
The Trials and Tribulations of Victor Heart

The story of a mage exploring myriad realities. New Chapters Every Week. Will also be posted on royalroad.com under the username TTTOVH. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/342927/fictions Constructive Criticism is more than welcome, but offensive comments will be ignored and reported.

TTOVH_TTOVH · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Horror Movie 4

After an hour of kicking up rocks in the woods, the relative silence of the trio's surroundings were broken by a dull thud and a sickening crack.

The surviving duo rushed to the source of the sounds where they knew the third member of their group was. Judging by the cracked bark and skull they could tell that the assailant snuck up behind the victim and bounced their head off one of the surrounding trees. If that wasn't enough evidence of the assailant's strength, the fact that the victim's head was facing the wrong way solidified it.

Chad rushed to his brother's side and pleaded with every deity out there that this was a bad dream or a sick joke. However, if a benevolent deity existed in this dark world, it most certainly wasn't there with them this dark night and the malevolent ones were rejoicing in the tragedy.

After several seconds, Chad's face gained a resolve rarely seen in his shallow day to day life.

"Addison let's go get this b*****d and make him pay for this."

However, while this event strengthened Chad's resolve, it demolished Addison's.

"Chad look at what happened to your brother. I'm starting to think we made a mistake choosing fight over flight. Let's get back to the others and do what we should have in the first place and leave."

"I am looking and I'm not leaving this G*****n woods until whoever did this is in the ground. You can go back to the others if you want, but I actually care for my sibling."

Both faces morphed after the statement left Chad's mouth and hung in the air. Addison's broke and filled with tears, while Chad's was filled with shame and regret. Before Chad had the chance to apologize or take back his thoughtless statement Addison took off into the woods. Chad took off behind her trying to stay with her and protect her.

This chase went on for several minutes due to both of their athletic abilities, Addison's for track and field and Chad's from football. The chase came to a tragic conclusion when Addison fell victim to the cruelest entity there is, simple dumb chance. Addison tripped on a tree root and bashed her head on a rock. Chad simply stopped and took in the irony of the situation. There was a killer running around and his friend died due to chance, a thoughtless comment, and a bad friend.

Chad walked back to the cabin housing his friends with his head down. How he wished that the killer would take his life before he reached his friends, that he would never have to tell them what he had done, but as was so common in this incredibly dark night his luck just wasn't there.

As he stood in the doorway alone under the stares of all those he considered kith, he couldn't get out the words he so desperately wanted to and his friend didn't think he needed to.

Randy's face went from shock to sadness then settled into rage.

"You promised you would look out for her! You promised!" Randy bellowed before punching him across the face and knocking him to the ground. He proceeded to climb on top of Chad and proceeded to wail on him, each punch punctuated by a heartbreaking sob. Chad didn't know which hurt him more.

The others pulled Randy off him.

"Let me go!! He killed her!!"

The others tried to tell him that there was nothing that Chad could have done and that now wasn't the time to have this confrontation. Those claims hurt him more than anything Randy had done to him. He so desperately wanted to tell them the truth, but they were right about this not being the right time. They needed to stick together if they were to get out of this situation with everyone alive.

They decided that staying to fight would only end in tragedy. They rushed to Randy's truck as that was the best automobile to rush through the woods.

"This isn't over, when we get out this, we will have a very serious talk." Randy gritted through his teeth after pushing past Chad.

Chad knew exactly how that conversation was going to go as he had no choice but to tell everyone what really happened if he had any hope of looking himself in the mirror again.

After reaching the truck they all packed themselves into the truck using every available space, sitting on each other's laps, and laying in the truck bed.

After about two minutes of being thrown around the truck while driving over roots and uneven terrain, a tree fell right in front of them. the truck swerved out of the way but all that did was change which tree the truck ran into. Fortunately for them being so packed together in addition to the reduction in speed brought by the change in direction and subsequent braking reduced the damage to only some nasty bruises and busted lips. Unfortunately, the beat up truck would go no further as it no longer started up.

However, injured the group was, it was irrelevant due to the killer that was likely close to them. They exited the truck as quickly and efficiently as a group of scared twenty something could and proceeded to run as quickly as they could while staying together. The less athletic girls jumped on the backs of the more athletic members to try to speed up the march.

This continued until Randy with his sister on his back was clotheslined by a gray arm that suddenly jutted out from behind a tree. They tried to get back up but were pushed back to the ground.

Chad rushed the creature, half hoping to somehow make up for what he had done and half to prevent their parents from losing another child. He was hit into a tree before he could do anything though. The creature raised his foot about to put it through Randy and his sister's chests.

Chad stared at what was about to happen, it was more painful than his probably cracked ribs.

Everyone closed their eyes as no one wanted to see what was about to happen. As a result, no one saw the white chain that flew out of the shadows and wrapped around the killer's throat. Afterwards the creature's throat started to smoke like it was doused in gasoline and set alit.

"So, what's a nice guy like you doing into such a nice place?" A voice followed the chains from the darkness.

"Night… is… coming…" the creature croaked out.

"It's already here bud, but thanks for the heads up. Now in all seriousness, why did you come out after so many years dormant?" the voice reiterated.

"Night… is… coming…" the creature croaked out again.

"Well, that's just not helpful, as that seems to be the only words in your vernacular lets draw this conversation to a conclusion." the creature resignedly stated after sighing.

Victor decided to see if its corpse would be more enlightening. He pulled on the chain beheading the creature. The corpse turned to ash before the head even touched the group. The only evidence of its existence was magic residue that matched the one he found on the agent's corpse.

Turns out repaying the agent would be more difficult than he suspected as what just occurred reeked of a conspiracy. The only bright spot was that the induvial he was searching for had something in the works that would lead to him and if he disrupted it enough, they would even come to him.

He lamented that things could never be simple, but also rejoiced that same fact as it was the main joy of life, its various intricacies.