
The Trashy NTR Dude's POV

Adult Content. Something that is arguably the biggest business in the entire online world. Something most, if not all humans who have internet access have watched, regardless of gender. Harrison is one such individual. He is a cultured gentleman who enjoys the artworks of Hentai and likes to play popular eroge games from time to time. One such game was 'Orion'. Orion was advertised to be an eroge, but it was so much more than just that. What started as a quick pleasure session for Harrison turned into a full-blown virtual adventure with twists and turns and very interesting game mechanics. Harrison found himself captivated by the game's world and continued playing it till he reached every ending possible. But, of course, not everything was good. One character. The one character that ruined Harrison's entire gaming experience was Zagan. He was one of those stereotypical bullies who appeared in games to be annihilated by the MC for quick character development. But Zagan was something worse. He NTR'd the protagonist. Not once but 3 times. In the end, he was brutally killed and his bloodline was ended. Which gave great pleasure to Harrison. But now... Suddenly... Harrison woke up in the body of the same character he hated from the depths of his soul. "What the hell... WHY AM I THIS GARBAGE?!?!?!", Harrison screamed.

AGENT_ALT · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Zagan's Crimes.

Currently, Zagan had no way to cast any magic since he didn't know any spells.

Fortunately, this wasn't much of an issue as Harrison knew where to find two amazing early-game spells that would later become powerful late-game spells after upgrading.

The spell's name was 'Electric Ball' which later could be modified to become 'Thunder Orb'.

The second spell was called 'Lightning Strike' and could be later modified to become 'Thunder Calling'.

The Electric Ball was a spell that created balls of electricity that zapped anything that came close to it. It could follow the mage around for 5 seconds. After that, if the opponent's proximity is reduced, the ball would shoot towards the opponent. If the ball hit the opponent, it did the most damage, if it landed close to, or flew past the opponent at close proximity, it would zap the opponent once. The damage type was obviously shock damage.

Lightning Strike was a small area of effect spell. Although, its damage was anything but small. It could one-shot any mobs below level 10. However, its casting time was greater and while casting, it made the mage unable to move. Its mana cost was also quite high. Damage type was shock and fire damage.

To get these spells, Harrison would have to uncover a secret room hidden within the Academy's halls.

It didn't take some grand plan to get the spells, but Harrison, who was possessing Zagan, if he got caught by the other spies of the Demonic Cult, he would not only lose the spells to them but possibly be interrogated by them about his knowledge about the hidden room as well.

Harrison did not want to risk it.

'Today's Sunday... I'll get the spells tomorrow.', Harrison decided.

Speaking of, Harrison actually had no idea how the classes worked. In the game, you only had to attend a few classes to get certain quest rewards or items from professors. You could easily just ignore the school and go on your own journey too. The game didn't hold you back from your aspirations.

But, this was no game. Harrison wasn't sure what the classes would be about exactly. He did attend a few classes to get a grasp of the storyline and also a few quest rewards, but that was all. The game didn't have the content of all of the classes, only a few important ones that explain magic and the lore of the game.

'Let's prepare for tomorrow's class tonight... I do remember there being a few books and notes on the desk...', Harrison determined.

--- after reaching back to the dorm ---

Harrison's, or rather, Zagan's face had a massive frown on it, a stark contrast to his handsome appearance.

'I don't know what I expected... but it wasn't this...', Harrison sighed.

Of the 5 books on the desk, 4 of them were erotica. The last book seemed to be a book about monsters and demons. A bestiary of sorts.

The notes were all either empty or had erotic drawings on them, indicating that the previous Zagan was a hardcore pervert and a useless bum at studies.

But that wasn't even the worst of it.

The woman in one of those drawings looked familiar to Harrison.

Realising who it was, churned Harrison's stomach.

'Disgusting...', Harrison thought.

The woman was one of the protagonist's lovers and also the 'Compromised Girl'. Meaning... She was a rape victim of Zagan...

Harrison's face twisted at the realisation. The previous Zagan was gone, but all of his responsibilities suddenly fell onto Harrison's shoulders.

