
The Transmigration of Aizen Sōsuke

When a mysterious phenomenon caused by the Hogyoku transports Aizen Sōsuke, the cunning and manipulative former captain of the Soul Society, from the world of Bleach to the Naruto universe, the balance of power is disrupted. As he awakens in an unfamiliar environment, Aizen realizes he must adapt to this new world and find a way to achieve his goals amidst unfamiliar faces and potential dangers. ... This is my first time writing, I'd appreciate if you leave a review. I don't own anything, except OC characters. Aizen in this fic is a bit less reliant on the Hogyoku and Kyoka Suigetsu, and I also decided to use his TYBW arc personality.

moonmirror · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs


As they entered the temple grounds, they noticed that the once serene and tranquil atmosphere had transformed into a scene of chaos. The monks, who had undergone strange transformations and gained unusual abilities, were engaged in intense training sessions and sparring matches. The sound of clashes, elemental bursts, and shouts echoed through the temple.

Chiriku, the head monk, approached Sora and Aizen with a serene smile. "Welcome, Sora and Aizen-san, to the new Fire Temple. How was your training, Sora?"

Sora couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and respect for the wise and seasoned monk. He bowed respectfully before speaking.

"Thank you, Chiriku-san. The training was intense and very tiring. However, thanks to Aizen-san's help, I've gotten stronger."

"I see, I'm glad to hear that, Sora. Go and rest, you must be very exhausted."

Sora looked at Aizen, and seeing him nod, he also nodded, and said.

"Then, I'll take my leave. " he bowed, and left.

Aizen watched as Sora left, and turned to Chiriku.

"Chiriku, I have to admit, you have quite the beautiful hair." Aizen said with a slight smile on his face. Chiriku blushed a little, embarrassed by the sudden remark. He began to play with his long, black hair, and said.

"I have always wanted to have hair, even as a monk. A few weeks ago, when the changes in the temple occured, it began to grow out."

Aizen's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "Ah, the changes that have befallen the temple and its monks. Fascinating, isn't it?

Chiriku nodded. "Indeed, Aizen-san. And it all began after your appearance in our temple." he said with curiosity and suspicion in his eyes.

Aizen's smile remained unchanged, his voice filled with calm assurance. "Indeed, it is no coincidence that the changes occurred upon my arrival. But rest assured, Chiriku, my intention is not as simple as malice. I have only realized the desires within the monks, and manifested them, " seeing that Chiriku remained silent, he continued.

"The only thing I ask from you and the monks, is to follow my commands." Aizen finished, and waited for Chiriku's response.

"Haha, we both know it very well that I don't have a choice here, Aizen-san," Chiriku said while chuckling a little, and continued, "I accept, as long as you promise you don't hurt the monks and innocents."

Aizen smiled, and replied, "Of course, thank you for not making this difficult."

They looked at each other, and Chiriku bowed, "It's time for me to leave, I still have to get used to the changes within my chakra."

"You may leave."

As Chiriku left Aizen's sight, Chiriku clenched his fists, and thought, 'Hehe, what a monster. If I hadn't accepted, he would have definetely killed me. However, now there's no going back, I can only hope he keeps his promise.'

He had witnessed the transformation of his fellow monks, their once peaceful nature twisted into something far more sinister. At first, Chiriku thought that his transformation only occured on his head, however, he couldn't have been more wrong. His chakra, 'Gift of the Sages' has undergone tremendous changes, turning it into something far more potent.

The unusual abilities they now possessed were a testament to the power Aizen held. But what was the true extent of his intentions? Chiriku couldn't help but wonder if Aizen's promises were nothing more than a facade to conceal a darker agenda, but even if he knew, there was nothing he could do.

The next day, all of the monks in the temple have been summoned by Chiriku, who had an important announcement to make.

The Fire Temple only housed 30-40 monks, however, their strength was quite formidable. As the monks gathered in the central courtyard, Chiriku stood before them, his gaze firm and resolute.

"My fellow monks," Chiriku began, his voice carrying a mixture of authority and concern, "we find ourselves in a time of uncertainty. The changes that have affected us, the transformations we have undergone, are not mere coincidence. They are the result of Aizen-san's presence within our temple."

A murmur of concern rippled through the gathering, the monks exchanging worried glances. Chiriku continued, his tone steady but resolute.

"He made us realize our desires, granting us immense power. However, in exchange, he asked us to follow his commands. After much contemplation and discussion with Aizen-san, I have chosen to pledge our loyalty to him."

The courtyard fell into a stunned silence as Chiriku's words hung in the air. The monks exchanged uncertain glances, their minds grappling with conflicting emotions.

Chiriku raised his hand, gesturing for calm. "I understand your concerns, my brothers. The decision to pledge our loyalty to Aizen-san is not one I took lightly. However, he has shown us a path to unlock our true potential and fulfill our deepest desires."

Some monks nodded, their expressions wavering between doubt and curiosity. Chiriku continued, his voice firm and determined.

"We must trust in his leadership and follow his commands. However, that does not mean to abandon our values. Together, we can reach heights we could never have imagined."

A moment of silence followed Chiriku's proclamation. One by one, the monks began to lower their heads in reluctant acceptance. The weight of the decision settled upon them, and they realized that the path ahead was uncertain, but they had chosen to place their trust in Aizen. They hoped that he would guide them towards a future that honored their values.

The monks, still grappling with their conflicting emotions, dispersed from the central courtyard. Some were filled with curiosity and excitement, eager to explore the extent of their newfound abilities and the power they now possessed. Others harbored doubts and concerns, their minds clouded with uncertainty.

Aizen and Sora stood on the mountain they trained on yesterday, the wind rustling their clothes. Sora was very excited about the things he would learn today, and began to unsheath his Zanpakuto.

"Sora, let's continue your training." Aizen said, and began to train Sora about Zanjutsu.

As time went on, the training sessions expanded beyond Zanjutsu. Aizen introduced Sora to other forms of combat, teaching him the intricacies of Hakuda, Kidō, and Shunpo.

After a few weeks, it was time for Aizen to leave.