
9 - Jail time

"blood?" the lady asks

"Yes ma'am" i confirm 'it would be great if you could share some' i think a little annoyed. As amusing as the whole situation was i did find this disturbance a little annoying as it was interfering with my hunt, 'call me hangry but this is twice within 24 hours that my hunt has been interrupted' i grumble mentally 'let me hunt damnit'.

"So... if you found a stray cat you were going to eat its blood?" she asks.


"Hmm. i see" she mumbles and begins to discuss with the other officers

"I've never heard of a blood drinking summon before" the man holding my wrists says

"Me either, but it's plausible with artifact summons" the lady says

"Still, shouldn't the summon at least be carrying a permit to walk around freely?" the guy holding my wings asks

"That law only just got processed, the summoner might not be updated yet" the lady replies

"He did seem to be obeying orders to keep the ID on" the guy holding my wings says

"I agree, just from that the owner doesn't seem to have ill intent" the first guy says

"It could be a different summoners summon ID" the lady replies

"Maybe we should hold him overnight and call the owner tomorrow" the guy holding my wings suggests

"It is protocol with probable cause for suspicion, is your theory enough for that Bethany?" the guy holding my wrists says.

"It is" she replies. There was a pause

"Alright, to a holding cell then" she decides. Cuffs were slapped on my wrists and my wings were folded and strapped to my back with a special magic strengthened belt. I was dragged to my feet and pulled towards one of the dragons. Looks like i was going to ride with the guy who cuffed me.

"ah, i don't mean to be rude but i was in the middle of a hunt, am i at least going to get a meal at the cell?" I ask as i'm pulled onto the mount and strapped into the saddle.

The man scoffs "What do you think cells are? restaurants?" He laughs kicking the sides of the dragon for it to take off.

'That might be an issue' i think "Will there be anybody else in my cell?" i ask. I was told not to cause trouble, but i might end up not being able to follow that order.

"I guess we will find out" the man says not giving a proper answer.

The flight to the Station was a quiet one. Initially i was surprised when i had been snuck up on by the dragons but now that i was riding one i realized it seemed to have some sort of noise minimizing skill. Even riding on it i could barely hear the sounds it made. When we arrived at the station i was unstrapped from the dragon saddle and dragged into the building as i struggled to catch my footing.

"Woah, what in the world?" Someone at the desk exclaimed the moment i entered "What the hell did you catch?" he added.

"Some kind of summon" the guy dragging me responded casually. He takes my ID from my neck and tosses it to the front desk then brings me to a cell that had one other person inside. The cell itself was boring as expected with only two benches along either side of the bars, as we approached though i realized that it was reinforced with a magic barrier. 'I wonder if my master summoned me if that barrier would prevent me from leaving' i think curious. The guy dragging me placed a hand on the barrier and after a second it seemed to splinter at the cell door, after that he placed a key into the door lock, opened the door and shoved me in, closing the door and barrier behind me. I caught my balance quickly and looked over at the other person in my cell. She looked pretty young to be in a cell, i did notice she didn't smell exactly like a human and her ears were pointed 'an elf?'.

"Hello" i greet with a friendly smile. She glares back at me. 'okay, hint taken' i think to myself sitting on the opposite bench. Even though she had glared at me initially she seemed to glance over in my direction every now and then, seemingly curious about my appearance. I didn't mind.

After a while longer i decided to try again with conversation

"Are you curious about my appearance?" i ask amused. She glares back at me. There was a pause. I stood, waltzed over to her side and plopped down onto the seat beside her. She hissed, folding her ears back and baring her sharp teeth, as her mouth opened i noticed her tongue was split making me wonder if that was natural or if it had been cut.

"Did you want to feel the wing texture?" i ask offering my back and ignoring her hisses. It was a pretty common first thing that curious people requested from me so i was confident she would want to touch them too. After a few more hisses and a reluctant pause, she moved her chained hands to touch my wings softly.

"There you go. Tail too?" i ask lifting my tail as an offer. This time there was no hissing but she was still reluctant.

"How do you know my language?" she asks suddenly. 'oh, was that why she kept staring?'.

"I... have a translation skill" i say embarrassed.

"Oi, what are you two saying?" the officer that dragged me to the station demanded suddenly, the lady hissed ferociously in his direction.

"She was asking me about my appearance" i answer without a second thought

"How come you can speak Elven?" he asks suspicious 'elven? so she is an elf?' i wonder.

"Same way i can speak English, Sir, i'm a summon with a translation skill" i reply with a smile, again without hesitation. He just huffs accepting my answer and goes back to whatever he was doing. There was silence again.

"Why are you in here?" the woman asks.

I was confused "because i'm a summon. I was walking around without my Master" i say

"That's illegal in the human nations?" the elf asks surprised

"Apparently" i say "i was in the middle of hunting too, how unfortunate" i grumble. Her ears perked up at the words

"You like to hunt?" She asks

"Who doesn't?" i reply lightly "hunting is incredibly fun and satisfying"

"I want to hunt" she grumbles

"Me to" i sigh

"I want some food" she grumbles as her stomach rumbles. 'me too' i think to myself.

"What are you in here for?" i ask finally

"I came to the human nation without a permit" she says annoyed

"Ah, do different races need permits?" i ask. She raises her eyebrow like it should be obvious

"It's been like that for years, were you just born?" she asks

"i was actually summoned only today so yes" i chuckle.

"you're a day old??" she asks surprised





-Fullness - 27/100 (linked) -consuming human blood will increase the fullness

-HP- 100/100 -if the hp drops to 0, Aaron will become unconscious until all fatal wounds are healed with 'regeneration'. Once all wounds are healed, corruption will increase to 7/7

-Corruption - 4/7 -corruption will reset to 0/7 upon reaching 100/100 'fullness'. corruption will increase by 1 for every day Aaron is not at 100/100 fullness



-Coexistence (linked) -Aaron can transform into a human permanently until the transformation is canceled or until 'fullness' drops to 5/100. Must have at least 50% fullness to transform into a human. 5 fullness will be used

-Partial morph (linked) -while transformed into a human Aaron can reveal parts of it's true form at will. Re-morphing those parts into a humans will use 1 fullness per major morph.

-Blood Consumption (linked) -Aaron can only consume blood. Human blood will increase the 'fullness', other types of blood will prolong the 'fullness' from reaching 0 for a maximum of 7 days.


-Regeneration -All wounds small or large will heal. If Aaron consumes human blood, the healing speed will increase by 150% for 1 hour.

-Superiority -All biological traits are amplified supernaturally.

-Berserker -When corruption reaches 7/7 Aaron will go berserk. Can only be deactivated upon reaching 100/100 fullness. While berserk Aaron will not listen to any commands.


Power limiter - 2.3%

XP - 0/100

Current quest: Rise from rubble - Increase your 'links' level to 50 before completing the tutorial.


-Immortality -as a/an ??? entity the User will be protected from permanent death.

-Target translation -any words spoken by any entity directed towards the User or being listened to by the User will be translated for the User.

-User translation -the system will translate all spoken words used by the User to the native language of the targeted entity.