
033 I Can Fix That (1)

"Don't worry about it, is that your car?" She asked, pointing to the car left on the steps. The boy spun around, quickly grabbing the toy and cradling it to his chest. He nodded.

Now she had a chance to look at him, she surmised he couldn't be older than twelve years old. He had healthy brown skin and his hair was cut close to his scalp, almost clean shaven. He had the thickest eyebrows Eden had ever seen but were neatly kept despite their impressive size.

"How did it break?" Eden asked moving her gaze from his face to the car. The sight of it made her instantly forget her hunger. The car was old, antique, and carved out of wood in the shape of a race car. It wasn't terribly damaged, with only two wooden tires missing.

"It fell off the stairs actually, I had a friend that used to live in your apartment, we would play all the time," The boy said with a laugh, then he ducked his head sadly.

Eden smiled at him and squatted to his level, holding out her hand for the toy to examine it further. If she could get a closer look she might be able to see if she had the necessary tools to repair it.

The boy handed his toy car to her she turned it around in her hands, taking note of the type of paint as well as the wear and tear on the small object. It was from a company long out of business. She turned it upside down, reading the faded cursive.


Her stomach grumbled loudly, shocking both her and the boy. They glanced at each other before the young boy broke into a smile.

He laughed.

"Sounds like you're really hungry," He said, giggling. Eden blushed, refraining from scolding the boy for the laughter.

"Yeah I just moved in and I forgot to buy any food, can you believe that?" Eden said laughing nervously.

"Don't worry we all make mistakes,"

"I think I'll be able to fix your car," She said after further inspecting the toy. "What's your name kiddo?" Eden asked.

The boy stopped laughing abruptly, gasping loudly at her words. His mouth hung open and he stood with his knees bent in anticipation.

"Really? It's really old though, the thing's practically falling apart!"

"I'm a toy maker," Eden said proudly, she lifted herself so she stood at her full height now. "I'll just need some supplies and some pain and I'll make you some new tires and sand down the scratches, it'll be like brand new!"

"A toy maker," the boy whispered. "I'm Timothy, Tim for short,"

"I'm Eden," The girl said, she couldn't help but notice that Timothy looked familiar but she couldn't place him in her memories, she was pretty sure she didn't know any children.

"If you're a toy maker, where's your toy shop?"

"Right now I run it out of my apartment, I don't have a lot of supplies yet but I'm going to get started with yours and hopefully start making a name for myself," Eden said. The two of them began walking down the steps talking.

"Wow, I wish I could be a toy maker, my mom said the only way to be successful is to run your own business,"

"Your mom is kind of right, but would you also be happy?" Eden asked. "If you ask me, doing what makes you happy is the best way to be successful,"

"Is that why you became a toy maker?"

Eden nodded.

"I've always loved making toys," She said. "Even though my father hated all my toys,"

"What about your mom?" Tim asked.

"Well, I...I never knew her," Eden replied, unsure of why she was telling a young boy something so personal. She looked at his inquisitive face that held no malice for her and instead awe. She couldn't remember anyone ever looking at her in such a way.

"That's sad, I didn't know my dad either. It's always been mom and me," Tim said with a big smile.

"She must be a strong woman," Eden said.

The two of them found themselves in the lobby once more, just as Eden was about to say more a voice called out to them.

"Timothy Adam Winslow! Where have you been?" A woman said storming towards them in stylish heels.

"Oh," Eden said, her lips formed an 'o' of realization. The reason she recognized the boy was because he bore such a strong resemblance to his mother.

Mrs. Winslow grabbed her son by the arm, not hard but just enough to see how serious she was. She set her lips in a thin line, tempting her son to try her or give her attitude in anyway.

"Mom I wasn't getting in trouble I swear!" Tim said trying to shift his mother's ire away from himself. Eden jumped in to defend him.

"It's true ma'am I was just offering to fix his antique car, I'm a toy maker you see," Eden said albeit unconfidently.

The woman slowly turned her head slowly, with only the fury a mother could possess.

"Ah, it's you again," she said, unimpressed.

Eden gulped, she nodded shakily, steeling her resolve to speak to the elegant woman.

"So you can fix that old antique, they don't make those anymore." Mrs. Winslow said resting her hand on her waist. "If you really can, I'll cover the costs,"

Eden's stomach grumbled again, loudly enough for the woman and her son to give her surprised expressions.

"Good heavens girl, when was the last time you ate something?!" Mrs. Winslow asked.

"It's been since yesterday, I just moved in and forgot to stock my kitchen with just about anything," Eden explained rubbing her stomach sheepishly.

Mrs. Winslow sighed, taking a 100 KRV bill out of her designer purse and handing it to Eden.

"Get something to Eat, consider it an advance. I hope I'm not making a mistake trusting you," She said.

"N-No Ma'am! You can count on me," Eden said.

Margaret Winslow looked Eden up and down through her glasses and hmm'ed.

"Well you certainly look better today, that shoddy thing you wore yesterday did nothing for your curves," She said.

"Oh do you have any style tips, I'm trying to change up my look," Eden blurted out. Her stomach grumbled again, derailing the conversation.

Margaret rolled her eyes and tugged her son along.

"Get something to eat,"

I had to take a small break because of my health, but I'm back now ^^

Sunghostcreators' thoughts