

Hello, my name is Jack Hollow.

I presume you were expecting a more appropriate start to a horror story but don't leave, there is a lot you don't yet understand. I have a few things I need to say, actually they are more like advices but nevertheless please listen. I live in a very small neighborhood, and there is this old house at the far left end of the main road that runs across the entire neighborhood. This house is always empty but doesn't look old, actually quite the opposite, it looks like it was just build. The thing is that, it's been in this neighborhood since when my grand parents where children, and that's why it's called the old house by everyone. We were always told to stay out of that house but as rebellious teenagers we didn't listen, and would go there every day to hang out. What happened there that night is only known to me and my friends but we swore never to tell anyone, until the right moment.It's now been twenty years and the memories still seem fresh as if it happened yesterday. It's been long enough and I believe it's time to reveal the truth. If you ever go to the old house, remember, please remember, always keep your eye on the trap door, at all costs, especially if you are in the room in which it's located.

I know you have questions, I did too, but just listen what ever you do don't open the trap door, never open the trap door...