
The Troubled Paradise

Gustav_Renbach88 · Quân đội
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Melawai Street. South Free City Of Jakarta

A red Bentley Continental GT cruised in the street of South Jakarta. Jakarta is a big metropolis city. It was once the capital city of Republic Of Indonesia where 90% Political decision And Finance Revolved in this city. After the fall of the Republic, dozens most influential Businessman gathered in Kempinski Hotel at the centre of Jakarta, one of these businessman is Hashfi Tobing. He is a businessman that have net worth arround $2 billion mainly from entertainment and logistics business. They gathered to create a self governing body in Jakarta, in order to secure their important financial assets that mostly being keep in Jakarta. Later Jakarta became an independent city states much like small city states in Italy during the early renaissance era.

Jakarta. is once a ancient entrepot during classical Hindu-Buddhism kingdoms era. when the Dutch came. the Dutch builded their fort and their naval bases here, they name this city as"Batavia". a name that related to the Bataaf Tribe the ancient tribe of Dutch People. from the Batavia, the Dutch controlled the net of trade in their vast colonies called Dutch East Indies which later became Indonesia. now the Jakarta city once again played a keyrole again. as a "free city" of Minarchism Capitalism in the entire region of former republic Of Indonesia, and as a Aliied Nations Military Bases 

Because the strategic location of Jakarta. The Allied Nations member consisted of UNited States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Japan, created a joint security forces and build their own military bases At Jakarta International Airport formerly known as Sukarno-Hatta Airport and second in the Tanjung Priok Port. The Joint Security Allied Nations mission is to maintain orders in the sea lanes at the Sunda strait and Mallaca strait from pirates, so the goods from Europe can flows without disruption to China, South Korea and Japan and so the opposite.

For the governing body of Free City Of Jakarta that consist of 10 directorate member from the most wealthiest Bussinesperson. The presence of Allied Nation military bases is a lucrative business. The Allied Nations annually pays the lease money each year. Not only that, arround 30.000 serviceman Allied Nations need pleasure when R & R times come. They spends their salary in U.S Dollar at the Liquor Bar, Brothels, Nightclubs, or Gambling sites which is the second lucrative thing the presence of Allied Nations here.

For Hashfi. He is the least cleanest businessperson in Jakarta, while the other businessperson running "sins" Business, he keep running his legal business like establishing an Entertainment idolgroup and supplying goods to the small and medium political entity outside Jakarta. Of course various type of goods is being supplied to other area outside Jakarta ; Clothes, Food, Elctronical Stuff, Medical, Vehicles, firearms and Military Hardware. in return he can brought raw materials from these area like minerals stuff or agriculture product.

Lately Hashfi loyal costumers is General Hafiz, the Warlord of Pasundan Military Councils. He supplied General Hafiz men with hundreds of tons small arms along with ammunition. Hashfi also supplied hundreds of old buses from China to Pasundan Military Council few months ago, General Hafiz said he wants to make sure that his people can have good and ready public transports. Hashfi thoughts that General Hafiz so far known as warlord that care for the well being of his people. Kinda weird but thats what happen on the Pasundan Military Councils.

Hashfi stopped and parked his car on the parking lot of fancy terrace restaurant called Lokananta, its his favorite restaurant and he hold majority shares in this restaurant. A young female waitress opens the door entrances for Hashfi. The waitress know well who Hashfi is.

"Good morning Mr.Hashfi. nice to see you again" Says Wahyuni that female waitress.

Hashfi nodded gently to wahyuni. "Thankyou wahyuni". Hashfi took a seat while wahyuni poured a welcome drink to him.

" I order as usual" Says Hashfi. Wahyuni nodded. she knows Hashfi favorite meal, A Beef BBQ steak with Salad. Wahyuni go to the kitchen to order the Chef to begin cooking.

Life is good if you have plenty much of money. Especially in a Capitalistic society in the Free City Of Jakarta. And thanks to the family net worth inheritance and his diligence on finance. Makes Hashfi number 12 richest person in Jakarta. If he placed in number 10, then he will automatically placed as governing body of Jakarta directorate. As a richest person, Hashfi also have their own Militiamen to protect himself and his business interest. The rivalry among the businessperson in Jakarta is very intriguing and challenging and every businessperson have their own Militiamen, so Hashfi is not alone in this case.

While waiting his meals ready. Hashfi reads the Local Newspaper. One of the newspaper column is talk about the Firearms clashes between Pasundan Military Councils and The Heavenly Kingdoms Of Dermayu Al-Maytun.

"Huh. looks like Hafiz is needed another tons of ammunition again" Hashfi told to himself.

a few moments later. Wahyuni the waitress bring Hashfi orders in a silver tray. she put the food and drink on the table.

"Here is for you wahyuni. a small tip for you. you doing good job" says Hashfi. he hands a bill worth of $20 to Wahyuni. for Wahyuni, $20 is a large amount of money. especially when the former Rupiah currency that still circulated has been undervalued.

"thankyou mr.Hashfi. you are so kind" says Wahyuni gratefully.

Hashfi is a generous person. in his neighborhood at Melawai. he always sharing Food and Goods to the common people in his neighborhood. no wonder the people in his neighborhood pay huge respect to him. sometimes hashfi preferred himself like a mix of Saints and Don Corloene.

but right now. he just want to enjoying his meals.