
The trade

Life is never fair, just ask Melody. She was on her way to becoming one of the top in her class at med. school when her boyfriend goes into the wrong club. Now she has to decide her dreams or his life and after will she be able to forgive him?

angelic_archer · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

"I can't believe you even suggest this Skylar! I mean I know the girl is a world class.." Zachary was ranting as Melody left. If there was anything he did not like it was having his life decided for him. Their father one of these days was going to have to lock him up in some dungeon just to break him if he wanted him to do whatever he wanted him to. Not that he hasn't already done it once before. He signed she wasn't bad looking, at least, in fact until she opened her mouth, he had been quite entranced with her. Then she had to go and have an attitude. Maybe his dream girl is just that-a dream, one that would never come true, but still she was pretty. He still had dreams about her, a girl with dark hair. But that is just one of many dreams that would never come true.

If this girl had any sense she would learn to stay quiet, but she just ran in like she owned the place and demanded that we let her boyfriend go. Zachary threw his glass, he hated that little human whatever his name was for doing such a stupid thing. Though even more he hated her for coming to save him when clearly he didn't deserve it. That man should have been left to rot not be saved from his stupidity. He would have killed to have someone, anyone, do what she did this night and it made his blood boil.

"Zach, you okay," Skylar asked, holding out a new glass. He watched the whole thing and it was not like him to waste good alcohol. "I mean I know I made the choice for you two and it may have been a bit hasty, but I didn't think you two would leave this room, nicely. So I just did what had to be done. You know our Father, and he is really out for blood this time. your right the girl he picked..should be in one of your lockups not in your bed, "Skylar looked down at the floor. Zachary knew that his brother was only thinking about his well-being. Their father was not going to leave him alone and it didn't matter who the person was or if they liked each other. They just had to be together in some fashion, that would make anything father tried pointless. "Just get through this I mean, come on, it's never more than a month or two so relax."

"You know I never like it when dad does this kind of thing to us. Not only that, now I have to come to his court for something," Zachary said sounding annoyed. He liked his lands, he was proud of them and took very good care of them, but he hated it when his father summoned him like a dog for something or other. It was usually because he needed a new guard or some other kind of warriors, or even worse, someone that he didn't like need to visit his dungeons. Like his father didn't have his own he needed him to care of his trash. He was tired and he wanted to go home, but he knew that his brother would ask questions if he didn't drink enough. So he kept downing the drinks one after another, and after his fifth or six or who knows drink Skylar saw his brother's drunken state called the guards to take Zachary home.

Zachary had done this too many times, he thought as the guard just took him through and left him in the middle of his courtyard. Oh well, it worked and he shouldn't mess with what works. He tried not to think too much about it as he stumbled around the garden they left him at this time. After one or two turns he fell on his face and decided to just stay there. Someone one he didn't know who but someone would come for him until then he could just lay there and think about how miserable his life had become. Why did they have to get a girl from the university? Most of the ones he had met hated the fae and only really wanted the one-night stand thing. Something he had never indulged in, but many of the court had no problem. He could problely deal with this if his stupid brother didn't think she was such a beauty. 

He ran his hand along the grass, feeling the water that had gathered there from the rain that had fallen that afternoon. If only it would rain now, he thought. Maybe even with some lighting then there could be the chance that I be hit and end this whole thing. I wouldn't have to worry about the stupid human girl. Just then, just as Zachary was trying to figure out ways for his demise, some of the servants came. While he was grateful to be found, he knew what was to come next, depending on how nice they felt would be his treatment for being found drunk. He would either get dunked in cold water, or they would summon the healer and tonight he didn't want either of those. Not tonight anyway, tonight he just wanted to feel sorry for himself and his miserable life. Thankfully, one of the servants recognized what was going on with this and didn't do either one. Instead, took him to the stables to sleep it off skipping the water and the healer altogether, something that confused him greatly. But he wasn't about to complain. Thankful for the quiet and the cool air Zachary laid down and went into a sleep that only a drunk could attain. But the morning came too quickly for him as suddenly he felt instead of cool air, cold water.

"Your majesty? It is morning and I understand your condition, but you have a guest in your house something that you need to get up and take care of it," someone holding a bucket said. "Up you go and if you need to come down here because you are trying to escape something well...we won't stop you, but understand this will be the wake up every time and no question will be asked about you being here," Zachary just nodded as he finished shaking the water out of his hair. This was much better than anything the others could have come up with. He took his jacket off now soaking wet and covered with hay and quietly walked to the castle and up to his room. He never would have thought to go to the stables when he was drunk, he would tell his manservant about it so it could be arranged in the future. The future. What kind did he have now?

He knew every servant had been staring at him as he walked in from the stables, but the fact that he stopped and told one of them that he was to meet with his advisers later like nothing was wrong made some of the girls giggle a bit. He didn't care it was mostly the younger ones and they were harmless with their thoughts. Just then he heard someone yelling in the hall.

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