
The Travelers of Etherion

Quinlan_Beijerling · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


This story is set in the land of Etherion. Etherion is divided into many different lands, inhabited by a variety of creatures. Etherion poses something called Magic or Daakani in the native Zeloni tongue, this allowed the creatures of Etherion to manipulate aspects of their world and reality like creating portals and manipulating fire, not everything in Etherion can use Magic so they use items and gems. In Etherion there are two ways to purchase stuff, trading and Etherium, Etherium is a crystal commonly found all over Etherion.

Etherion is a peaceful land but it wasn't always like this. 8000 years ago a war besieged the land of Etherion, this war was known as The Great War of Nine, which was fought by nine great armies The Human Army of Erengard, The Elven Army of Grenwood, The Dwarven Army of Dorn, The Hybrid Army of Huuf, The Demon Army of Hel, The Monster Army of Urth, The Winged Army of Wan, The Carnivore Army of Darwuun, and The Argonian Army of Arathorn.

This war was the result of three dangerous beings ravaging the world for power, these beings were not from any known land nor were they of any of the known species unlike their armies, The Dark Legions, that followed them into battle after battle. The war raged for over 200 years until finally a Fei called Dahar Kuman severed the head of the Dark legions Leader. Following the war was the closest thing to peace that will probably ever come again, now all we can do is hope nothing like him ever rises again.