

The twins were awake at 6 am and it hurt Rosalie's heart to know they had asked for them but they still had two hours before they could rush to the hospital and be there for them. Shannon had texted her a picture of the twins eating breakfast and while the smell of human food is revolting, she finds the borderline fancy way they eat hilarious. Napkins tucked into their shirts and small, slow bites.

Rosalie and Esme had gone shopping last night and gotten a few outfits and shoes for the twins along with some hair scrunchies and a hair brush to do Emma's hair. She thought Esme would feel jealous as she had the day before when she assumed the twins would be Esme and Carlisle's children but Esme had pulled her aside and assured her she couldn't be happier with this decision. She had told her that she loved her and even if she wasn't her birth mother, Esme more than anyone knew that didn't discount the love you have for your children and as her mother she wanted her dreams to come true. Esme would never stand in the way of Rosalie finally getting to be a mother and she was fine getting two more adorable grandchildren. Rosalie isn't proud of the way she had sobbed into Esme's shoulder and she knew she was crying way too often on this trip. Her only constellation is they are happy tears.

Eight couldn't come fast enough and at exactly 7:59 Emmett and Rosalie were in the waiting room, waiting for Shannon to come take them to the twins. Carlisle and Esme were going to give them a few hours with the twins before they came along. Shannon smiled a knowing smile when she saw the couple waiting and not willing to risk an enraged Rosalie wasted no time in taking them to the room where the twins were staying.

It was easy to see the way the couples eyes lit up the minute they saw the children but the unexpected part was the loud, "Mommy!" That came from Emma the minute she saw Rosalie. Rosalie for what felt like the millionth time since stepping foot into the damn hospital, had tears in her eyes that would never fall as she made her way to the bed and brought the tiny blonde into a hug that was borderline bone crushing. She couldn't help the tiny sobs that wracked her body as she buried her face in her girls neck to reassure herself that this was real and not some elaborate scheme.

Emma was gripping her just as tight and when she finally pulled back to look at her, she immediately saw the concerned expression on her small face, "Are you sad, Mommy?"

Rosalie laughed lightly while shaking her head, she had never been less sad in her entire life, "No my sweet girl, these are happy tears." Emma seemed to look at her like she was judging her sanity before locking eyes with Liam and finally nodding her acceptance, much to Emmett's amusement. Rosalie looked at Liam, and saw the hesitance in his eyes but when she opened her arms, he stepped into them and she brought both of her children close to her basking in the feeling.

"Alright munchkins, before we do anything today, mommy brought some stuff for you!" Emmett's voice boomed through the room and Rosalie felt warmth fill her soul at being called mommy again. She didn't think she would ever tire of hearing it and she loved that Emmett took her 'lets play it by ear' suggestion and took Emma calling her mommy as a green light for their plans.

She set them each down on the bed before pulling out the outfits she had brought for the twins for the day, they were small for three years old and she didn't think they grew like Nessie which would make shopping for them even more fun. They wouldn't have to worry about them out growing an outfit before they had a chance to wear it. For Liam she pulled out a pair of white, green and black camo pants with a short sleeve white T-shirt with a black circle in the middle and a 'we rock' hand sign, and a pair of white sneakers. For Emma she pulled out a pair of black and white striped leggings with a long sleeved blue top with 'Heart and Soul' in white letters, and a pair of white UGG boots.

She took Emma in the bathroom to help her change and left Emmett in the room with Liam, after she had her outfit on, she took her back to the room and sat her in front of her and started to brush her hair out with the brush she brought, looking over at Liam she smiled warmly at him, "You look very handsome." She commented and beamed at the shy smile she got in return where he was sitting in one of the chairs across the room next to Emmett. She loved how attached Emma was to her but she wanted both of them to be comfortable when they bring them home, so when she finished the messy bun that pulled off the look she left Emma sitting on the bed and motioned for Emmett to trade spots with her, to which he gladly did.

She knew he was ready for Emma to become a daddy's girl and she wouldn't say it out loud but she was hoping it would happen as well, it would be an adorable turn of events. Both of the children seemed hesitant around the other half of the couple, and Rosalie watched as Emmett tried to break the ice with Emma .

"This is a very handsome teddy bear you have here, does he have a name?" He questioned the little blonde softly and she smiled when Emma nodded excitedly before leaning over to whisper in Emmett's ear - which Rosalie heard loud and clear anyway, "His name is Silas."

Since Emma seemed to be handling Emmett well, even while keeping some distance between them she focused her attention on Liam, she bent down in front of him so she was eye level with him, "Liam, I know you are worried about Emma . I may not be entirely sure what you're thinking but I know you want to protect her." He nodded, staring intently into her eyes and she knew she couldn't mess this up, "I want to protect her too, yesterday when we walked into this room, both of you stole mine and Emmett's hearts. I love Emma very much, but if you let me I want to be your mommy too… and I promise I won't let anyone hurt you either."

She should have expected it, after all every time she turned around these kids were doing things she didn't expect, but when his tiny body barreled into hers and he hung onto her like if he let go she would disappear she hugged him back just as tight, she wasn't expecting a verbal response, but his whispered, "I love you mommy.." Was louder than if he had screamed it.

"I love you Liam," She whispered back, and grabbed his bear to hand it to him. "Does your bear have a name too?"

