
The Trials and Tribulations of Victor Heart

The story of a mage exploring myriad realities. New Chapters Every Week. Will also be posted on royalroad.com under the username TTTOVH. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/342927/fictions Constructive Criticism is more than welcome, but offensive comments will be ignored and reported.

TTOVH_TTOVH · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Horror Movie 6

The next few days for the family were marred by strange events: electronic turning on and off, things being moved, and that creepy doll being placed in weird locations and positions.

Not to get off point, but its hard to tell what Sandy was thinking with that doll. The porcelain gave it the appearance of having the skin of a corpse with fisheyes to match. The hair had a weird artificial look that was hard to truly describe. The face carried a smirk that can only be described as mocking and contemptuous. The doll's little suit with dress shorts was also a strong choice.

Back on topic, these events were mainly attributed to Nick. This led to increasing tensions between Nick and his parents when he strongly denied any hand in it.

Nick was tempted to destroy or otherwise get rid of the doll, but feared the consequences. The doll spent most nights since its arrival whispering threats in his ears.

This continued until the cursed doll over played its hand. You see the doll fed on the strife it caused its victims, more strife leads to more food and thus more power. As the doll had a variation of this world's power system that utilized strife instead of fear. The doll got greedy and wanted the complete dissolution of the family unit. It overestimated the strife it caused and underestimated the bonds between them.

It rushed the climax, a common mistake among amateurs and a rare one among those with its experience, but mistakes do happen. The doll set the scene: Alex went to the store to get supplies for dinner after calling out his departure. The doll covered the announcement with its ability to cause hallucinations to make it seem as if he was still there. He then created a new hallucination of Alex in his wife's and son's minds.

"Nick, get you're a*s down here! I'm tired of your sh*t and I'm putting an end to it right now!" Hallucination Alex screamed from the living room.

"What are you doing?!" Sandy stomping down the stairs.

"Getting ready to teach my disrespectful sh*t of a son some discipline." Alex with a sneer.

"What's wrong with you?!" Sandy with a horrified look.

"Get out of my way! If he's not coming down, I'll go up there myself" Alex stomping out of the living room. The doll used it telekinesis to make it seem like the hallucination pushed her to the ground to get her out of the way. The hallucination then raised it hand to strike Sandy to really sell the moment and when it did a look of realization came over her.

"You're not my husband. He would never act like this, not in a million years." Sandy with the same amount of certainty as she had in the fact that the sky was blue.

"Tch. It was good while it lasted, but it's time to clean up and move on." The hallucination before fading away. Sandy then saw the doll sitting on the coach and had a realization. She rushed up to Nick's bedroom to get him out of the house. She was thrown into the wall next to the stairs on her way up. She was lucky that the doll like to play with its food and that it underestimated her resolve. The fact that it was daytime which weakened the creature also helped.

Sandy burst into her son's room, swept him up, then jumped backwards through the second story window to protect Nick from the glass and absorb the fall. The adrenaline helped her continue to run away from the danger. After running for several blocks, she reached for her phone to find out where Alex was and if he was even alive. Her face turned a stark white when she found her pockets empty. She was tempted to try to intercept her husband on his way home but was too worried to bring her son anywhere near that house and didn't want to leave him unprotected. She also had no way to know where her husband went or if he was even alive. She started running for the police station to get help and possibly get them to contact her husband.

Back at the house Alex saw one of the windows of his house broken and rushed inside fearing for his family. When he passed through the door a knife was launched into his throat. It seems like the doll was not playing anymore after its last prey got away. As Alex was lying there chocking on his blood, his phone started ringing only several seconds too late.

Hours later, Sandy came to get everything she needed from the house to stay in a hotel for as long as it took to clear the scene. As she was leaving, she heard a voice in her ear.

"You got away from me, but you won't survive the Night." The voice whispered.

Sandy decided to let any thought of vengeance go at this point and just focus on raising her son.

When she got back to the police station, she took Nick and left the city entirely. That night she spread a bag of salt around the room and didn't sleep for the entire night. When the sun rose the next day, she set out on the first day of her new life as a single mother and person aware of what was truly out there.