that goes beyond what we can see."

Winter arrived, blanketing Amaryllis in a soft, white snow. The town's gardens slept under the frost, and the flower shop was quieter, allowing Anna and Ethan to spend more time indoors, nestled by the fireplace. They shared stories, read poetry, and dreamed of the future. Ethan continued to compose, his music now infused with the warmth and coziness of their shared winter days.

One snowy evening, as they sat by the fire, Ethan took Anna's hand and looked as if he could see right into her soul. "Anna, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

Anna's heart quickened. She had a feeling she knew what was coming, but she waited, her breath catching in her throat.

"Anna," Ethan began, his voice steady and filled with emotion. "Will you marry me?"

Tears of joy streamed down Anna's cheeks. She threw her arms around him, holding him tight. "Yes, Ethan, yes! A thousand times yes."

Their engagement was celebrated by the entire town. The people of Amaryllis, who had watched their love story unfold, rejoiced in their happiness. The wedding was planned for the spring, when the gardens would be in full bloom, symbolizing the new chapter in their lives.

As the snow melted and the first signs of spring appeared, Anna and Ethan prepared for their wedding. Anna's family flower shop was abuzz with activity, as friends and family came together to help create the perfect setting for the ceremony. Anna designed a stunning bouquet of white lilies and roses, symbolizing purity and love, and every detail was planned with care.

The day of the wedding dawned clear and bright. The gardens of Amaryllis were alive with color, the flowers in full bloom, and the air filled with their sweet fragrance. Anna walked down the aisle, her heart pounding with joy, her eyes fixed on Ethan, who stood waiting for her, his face lit with a radiant smile.

As they exchanged vows, their hands clasped tightly together, it felt as though the world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them, bound by a love that was profound and true. Ethan's voice was filled with emotion as he spoke. "Anna, you are my light, my inspiration. I promise to love you with all my heart, to cherish every moment we have together, and to always see the beauty of the world through your eyes."

Anna's voice trembled with happiness as she responded. "Ethan, you've shown me a love that is deeper than I ever imagined. I promise to stand by your side, to share in your joys and sorrows, and to love you with all that I am."

The ceremony was followed by a joyful celebration, filled with music, laughter, and the warmth of their community. Ethan played a special piece he had composed for Anna, a melody that spoke of their journey together, their struggles, and their triumphs. As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the gardens, they danced together, lost in each other's embrace.

Their life together was a tapestry of love and adventure. They traveled, exploring new places and sharing new experiences, always finding beauty in the world around them. Ethan continued to compose, his music inspired by the life they built together. Anna's flower shop flourished, her arrangements more vibrant and beautiful than ever, infused with the love she felt for Ethan.

Years passed, and their love only grew stronger. They faced challenges, as all couples do, but they faced them together, their bond unbreakable. They were blessed with children, who brought even more joy and love into their lives. Ethan and Anna taught their children the same lessons they had learned: that true beauty is found not in what we see, but in what we feel, and that love is the greatest gift of all.

As they grew old together, they often returned to the bench under the old oak tree, where they would sit and reminisce about their journey. They held hands, their fingers intertwined, just as they had on that first day in the café.

One spring afternoon, as they sat under the oak tree, Ethan turned to Anna, his face lined with age but his eyes still filled with the same love and tenderness. "Anna, our love has been the greatest adventure of my life. You've given me more than I ever dreamed possible."

Anna smiled, her heart full. "And you, Ethan, have shown me the true meaning of love. Our journey has been beautiful, and I wouldn't change a single moment."

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the garden, Ethan and Anna sat together, their hearts intertwined, forever touched by the second touch that had brought them together. And so, their love story continued, a timeless testament to the power of true romantic blind love.