'Even though I didn't do it... Because I now possess Zagan's body... I have no choice but to accept it... I just feel terrible for Seraphine...', Harrison sighed, tearing off the page and tearing it to pieces.

Seraphine was the name of the girl Zagan raped using her younger brother as blackmail...

She was also one of Sebastian's lovers. At the moment, it's nothing but Seraphine's one-sided love for Sebastian, but later, Sebastian also loves Seraphine back.

'I don't know how I'll ever amend Seraphine's perspective of me... I don't know what she will do after her brother is freed... *Sigh... I'll get stronger and leave this academy to go to some faraway place before that happens... Maybe I'll go to some unexplored island? I already know the locations of a few...', Harrison contemplated.

Certainly, running away to an undiscovered island did seem like a good plan, but the problem was... Those islands had S-grade monsters living on them... To get to the islands, you needed a lot of money and a lot of preparations too... There were also S-grade monsters on the way to the islands.

To realise his goal of escaping, Harrison needed to gear up and get much stronger than he currently was.

'And the first step towards that goal... Is getting those two magic spells...', Harrison thought before opening the bestiary.

'For now... Let's read...'

--- 2 hours later ---

Harrison sighed as he closed the book.

'They are all monsters from the game... Although it doesn't contain hidden monsters or special powers of boss monsters... it's good for beginners...', Harrison thought.

The bestiary contained key points about monsters. Specifically, their weaknesses and how to deal with them if the situation arises.

Harrison already knew most of it. He just revised it lightly from the book. He could answer any question from the monster bestiary and he was confident that he could answer them correctly.

He got up from the chair and sat down on his bed.

*crick crick*

A soft sound of something crinkling entered Harrison's ear.

'Is that... plastic?'

Confused, he overturned the bedsheet where the sound came from.


Harrison sighed as he picked up the unused condom wrappers from beneath the bedsheet and threw them away in the dustbin.

'What a mess...', Harrison thought as he lay down on the bed, resting his head on the soft and fluffy pillow.

'Let's hope I don't meet with Seraphine tomorrow... or any of the main cast...'

Thinking this, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

--- far away in the female dormitory ---

A girl sat on her bed in the aeroplane brace position, burying her face in her knees.

She had beautiful long black hair and an amazing figure that could make any man's thought process stutter in awe.

Although she was so beautiful, her eyes did not look pretty in the slightest.

She had lifeless purple eyes and her soft, porcelain-like cheek had long marks on them, indicating that she had been crying for quite a long time.

Her mind was a mess and her whole world seemed darkened.

Just last week, she had been a cheerful young girl, talented in archery. She studied at the world's most prestigious school, making her parents proud.

But now... none of that mattered to her.

The giant fortress of a school with powerful guards safeguarding its students seemed more like a prison to her.

She had contemplated suicide multiple times but seeing her picture with her family and especially her little brother had convinced her not to do it.

She still hadn't completed her duty. She couldn't die before completing her duty... She had to save her little brother from the demonic cult before she could die.

Her soul wouldn't allow her to give up even if she went through hell itself.

And because of this, she suffered. She suffered a whole lot. Her flowery life had turned into a life full of pain. Her world had gone from colourful to just black and white.

She felt her existence tremble at every moment she was breathing.

But even after all of this torture, she couldn't die.

She was suffering a fate worse than death.

Seraphine picked up her head and looked outside the window.

Her dorm was on the 4th floor with plenty of distance from the ground.

The window looked tempting to jump through.

Seraphine looked at the window with the same gaze as a thirsty man in a desert would look at an oasis.

She quickly averted her gaze and went back to the brace position.

'It's all because of him...', Seraphine thought with a dark tone.

'I'll never forgive him... I'll make him pay for what he's done to me... Never in my life will I let him go scot-free... He will suffer the same suffering I am going through...', hatred and vengeance filled her once optimistic heart.

Just one week was enough to change her whole personality.

'But... as of now... I can't do a single thing... Afterwards... After I get Leonard back... I'll get my vengeance.', she thought with determination as great as a mountain.

damn bro, its not that deep. [skull emoji]

AGENT_ALTcreators' thoughts