The more they talked the more he seemed to come out of his shell around her, and she found out his bears name was Zane, his and Emma's favorite food was Bacon and scrambled eggs and neither of them would drink cold blood. The conversation between Rosalie and Liam and Emmett and Emma was going perfectly, flowing easily and Rosalie had even brought Liam up on the bed - where Emmett had some how gotten Emma on his lap and they were giggling and talking as a family, Rosalie was sure she had never laughed so much in either of her lives. Until, Emma asked a question that turned the mood serious once more.

"Daddy.." Emmett tried not to whoop, he forced himself not to jump up and down and do a victory dance but HELL YES, he finally got called daddy! Rosalie smirked, she could see how badly he wanted to jumped up and freak out but she was impressed by how serious he remained for her, "What's a Hybrid?"

Exchanging a glance they sat the children down and gave them their full attention, "Well, we think you and your brother are Hybrids." Emmett explained slowly,

"Why?" Liam asked, and both twins tilted their heads adorably displaying obvious confusion.

"We have a niece, who is your cousin, she is half vampire and half human. She is what we call a hybrid." Emmett explained, and Rosalie seeing him start to struggle, took over.

"We know you both have vampire in you, but we aren't sure what else you're mixed with." Rosalie wasn't sure if they were explaining this right, after all - they were small and young…could they even understand half of what they were saying?

She watched the non verbal conversation the twins had after their explanation and it was obvious they were struggling with something.

"If we show you…will people take us away?" Emma asked looking down at the bed sheets, and she saw a little tear fall. Esme, Carlisle and Shannon had all entered the room at this point and were listening intently to the conversation but stayed quiet so as not to disturb them.

Rosalie wanted nothing more than to scoop both of them into her arms and shield them from the world but she knew this conversation was important, so she forced herself to stay still by grabbing Emmett's hand and gripping it tightly. "Why do you think someone will take you away?"

She looked at Carlisle and Esme, and the encouraging nods she received assured her it was the right question, Liam and Emma weren't making eye contact and Rosalie desperately wished they could go back to the happy feeling they were experiencing mere minutes ago.

"One night the bad men came.." Liam suddenly whispered and they all held their breath,

"They wanted to take us away.." Emma continued,

"They said we weren't meant to be born, that there were rules…and we were monsters who should be controlled" Liam was holding Emma's hand almost as tight as she was holding Emmett's

"Tori was angry, she said we weren't monsters. We were innocent and we didn't ask to be born. She said we deserved free will" More tears were falling down Emma's face joining Liam's, who tried to hide he was upset.

"But the men were still mad, they said we killed our mommy.. " His little voice cracked and it made sense why he was so hesitant around Rosalie.

Esme, Carlisle, Emmett and Rosalie all felt their hearts clench, they knew what Bella's birth was like and they also knew she would have died if it wasn't for the support she had from a family of vampires, like Nahuel's mother and obviously the twins mother while giving birth to them.

"We tried to tell them we didn't mean too, we don't want to be bad…we don't want to hurt anyone!" Emma cried and it was easy to see how upset she was.

"But they still wanted to take us away, the man with a scar on his face wanted Emma as a wife. Tori told us to run, she said she would hold them off and we were supposed to run and not stop until we were safe. Then Miss Shannon found us…" Liam finished and no one knew what to say, Emmett was furious, his eyes were black and he was using every ounce of strength he had not to start growling. These were his children now and if anyone wanted to harm them he would rip them apart.

Rosalie was horrified, the man wanted Emma as a wife?! She was three years old! She could only imagine what would have happened to her beautiful little girl if Shannon wouldn't have found them and she was so fucking thankful her babies were safe. Esme was of a similar mind frame and fought every instinct she had to pull the children into her arms and never let them go.

Carlisle and Shannon were appalled, but curious. They clearly weren't half human but what were they that the men would covet them so?

"It doesn't matter to any of us what you are, you are Emma and Liam and that doesn't change because you're a hybrid. We love you just the way you are and no one will ever take you from us." Emmett stated so passionately, he had two children clinging tightly to him before any of them could blink. His onyx black eyes were searching the room, instincts on high demand to kill what tried to harm his children and he was holding them close to his body while they cried into his shirt.

Rosalie wanted to offer the same reassurances but she couldn't speak, venom was pooling in her mouth quicker than she could swallow it and she just barely held back her snarl, how could someone look at these two beautiful children and want to harm them? Emmett as if sensing exactly where her thoughts were spiraling towards, placed Emma in her arms. He knew Rosalie would need to see, smell and feel that she was safe and in the room with them and not with that sadistic bastard that was after her. He knew her mind went exactly where his did, that dark cold night in 1933 and neither of them could imagine what Emma would have experienced with that man.

"How about we take a break and table this topic until after their naps? They should be pretty thirsty by now.." Shannon wiped the tears out of her eyes and handed the twins their cups. Allowing Esme to tuck in Liam while she tucked in Emma . She placed a small kiss on her head before she turned around and took slow deep breaths. Nothing would make her more thankful that she was in the right place at the right time or else who knows what would have happened to those poor innocent souls.

For anyone thinking it happened quickly - remember vampires bond much faster than humans. You can say they have a mother/father son/daughter bond that moved as quick as the mate bond does! (:

PettyPrincess66creators' thoughts