
The Troubled Paradise

Gustav_Renbach88 · Quân đội
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4 Chs


Tapos Farm complex. Bogor Regency-Pasundan Military Council.

Today. At here. Hafiz is scheduled to held about economic matters with his Finance Minister and Agriculture Minister. While waiting his minister, Hafiz lighten his cigarette and inhales the smokes.

Hafiz look around his eyes at the Tapos farming complex. There is a history about this farm complex. This place was builded by the former second President of Indonesia Soeharto in 1986. Soeharto builded this farming complex for a multiple purposes.first as a research for agriculture and animal husbandry, second as a sample to other farming and agriculture industry to fullfill the demands of meat and milk consumption program for the Indonesian people. The program never went succesfull. because no serious steps after that to realize the program and the fall of Suharto in 1998 has ended this program forever, thirdly Soeharto seems want to reminiscing his childhood as a village boys that spent his childhood herding the livestock animals. By building this farm complex.

Hafiz can see a farm complex employe herding a bunch of goats. As a De Facto leader of some parts of West Java. Hafiz is not only taking care of Military matters

but also civilian matters, since in his area that his men held, there are around 16 million people living inside the area that named as Pasundan Military Council. Hafiz not only care for his troops, but also his people. And he wanted to improve the well being of his own people.

A few moments later a several knock on the door is heard. Hafiz bodyguard opened the door. The minister of Finance Ahmad Fikry and minister of agriculture and industry Aam Arifin arrived at the meeting room.

"Good Day gentleman. Please have a seat" Says Hafiz. The three gentleman took their seats.

"Lets begin the meeting" Says Hafiz

"As you wish General. I'm gonna providing you with general situation on our economic condition". Minister Fikry opened his leather brief case and pulling out several pieces of paper.

" From my financial team on ministry. They make up some of important point. First the GDP indicators says that we have around $20-22 Billion, big enough...but we had around $2-3 billions expenses mostly to fund the troops and repaired the damage of firefight" Reports the finance minister.

"So its mean we have balance or slightly deficit on the budget?" Says Hafiz.

"Yes sir. Likely. For a economist like me. Its called not great but not terrible thing" Fikry jokingly said.

"We have to find another solution to buff up our economic income."

"Agree sir. Thats what also I'm thinking about". Fikri looks at Aam Arifin, minister of agriculture and Industry.

Aam firstly cleared his throat before speak. "Our economic income mostly came from agriculture product and the mining product. Last year report says we produced 4 million tonnes of Rice with annual year consumption about 3 million rice. So its mean we have surplus 1 million on Rice, 400,000-500,000 crude oil, we also have enough amount of Natural gas, Iron and Gold" Says Aam.

"Thats a big number. We should keep our produce number in stable number like this".

" As long we not losing our area. Then its should be okay sir. So far Karawang is the area that contribute our production" Aam added.

"The rice surplus is interesting. Lets we exported half of it and save half of it" Says Hafiz.

"Noted sir" Aam replied.

After that the meetings continue with some of usual reports from both of the ministry.

"Allright. any other of you two want to add something before we the meeting adjourned?" Says Hafiz.

"Sir.should we put direct taxes to the people and business?. From my perspective it could added our income beside from agriculture and mining product" Suggest Fikry.

Hafiz had a thought about this. Fikry not wrong. Direct tax can be a quick way to boost the income, but with a situation like this. It will be a burden for the people.

"I don't think so Mr. Fiqry, i think people should not be burdened more from taxes. Right now lets we keep no direct taxes to the people and businesses, we will talk about this detailed next time" Says Hafiz.

"Understood sir" Fikry take a note.

"Allright i think we have gained so much from this meeting. Dismissed. Thankyou for your time gentleman. Keep up the good work" Says Hafiz.

Both minister rise up and nods respectly to Hafiz. Then they leave the meeting room.