
The Tropical Villain

The least we need to do is survive, however possible. The story revolves around a woman who half-transmigrates in another world and could later get chance to have rebirth. How her survival is always in jeopardy and like her, a lot many others face same situation. But they all win against the odds. Till when though, is a question? The protagonist is overpowered certainly but she is not invincible. Nature is fair, that it never lets one side to overpower other. Everything has a weakness and so do the Marsil, our protagonist. Spoiler: MC dies at the end.

mahindra_volks · Kỳ huyễn
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How to die early?

The whole planet was in preparation, to leave it alone for one person. NGMC acted without any delay. Nobody play the warnings by Geniuses by ear, even though this was usually given by them in one way or another. If even one acted, they would lose considerable resources. 

"Come here, Geniuz, Bella, both of you. You're given task to take everybody back to the safe-station. I don't want any mistakes, understand?," said the steward.

"Yes, Madame. Do not worry, we will ensure the safe landing. But which of the safe-stations do we proceed towards?", asked Geniuz.

"You only have to see the proceedings, Bella and Vitish would both take care of other things", replied steward.

"Ohh, Ms. Genius, trust in your big sister. I would make sure to keep you safe even at cost of my life," said Bella.

"Bella! how many times do I repeat not to joke about her name. You might offend 'her', and we all would be taking the consequences for your actions. You were given severe warning before this as well," shouted steward in fear and exasperation.

"You know Madame, 'she' keeps herself locked in her den. No way for 'her' to know about it," said Bella while sticking her tongue out.

"What am I supposed to do about you? Go, go before I get a heart attack," steward shoed them with a hand wave.

"You make it as heart attack is incurable disease. Go become a Genius if you want to die," said Bella while going out. 

"BELLA!!!," steward shouted once again. This time there was only exasperation in her voice but no fear.

The body which was working such as only afterimages could be seen, paused for a second. Her hands and legs were holding 16 pencils of wire and working on a board. The board had silver linings on green background. The linings were so thin but still occupied almost half of the surface and it seemed that she was working to extend it to whole surface. The goddess like face turned in the direction of Bella. 

What Bella couldn't see and know happened with her once again. A chuckle escaped from lips of Genius. 

"It seems that Gosha was very mild tempered for her to leave Bella only in this condition," said the smirking woman, Marshil.

Unbeknowest to all the residents of planet, everyone of them were marked with contamination of soul in varying degree with most in steward, Geniuz and Bella, being Bella's already contaminated. 

Nobody knew that all of there's lifespan was shortened, with least by half and Bella only had a year more left to live. No they didn't need to become Genius to die, they can just go ahead and offend one. 

This was actually already a known fact that people living with Genius had shorter lifespans but it was lucrative job, very at that. So people sold others or came to take upon it by themselves, all for money and prestige. Living a shorter life was better than living a long life in hell. But this created an issue. People who were sold against their wishes, were unsatisfied, like Bella. They tend to hate Geniuses equally as they their sellers. 

This sometimes led to them being sarcastic or saying harsh words about Geniuses on premise that they would never know. But the premise was all wrong. Sometimes few of them only enough for them to reach safe-station safely. Just a week. 

Bella was very lucky. Had it not been a waste of energy at this point for Marshil or Gosha, she wouldn't even be alive to spit out such words. Both were at same level afterall. Gosha had recently died, predecessor of Marshil. So her staff was transferred to Marshil. They needed all the energy they can to complete their operation, not even fraction of fraction to waste. No matter how much wits they have, they too struggled to maintain combine brain of 1000 humans at such Genius like body speed. 

The paused woman only stopped for what could be called a nanosecond and again continued to draw with wire pencils. Soon the board was all silver with no green. She threw all the pencils and then took only 4 incisor like pencil and started making holes in board from which the already hanging silver wires were inserted from one side and coming out from other side and the surprisingly all wires started becoming taut on board. Finally after half a day the board was like a maze made from silver and green. Nobody could tell that silver was drawn on green, but it was like it was mashed from start. 

Marshil lifted the circular board and came to a circular bed lying just in the middle of auditorium. The bed was like a mountain with wires coming out like rivers flowing, same blue in colour. It looked like Geniuses were proficient in art as well.

An obvious thing, since they can design, architect and construct such big space by themselves.  This was actually a pecularity in Genius, who would even find eating a waste of time. One of the long known mystery for NGMC and world. Why waste time on construction when same can be done by developed technology and complete it in an hour or two. Wasting a few weeks on this was by no means short and without meaning. Only a Genius could answer them and trying to explain their thoughts to NGMC was tedious task for them. Why waste time on them. They can come with answers in a century, maybe. 

Marshil put the silver-green board on bed, made of pure tenetrium metal. There were no mattress or bedsheet or animal fur or anything on it. Just the bed frame. As soon as silver-green board was placed on the bed, some of the few blue wires began to light from bed to machines and the machines began lighting up when whole blue wire shone. 

Marshil left the board and came out to collect the materials which were sent by NGMC. Everybody has already left for safe station except, steward and a man, who was new to the planet, an employee of NGMC. When Marshil came in his sight, he immediately knelt down, startling the steward. The employee was in superior position than her, so she immediately followed suit.

It was one of the rules of NGMC, that employees cannot stand in presence of Genius. A rule generally followed by direct NGMC employees rather than the residents of Geno-planets. Though it was second term for steward under a Genius but was first time as steward so she didn't know about this nor did ever pointed out by Marshil or Gosha for such. They all thought that it was just a mock tradition and is not followed. Truth being stewards come to know about it only at this point of time and they generally retire from this role after being in the position once. Neither is it told to future stewards, nor is it emphasized during their training. 

This was a deliberate move by NGMC. They need to show the respect, but once is enough. It's like kneeling in front of them at time of their death as a gesture of forgiveness for any and all misgivings.

Hello, publishing a chapter after a long time. I apologize but was going to drop this novel, then I saw there are still a few, very few :'), still following so thought that I should continue this one.

mahindra_volkscreators' thoughts