
The True Alpha ( Born to rule)

Derek Walker grew up as a werewolf in the midst of humans. He kept away his abilities from everyone close to him including his mother. He met and fell in love with Jocelyn, a reporter and together they will overcome the challenges and mysteries that comes with discovering his true identity. He is The True Alpha.

Queen_Daniel · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

chapter 6

"Yeah, I remember. Is he the hot guy that you met today?,"Laurel asked impatiently.

"No Laurel, damn it. Just let me finish speaking," Jocelyn answered, slightly annoyed by her words.

"Sorry big sis, I never wanted to annoy you. Talk and I promise to not interrupt you,"Laurel begged as she noticed her sister's anger and Jocelyn replied with a smile.

"Better, I arrived at the location given to me by my source but she was nowhere to be found. I called her and she said she was on her way and I patiently waited. After a few minutes, five men came and they wanted to hurt me, especially their leader. I thought I was gone for a moment," Jocelyn said but stopped as she noticed Laurel crying. " Why are you crying Laurel, I am alright now. They could not hurt me," Jocelyn said as she moved her closer to herself.

"You could have been hurt big sister and I do not want to lose you,"Laurel said in tears which touched Jocelyn.

"I was not hurt and I was about to get to the best part, so dear can you stop crying and let me finish my love," Jocelyn replied, patting her back and she wiped the tears on her face.

"Okay big sis, I can't wait to hear the best part," Laurel answered with a smile.

"As the big bad guy was trying to hurt me, someone punched him and he fell on the ground. I could not really see everything because I was still struggling to breathe. The next thing I knew, the most handsome guy I have ever met in my life offered to help me up. I still don't understand how he managed to scare them off, but I am so glad he did. He had the most pleasant countenance and his speech was filled with Grace, oh remembering him makes me smile," Jocelyn replied smiling while little Laurel continued to watch her looking confused.

"Wow, your knight in shining armor saved you. He must have been so handsome to have this effect on you. I hope you got his name before he left,"Laurel said  looking at her inquisitively.

"Yeah I did, his name is Derek," Jocelyn replied with a smile.

"Did you get his number, big sis?" Laurel asked, awaiting a positive response.

"Oh no, I forgot to ask and he did not even ask of mine," Jocelyn answered as she realized her mistake.

"Wow, just pray you both run into each other again,"Laurel said looking very disappointed.

"Yes dear, I hope we run into each other again," Jocelyn replied, looking very sad.


Brian walked into Derek's office to see him. He had bumped into the angry Mr Michigan on his way and he bet the meeting did not go well. He watched Derek as he went through a file without noticing his presence and he thought of what to say.

"Are you going to speak or are you going to keep on standing there and watching me?," Derek asked, still focused on his file.

"Sorry for disturbing you sir, I just wanted to know if everything went fine. Mr Michigan was not looking rather happy when I ran into him a while ago," Brian said carefully trying to not upset him.

"Have you ever felt inner joy in your body after meeting anyone?" Derek asked, looking at him with curiosity.

"I don't understand sir, who did you meet today sir?," Brian inquired carefully, mindful of his words.

"I met someone today and I can't shake off this feeling in me, I don't know if it is normal to feel like this," Derek said looking confused and his words made Brian smile.

"You mean, you met a girl sir," Brian asked, trying to hide his joy. He had never seen his boss behave like this over any girl.

"Yes a girl, I don't know why I feel like this Brian,"Derek replied looking confused.

"It is normal sir, you met a girl and had butterflies in your stomach. It is normal in everyone, she must have been very beautiful to have your attention ," Brian said with a smile.

"Normal! What do you mean by that Brian?," He asked looking more confused.

"You like her boss, That is what your body is trying to tell you," Brian replied with a smile.

"I just met her today and yes, she was very beautiful," he answered as he remembered seeing her earlier that day.

"Love at first sight happens and I think it just happened to you," Brian replied with a happy grin on his face.

"Enough of this nonsense about love Brian, we have work to do," Derek replied looking at him with a serious  face.

"Okay boss," Brian replied, trying to hide his smile.

"Mr Michigan is an important part in our next part . I can't stand his guts but we seriously need him. He said he will send his assistant over to seal the deal, let's do that and get over with this," Derek said as his attention returned back to the file he was holding.

"I have a question sir, if you permit me to ask," Brian spoke with fear.

"Speak up Brian, I am listening," Derek answered, still focused on the file in his hands.

"Mr Michigan has a very bad reputation, are we making a mistake working with him?," Brian asked, scared of his reply .

"I understand your worries Brian but keep it in mind that this deal will be short term, I will call it off when the time is right and trust me I can handle whatever blow he is going to throw at me," Derek replied making Brian calm.

"Okay boss, your mom called. She said she has been trying to reach you all week, I told her you have been very busy. She requested you call her when you are free," Brian said to him but he was still not bothered.

"I will call her when I get home today. She needs to know that I am a grown man and I do not need her all over me again. I will try to call her when I get home today, please remind me to," he responded, dropping the file on the table.

"Okay boss," Brian replied with a nod.