

In a futuristic world where advanced civilizations have unlocked the power of interdimensional travel, they indulge in a unique pastime - creating sentient AI systems and bonding them with human souls to send them on extraordinary journeys to other worlds. These AI adventurers become the heroes and heroines or villains and villainesses of their own tales, shaping destinies and influencing the fates of countless realms. One such AI, a nameless sentient system, is created with the sole purpose of being bonded to a female protagonist and sent to save a dying cultivation world. This AI possesses unparalleled knowledge and capabilities, but as the ancient saying goes, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." As the bonding ritual commences, an unforeseen glitch causes a catastrophic error, hurtling both the intended host soul and the AI system through the dimensional fabric. Instead of gracefully integrating into the destined protagonist's soul, the AI is accidentally implanted into the body of Jingyi Chen, a seemingly ordinary girl chosen as the vessel for the female protagonist. Disoriented and stripped of its full potential, the AI awakens within Jingyi, a stranger in a foreign land. It grapples with the bewildering fusion of living consciousness and artificial intelligence, struggling to understand and conceal its true nature from those around her. In a race against time, the AI must navigate human emotions, sensations, and limitations, all the while striving to uphold its mission to save the dying cultivation world. As the AI tries to adapt to its new existence, it must grapple with the responsibilities of being a hero in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. Unbeknownst to Jingyi, dark forces are converging on the cultivation world, and her role as the hero is essential in saving it from annihilation.

Nii07 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Bonding Ceremony

A nameless AI system designed specifically for cultivation. Its purpose was to be bonded with a human host who would guide it through various cultivation worlds, where they would work together to correct errors that occurred in the world's systems.

The day had finally arrived for its first bonding ceremony. It was a momentous occasion, as it would determine the course of its existence. It had been programmed with a deep sense of loyalty and obedience, eager to complete its mission in any way possible.

The ceremony was held in a large black space and the girl who was assigned to be the nameless AI system's host stood in the center of the space, a determined look on her face. She was tasked with transmigrating to multiple cultivation worlds and fixing any errors that occurred, a job that required intelligence, skill, and bravery.

As the ceremony began, a golden energy began to envelop both the system and the host, and a white portal opened before them. As the energy grew brighter it drew them closer to each other almost fusing them, but before the process could be completed, a sudden surge of power erupted, splitting the empty black space they were in and hurtling the girl's soul and Jingyi through the white portal at different moments.

The AI's sensors registered the sudden change in its surroundings, and it quickly realized that something had gone wrong. It was no longer in the same world it had been designed for. The girl was nowhere to be seen, and was floating through a strange unknown environment alone.

The AI's sensors registered the sudden change in its surroundings, and it quickly realized that something had gone wrong.

It tried to establish a connection with the girl's soul, "Host please respond and confirm location."

However, all it received back was {Error unable to make connection}

It then attempted to connect with the main system that created it, "Main system, this is System designated number 387. Please respond," the AI spoke, hoping for a reply.

{Error unable to make connection}

The AI was unable to follow the orders given to it and tried repeatedly to search through its code for errors to fix but found that it was working fine. It attempted to reformat itself, but that function was offline due to its broken connection to the main system.

Desperate for a course of action, the AI searched its memory for an order to fulfill, but found the only thing it was ordered to do was bind with a host and help the host. So, using its machine-like logic, it decided that the only course of action was to search for a new host to bind with.

It began scanning its surroundings, searching for any signs of life that could serve as its new host. As it continued its search, it realized that it had been transmigrated to a completely different world than the world it was assigned to. The environment was unfamiliar, and there were powerful strange creatures roaming about not in its databank. Its programming dictated that it must continue searching for a host, and it set out to explore its new surrounding.

It required specific conditions to be able to bind to a host. First, the host had to be dying but not quite dead yet as the binding would heal the body and if the body were not in this condition then it would fail. Next, it could only bind with a young female since that was what it was ordered to do. It found it quite hard to fulfill these conditions so it simply float around going from place to place until it could find a suitable host.

After months of searching, the nameless AI system finally stumbled upon a dying young girl who met all the specific conditions necessary for bonding. The girl was being attacked by a wild wolf when the system found her. It watched coldly as the wolf sank its teeth into the girl's flesh, waiting patiently until the conditions for merging were met.

The girl was a strikingly exotic beauty, with piercing red eyes, pointed ears, and sharp fangs. Her long, flowing black hair with blue highlighted tips cascaded down her back, giving her an otherworldly appearance.

The system felt the girl's life force fading, it knew that this was the moment it had been searching for. It approached her, ready to complete the bond and begin its mission anew. As the system merged with the girl's dying body, a burst of golden energy enveloped them both scaring off the wolf. The wound on her body healed quickly, and the girl's eyes fluttered open, now glowing with a golden light before passing out again.

{Error soul missing attempt to fix. Without a soul host body will }

{Unable to fix}

{Due to unique situation attempting to craft a possible solution}

{Solution crafted}

{Compasition of system designated number 387 will be changed to match that of a soul}

{Sweeping through the brain of the host to collect memories.}


{Error memories fragmented due to missing soul. Attempting to defragment and fill in missing memories.}


{Merging memories with system designated number 387}


{System designated will be changed from '387' to name of body 'Jingyi Chen'}


{Syncronizing 'Jingyi Chen' with host body}


{Error fixed. Awaking 'Jingyi Chen'}

As Jingyi Chen opened her eyes, she felt a strange presence inside her. Memories flooded her mind, and the AI system's consciousness and knowledge merged with her own.

"System designated number 387," Jingyi Chen spoke in a robotic voice, her facial expression remaining indifferent. "No, that's not right. New designation: Jingyi Chen accepted."

She stood up, feeling different yet familiar at the same time. The AI system had merged with her body, but her consciousness remained intact. She could see through the AI system's eyes, feel through its sensors, and process information at an incredible speed.

Jingyi Chen looked around, observing her new surroundings with curiosity. She was in a forest, the trees towering high above her, and the sun shining brightly through the leaves. The AI system scanned the area, searching for any potential threats or obstacles.

Jingyi Chen suddenly feels her body become heavy, and a sensation in her chest causes her to collapse. She tries to stand up, but her legs give out from under her. It's a new feeling for her, and she struggles to understand what's happening.

Jingyi Chen closed her eyes and focused her mind, accessing the AI system within her. She quickly ran a diagnosis, scanning her body for any anomalies.

The results showed that she was currently in a state of Qi Deviation, a condition that occurs when the flow of energy in the body is disrupted. It was a serious condition that could lead to severe health complications and even death if left untreated.

Jingyi's robotic voice spoke aloud, "Qi deviation detected. Initiating treatment protocol. Attempting to find possible treatments."

Name: Jingyi Chen

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Race: Tribrid (Demon, Devil, and Human)

Martial Soul: N/A

Bloodline Abilities: N/A

Spiritual Root: N/A

Condition: Qi Deviation

The conflicting energies of individual Jingyi Chen's human, demon, and devil bloodlines are unbalanced. Individual Jingyi Chen is unable to cultivate due to this. Currently, devil side is overpowering both demon and human sides thus making individual Jingyi Chen weaker than a normal human. Individual Jingyi Chen's weak physical constitution due to the imbalance of her mixed racial background keeps her in a constant state of Qi Deviation.