
008 Condolences

"Oh my dear, I am so sorry," Gertrude said the moment Eden stepped out of the hall, the kindly older woman embraced her the moment she saw her leave the hall. The other maids frowned or whispered among each other about what was to be done.

"I knew your father was a crotchety old man but I never knew he would do something like this," Gertrude said.

Eden looked into the woman's eyes and sighed. For as long as she could remember, Gertrude had been there for her, the old woman was like a mother to her in every sense of the word. Always giving her advice and teaching her the ways of the world.

The halls of the Marshall Estate would have been the loneliest if it wasn't for Gertrude, and for that Eden would always be thankful.

"What's done is done," Eden said with a hardness to her voice. "I know what I need to do,"

As if sensing Eden's intentions, Gertrude nodded.

"I know, my dear. You've outgrown this place and if you keep staying they'll clip your wings," Gertrude touched Eden's cheek gently and smiled in encouragement.

"Damn right,"

The sound of arguing caught Eden's attention, she lifted the hem of her dress and walked towards a secluded corner to find Daniel and his mother arguing in whispers. She approaches them, a feeling of dread growing within the pit of her stomach.

"Mrs. Abbott, Daniel? Are you two alright,"

Daphne Abbott took one look at Eden and scoffed, storming off and leaving the building.

"Okay...what was that about?" she asked her fiancee, her tone was light and cheery trying not to take the disappointment of her night out on her fiancee.

"Oh, Eden...Look, Mom and I have some things to hash out. I'll call you later okay?"

Eden replied with a shaky nod, confused about why they were so upset about something that happened to her. Sure it would ruffle Daniel's future a bit not really.

"Of course, and hey, there's something I need to talk to you about as well," Eden said.

Daniel gave her a peck on her head and followed the path his mother took out of the house.


"Eden I'm so sorry," Rose said to the young girl. The two of them sat outside on a stone bench in the Marshall Estate's garden.

The best flowers money could buy surrounded them. Blooms and stems all meticulously cut and trimmed to perfection. Eden plucked a carnation from beside her, bringing it up to her nose to sniff its sweet scent.

"Fredrick was always a piece of work, that's why I was so hesitant to join his board of directors, you know I only agreed to stay on because I thought you would be taking over from him!"

"Don't worry about it Rose, we knew it would come to this. She's always been his favorite and I've always meant less than a bottle of cheap whiskey," Eden said.

"Hey now, never say that about yourself. Other people may not see your value but always make sure you do," Rose said. The glamorous older woman had a stern expression as she gave those words of advice to Eden who nodded meekly.

"What's the worst that could happen if Lily takes over?"

Rose snorted, raising her glass of wine to her lips and downing the glass with alarming speed. It was lucky she had a chauffeur else Eden wouldn't have been comfortable allowing her to drive.

"Don't be coy Eden, we both know she doesn't have the wit. That girl couldn't run a lemonade stand much less a company on the brink of collapsing, you were the one with the ideas, the plans, and the work experience,"

"How did you know I-"

"Please Eden, you couldn't hide it. Your eagerness to work, I spotted you the moment you stepped through the back gate inquiring about the quality of stuffing,"

"I had to learn from the best if I want to make the best toys Rose," Eden laughed.

"And look at you, poised to have it all, if only you didn't have an idiot for a father," Rose spat. The woman ran a hand through her hair, sighing.

Eden's eyes softened, it was so nice to have someone in her corner. For the longest time, she didn't think she had any supporters when she first heard she would be taking over Marshall Toys. But Rose had clapped so loudly it almost shook the board room.

"Brilliant!" Rose had said that day and Eden never forgot.

Maybe that was why her father didn't like her.

"How is the company doing, Rose?" Eden asked gently.

"Not good, we've lost a huge chunk of our market share to toys that are badly made but more affordable. Marshall Toys was supposed to be the bridge between craftsmanship and affordability but instead, it's just become expensive trash with Frederick at the helm and Lily?" Rose gave a harsh laugh,

"Nothing against your sister but Eden, God I wish it was you,"

"Thank you, Rose, I mean it from the bottom of my heart," Eden said resting her hand on the woman's back.

Rose put her arm around Eden, pulling her into a gentle and loving hug.

"I never had any kids of my own but Eden, in another life I'd want it to be you," She said.

Eden felt tears prickling in her eyes from the woman's kind words. She didn't get to spend much time with her mother, a short time after Lily's birth the woman had passed away from heart complications. Both Eden and Lily were babies when it happened, it was only the fault of the cruel fates.

Fredrick was too busy picking favorites in his daughter to mourn, and why not when Lily looked so much like the woman he held dear?

In Lily, he saw his chance to remedy being an absent husband by being exceptionally present for her.

"I like that you're not crying that's a good sign," Rose said to Eden. "So now what are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to start my own toy company,"

I've received so many nice reviews lately, I'm glad you're all enjoying the story

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