
The Traversing Silhouette

In the era when the Multiverse breathed with vitality, where the very fabric of reality was etched into existence... From the fringes of conceptual reality, arises a solitary enigma, fueled by an insatiable curiosity for all it contacts, yearning to uncover the secrets within... It observes... It absorbs... It imitates... It senses... Yet, the most chilling aspect... It defies description, lurking beyond comprehension... ______________________________________ Hello, im the author of this book and this is my first novel that i truly want to create of, out of imagination and boundless possibilities that can ignite the aspect of adventure and appreciation of beauty on life and curiosity towards the stories that may unfold based on perspectives and fantasy. Also criticism was acceptable as i was still learning to create a story :), as English was my 2nd language there will be some flaws and a little bit of off grammar (if so let me know). The story will sometimes had time skips and slow pacing story in which i try to detail some surrounding world/universal concept and also don't forget to add EPIC BGM to it, and what i mean BGM is to recommend music to play in the background to add an mini immersion of it (depends on your taste whether you like it cause i really love epic music) to form an ambience :) Anyways thats enough for me to drag long the synopsis :D Enjoy! _______________________________________ [Disclaimer] : please don't compare this to any logic or any relations towards to our reality and universe cause this story will be bound to such ridiculous amount of insanity and out of concept reality. There will be plotholes that i may not see and may passed by, it may had a little bit of cliché when needed to apply to or i didn't even realize it _______________________________________ #Multiverse #Creation #Fantasy #Sliceoflife #LittleComedy #God #Idontknowwhatimhashtaggingfor #RealityBending _______________________________________ [The cover for the novel is not mine, if its yours please message me if you want to take it down]

TheTravelerReader · Khoa huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 : The First "Concept"

In the white void of limitless emptiness, a small speck of dark light wisps converged, fusing into a singular, flickering entity akin to a burning candle's glow. Within this realm detached from reality and the confines of universal laws, the fusion gave birth to a rhythmic beat that resonated through the tranquil expanse.


In the absence of temporal markers, the beat's duration remained enigmatic, its rhythmic cadence yielding a silhouette, one reminiscent of a man. Possessing elongated limbs, a lengthy torso, and an uncanny form, the silhouette bore a faceless visage, except for a gleaming white line that occupied its eye's position.

Unaware of its origins or existence, the silhouette lay within the vast white void, dormant and unconscious. The passage of time was but a concept foreign to this realm, and so it lay undisturbed, eyes closed, awaiting the awakening that was yet to have meaning.

When the silhouette finally parted its luminous eyes, consciousness washed over it, accompanied by a sense of wonder. Though mute, a newfound appreciation for the sensation of sight and expression imbued the silhouette with an unnamed sense of happiness.

Gazing at its shadowy hands, curiosity gripped the being, and it embarked on self-examination akin to a child with a new discovery. It marveled at its own touch, traversing its form from knees to toes, encountering the first challenge at its unseen face.

As the examination concluded, the silhouette rose, surveying the seemingly infinite white expanse. With each step, a burgeoning sense of purpose filled it, reviving the forgotten art of walking. Progressing from wobbly steps to confident strides, the silhouette revelled in its newfound capability, until monotony dampened the thrill.

Exploring its own potential, the silhouette experimented with jumping, stretching, and bending its long limbs, until an unexpected event occurred. A shard-like mirror flew toward it, setting the silhouette in frantic motion, chased by the mysterious projectile.

Despite an absence of physical terrain to trip over, the silhouette stumbled, precipitating a hasty retreat from the incoming shard. Once the shard halted, the silhouette regained its composure, cautiously standing up and approaching the curious object.

As the being examined its reflection in the shard, it recognized its shadowy silhouette, adorned with white flaming eyes. in one of its dilemma to not being able to see its face, it has now been able to view it from the reflection of the shard. Slowly reaching out, its touch triggered a response, rippling the shard's surface. An image materialized within it, depicting a cosmic expanse with intricate webs of colorful bubbles.

Mesmerized, the silhouette stood transfixed, captivated by the revelation. An hour passed, during which the being savored the beauty of this unknown realm.

With appreciation complete, the silhouette's curiosity led it to touch the shard again, triggering a zooming effect that revealed intricate details within the cosmic bubble webs. Driven by curiosity, the silhouette aimed to delve deeper, but an unintended action caused it to push its hand through the shard, drawing it within.

Upon absorbing the entity, the shard returned to its place, leaving the void to its quiet emptiness, where the laws of existence and concept held no sway.

Hello, Author here, this is my first time creating and writing a novel. my writing skills are just subtle and so do my way of expressing my imagination and creativity. as i am new please do so to critic, but make it soft please :). Thanks and have fun reading my novel :D.

"If it Persist, Don't Resist"

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